Blu Ray does not look acceptable! EDTYCT HELP! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums

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11-24-2007, 02:56 PM
I bought the Sony Blu Ray S300 and I am underwhelmed with the image. My TV is the LG62SX4D which is a DLP with 1080i resolution. I have HDTV through local cable so I know what it looks like (glorious). I spoke with SONY and they sent me the firmware upgrade DVD and I also swapped out the HDMI cable for a new one. Thinking that I just had a bad unit, I exchanged it for a new one - same issue. I don't get it. The manual for the LG says when using the HDMI connection you should set the source (Blu Ray) to output 720p, which I did, but, I still don't see the image as being any better than an excellent DVD image - not HD quality. I was thinking of connecting it via Component vice HDMI. Anyone care to comment? No, that is not what I meant, Please for the love of God will someone help me? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

11-24-2007, 04:07 PM
First of all, make sure you are using a BD (Blu-ray disc) movie with good PQ (picture quality). There are some bombs out there. I would recommend something like Spiderman 3, Casino Royale, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, House of 1,000 Corpses.

Then go from the BD player straight to the tv and not through a receiver for testing purposes.

Test out different settings. Go through your manuals and ALL the video options for both your tv and BD player. Try setting the output on either 1080i or 1080p for the BD player. try both. set your tv to "auto" for the external source or 1080i. Make sure the BD is not set for 24fps, make sure the HDMI funtion is enabled. stuff like that. just spend some time messing with the settings and make note of any difference.

You should be getting PQ at least as good as you do with your HD cable. I have to run out tonight, but let me know how you make out.

btw, what movies have you tried with it?

11-24-2007, 08:06 PM
Set your player output to match the tv, if the tv is set for 1080i, set the player for 1080i.Setting it higher or lower will cause an extra layer of processing which will affect the picture negativly.By all means try component, you may find a better picture on that input also i found that my HDMI input had to be set up far differently in terms of picture settings so this may be part of your issue.I have the same player and find the picture yo be very good.


11-24-2007, 08:35 PM
erm, well on that note the TV may accept 1080i but it's actually a 720p set, not 1080i. That just means it can accept a 1080i signal and then down-converts it to 720p. He's got no real reason then to set his Blu Ray player to 1080i.

What disc are you using? As mentioned there are some real crappy high def disks on the market.

11-25-2007, 01:20 AM
The OP does say 1080i resolution but thats why i said to match resolution and used 1080i as an example.Certainly i see the specs for the set and you are correct, 720p is where it should be set.

11-25-2007, 07:18 AM
I have viewed a slew of BluRay DVDs, Spidey III was included with the unit. Incidentally, I also purchased a Toshiba HD Player as well and that picture is phenomenal. If there is an option for setting the BluRay to 24fps I do not see it in the menu - oops - page 45 in the manual. I thought that only applied if the monitor was 1080P but I see it says "720p/24 HZ" or "1080P/24 HZ." Wow, I hope it is that simple but it never is, is it? I am going to try the component route later today. I sure wish EDTYCT would chime in here . . .

11-25-2007, 10:25 AM
EDTYCT has not posted in some time.One question are both players hooked directly to the tv or does one or both pass through a reciever?


11-25-2007, 10:38 AM
Directly to the monitor. I have the audio connected via optical to the processor.

11-25-2007, 11:27 AM
I have viewed a slew of BluRay DVDs, Spidey III was included with the unit. Incidentally, I also purchased a Toshiba HD Player as well and that picture is phenomenal. If there is an option for setting the BluRay to 24fps I do not see it in the menu - oops - page 45 in the manual. I thought that only applied if the monitor was 1080P but I see it says "720p/24 HZ" or "1080P/24 HZ." Wow, I hope it is that simple but it never is, is it? I am going to try the component route later today. I sure wish EDTYCT would chime in here . . .

I would think that if you try hooking up the BD player the same exact way as the HD-DVD player you would get similar results. I mean, they are both outputting HD signals. So with that in mind, I am thinking that your tv settings are set fine (because the HD-DVD works fine). I am assuming that you tried unhooking the HD DVD player and hooking up the BD player to the same connection.

