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12-11-2007, 09:47 PM
Hello, it's been awile since my last post. I'm looking for a new preamp & Amp for my paradigm studio 20's. I love all kinds of music! Also watch alot of movies. Right now i have a Yamaha RX-V2400 receiver, but now its time for more power! Someday ill be getting bigger fronts--Paradigm 60's. Looking to spend around $1500 to $2000.00

thanks guys for your input

12-11-2007, 09:52 PM
Are you looking for a stereo amp and pre-amp combo or something that is for 5.1?

12-11-2007, 10:14 PM
combo for 5.1

12-12-2007, 12:20 AM
combo for 5.1

Well, unless you are going used you will probably want to look at something like Outlaw Audio because they are big bank for the buck.

12-12-2007, 03:48 PM
Which outlaw models do you recommend?

12-12-2007, 03:58 PM
I saw Rotel, Anthem at my local dealer what do you guys think about those pre/amps??

Mr Peabody
12-12-2007, 07:15 PM
Anthem I like quite a bit for performance. I was a bit put off by their message on the front page of their website about warranty issues. Rotel in my opinion is a step down from Anthem but both are out of your price unless you meant $2k per piece. If that's the case you should check out the NAD T175, only $2k and looked to be fully up to date on technology although from things I've read I'm not sure how far it goes with audio via HDMI. I know it passes digital audio, I just don't know if it will do the new HD disc audio. Nevertheless, it does have 7.1 analog in and 2 sub outs. If the performance is decent at all this will be a killer piece for NAD.

If you meant $2k for everything take a look at the Rotel receivers. They will give you better performance than mass-merchant offerings and a noticeable improvement over Yamaha. I wish I could remember the model numbers of the Outlaw separates but they did get some good reviews. You could get the Outlaw preamp and power for under $2k. I don't think they have that many preamp processors check out the website.

12-15-2007, 04:56 AM
I went to my local dealer and listened to the anthem A-5 amp NICE! Think im donna get that and just run that threw my yamaha for awile? What do you guys think? Should i even go look at the Rotel Amps?? to compare??

Mr Peabody
12-15-2007, 06:09 AM
If Rotel is at another store it won't be an A/B comparison because of different equipment and room but it is always good to compare best you can if nothing else for your own peace of mind that you made the best decision for yourself.

Also, if you can't afford to upgrade all at once getting the power amp first and maybe upgrading preamp down the road is a good idea. I fully believe it is worth getting a dedicated preamp at some point but using a power amp with receiver is a popular configuration.

12-15-2007, 07:08 AM
The anthem is about $2400 is that good price? Is there a better amp for the money? I would like tostay around $2500 for a amp, Anthem and rotel are the only ones ive found around my area.

Mr Peabody
12-15-2007, 06:47 PM
I've heard the Rotel digital multichannel amp was pretty good but I haven't listened to one. Anthem is definitely a decent amp. I think the NAD Master series 7 channel is closer to $3k but find the right dealer and I bet it could be had for your budget or close to it. The NAD MS is 160x7 and is said to be a beast. I think it weighs in at 98 lbs. I read a good review on this amp used with the matching processor.

Do you want 5 or 7 channels? There are some good deals to be found on used 5 channel, you could probably even find a Krell.

12-16-2007, 08:24 AM
5.1 for now then 7.1 later, Where is a good place to find used amps?

Mr Peabody
12-16-2007, 11:18 AM is probably the most well known.

I also like to check under the "used & demos" link, they sometimes have pretty good deals and they are good guys to deal with. I saw a Proceed AMP-5 for $1,999.00 used were retail was $4,999.00. Proceed is what Levinson built for awhile after he sold his name to Harmon,

01-04-2008, 12:44 PM
Hi MadMax,

2. The first option, if you've got the bread, is to look at the Marsh 2000 (come in tubed or solid state, or balanced version) preamp and Marsh poweramp (don;t know the model number). You could buy both the pre and amp second-hand for about 1,600 or 1,700. For the price, it seems valid to assume these are truly excellent performers given the accolades from reviewers. I know that Richard Marsh is highly regarded both in the consumer and professional audio circles. He supplies high-end capacitors, resistors etc to many of the other manufacturers such as Pass Labs, and he uses the very best he has in his components. The big selling point is their tremendous value, because he sells these direct he cuts cost to the end-user. Robert Greene of the Absolute sound believes the amps are pretty much as good as it gets at any price. Definitely should be a top consideration on the used market for the budget concious (such as me).

2. If you want to pursue a less expensive solution then keep your receiver (if it has pre or amp /out/in). Pick up a two channel preamp such as the Carver C4000t (about $250-$350 on ebay but make sure its a nice example). Pick up a two channel amp such as the Carver TFM25 or TFM45 ($350-$450 on ebay also make sure its in very good condition). Run the C4000t through the pre out/in loop i.e. connect the CD input of the C4000T to the pre out on the receiver, and one of the 'Main' outputs of the Carver to the pre in. Then connect the TFM25 or 45 to the second 'Main' output. In this case the preamp section of your receiver is essentially bypassed and driven instead by the C4000T preamplifier. This means the Carvers will be driving the front channels. Gain / Volume knob on the C4000t should be set at about the 12 o'clock position i.e. the marker on the knob vertically aligned center top, which would be fairly close to unity gain. If you turn the knob much further there might be too much gain which will manifest as noise or hiss from the front speakers, which you want with no hiss if possible. You will have to calibrate equalization the center and surround channels to match the output characteristics (loudness, tonal balance) of the newly configured front channels, and if your receiver doesn't have automatic equalization, this will require an SPL meter and quite a bit of listening to get the balance right. The end results are worth. Your receiver will now sound a heck of a lot better. Plus you will have option to feed your two-channel CD, tape or vinyl source directly to the C4000t via one of the other inputs e.g. video/aux or tuner, for a true direct two-channel system. In such case you will have to reduce the volume as the required gain will be a lot less with the source feeding the C4000t or whatever other preamp directly. All in all the cost would be about $900.00 including the two extra pairs of interconnects you'll need.

I think the extra $700-$900 for the Marsh solution is the way to go.

As always you should listen yourself befor going forward and spending money.

01-04-2008, 03:52 PM
I'd go with outlaw audio at that price range, You won't be sorry going with separate amp and preamp. They have the 990 preamp and 7125 amp combo for $1800.

If your wanting to go with a receiver, I have the Adcom GFR700 7.1 receiver. Only 5.1 channels are powered but it has preamps out to add 2 more channels. 145wpc at 8ohms and 260wpc 4ohms X5. Lists for about $2200, I bought mine as a B-stock from for $1300. They occasionally still get b stock in.

If your Yammy has preamp out then you could save money and just by a multi channel amp.