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12-09-2007, 09:10 PM
I recently purchased the Panasonic TH-50PZ750U Plasma TV.

I am extremely happy with it except for the user manual. It tells me how to accomplish certain tasks but there is little to no detail explaining what each setting is and what is idea.

Does anyone have any experience with this TV? Or in general where can I go to get good info on how to set the TV?

Also, do I have to manually go in and adjust the TV output (480, 1080, 1080p, etc) or does it automatically do so depending on what is being played? For example, I have a PS3. When I set the PS3 up it detected that the TV had the ability to display 1080p and asked if that is how I want the PS3 set. Do I have to then go in set the TV to 1080p as well or does it automatically do so?

Thank you in advance for any and all help.

12-10-2007, 03:27 PM
You should be able to get some help at:

12-10-2007, 04:32 PM
I recently purchased the Panasonic TH-50PZ750U Plasma TV.

I am extremely happy with it except for the user manual. It tells me how to accomplish certain tasks but there is little to no detail explaining what each setting is and what is idea.

Does anyone have any experience with this TV? Or in general where can I go to get good info on how to set the TV?

Also, do I have to manually go in and adjust the TV output (480, 1080, 1080p, etc) or does it automatically do so depending on what is being played? For example, I have a PS3. When I set the PS3 up it detected that the TV had the ability to display 1080p and asked if that is how I want the PS3 set. Do I have to then go in set the TV to 1080p as well or does it automatically do so?

Thank you in advance for any and all help.

I don't know about your tv specifically, but usually there is an option to set the Input to auto and then the tv will just adjust to whatever the input is. Also make sure you have the HDMI setting turned on if your tv has one.

There should also be a button on your remote, maybe the display button, that will show what signal is being displayed by the tv. so if you have a PS3 or Blu-ray outputting 1080P, then your tv should be showing "1080P" on the display when you push this button.

12-19-2007, 12:29 AM
Thank you for the help. Sorry for the delay in replying. I thought I set my account to receive e-mails when people replied but that didn't happen.