So I am thinking there is some setting on the BD player that needs to be changed. Another possible (albeit remote) problem might be with the BD model itself. I have a friend who bought a Samsung and had problems and returned it for the same model and still had problems. Then he bought a Sony and it worked fine. Maybe the batch of Sony BD players were defective. A long shot, but I suppose possible.

11-25-2007, 04:16 PM
Maybe the batch of Sony BD players were defective. A long shot, but I suppose possible.

Yeah it's possible. I went through 3 Samsung DVD players that all had the same problem before I went with a 2910.

Hairsonfire, sorry to hear about your problems. I'm using a PS3 with no issues. Perhaps, using a different player all together is worth a try.

11-25-2007, 05:35 PM
Directly to the monitor. I have the audio connected via optical to the processor.

Did you try hooking it up by component?How is the HD-DVD hooked up? As a side note, hooking up by optical or coax will not allow you to experience the new audio formats.


11-26-2007, 04:45 AM
Yes, I realize that. However, my AV Processor (Acurus Act3) does not accept HDMI, only Coax or Optical - still sounds excellent though. I tried the Component Route. That Sony BD300 is quite tempermental - it locked up and I could not change the settings from HDMI to RGB and I had to reset it twice to the factory settings. I may try a different BluRay player soon. After watching the new Bruce Willis Die Hard last night I have come to the conclusion that I am getting an HD Picture but it is not up to my expectations. When you think about all of the different images that can all be classified as HD quality you are forced to admit that they are not all created equal - some are better than others. I thank everyone for their thoughtful replies.

11-26-2007, 07:53 AM
Ah, i see.No 5.1 analog inputs either i see, looks like a nice piece however.My processor, Anthem AVM-30, has 5.1 analog inputs so i am alright.I wonder if your s-300 is defective, mine works well and played the new Die Hard without issue.


11-26-2007, 08:13 AM
No, no issue. Just the Image Quality. You know how perfect HD can look - the color saturation and shadow detail. The image I am getting from the Sony Blu Ray is without question superior to standard definition DVD. It just isn't that flawless liquid picture that you see on live sports events. The depth is there, it just seems lacking somehow. As I said, my expectations may be too high.

11-26-2007, 09:11 AM
Have to tried any animation. Ratatouille is one of the best BR I have seen so far. It's like you can stick your hand in your TV and pick the little guy up. Cars is just as good.

Also Planet Earth. I was watching this a few days ago and was just amazed at how good the video looks.

11-26-2007, 10:34 AM
Have to tried any animation. Ratatouille is one of the best BR I have seen so far. It's like you can stick your hand in your TV and pick the little guy up. Cars is just as good.

Also Planet Earth. I was watching this a few days ago and was just amazed at how good the video looks.

I agree 100% here (Planet Earth and Ratatoulle in particular)...

There is something that must be wrong assuming you are playing good sources like those mentioned above. If HD DVD is looking great on the set, then BR should too. I have heard that the S300 is not the best BR player out there, but the differences between players should not be so large as to cause the issues you are having. I just don't know what the cause could be...?


11-26-2007, 03:57 PM
I agree 100% here (Planet Earth and Ratatoulle in particular)...

There is something that must be wrong assuming you are playing good sources like those mentioned above. If HD DVD is looking great on the set, then BR should too. I have heard that the S300 is not the best BR player out there, but the differences between players should not be so large as to cause the issues you are having. I just don't know what the cause could be...?


I agree. You should not be wowed by your HD-DVD player and underwhelmed by the BD player.

Return the player for a different model. I would possibly even recommend getting it from another store.

11-27-2007, 04:41 AM
I just may do that - at the very least, audition a different BluRay player. I have noticed that BluRay movies are usually at the 2:35 aspect ratio while HDDVD movies are usually in 1:85. Anyone else notice this?

11-27-2007, 05:04 AM
I just may do that - at the very least, audition a different BluRay player. I have noticed that BluRay movies are usually at the 2:35 aspect ratio while HDDVD movies are usually in 1:85. Anyone else notice this?

My guess is it is pure coincidence. Another possibility is HD DVD has a larger amount of library (catalog) titles available, and many of the older films were in the 1:85 vs. most of the newer releases are in 2:35.


11-27-2007, 11:34 AM
If you are still wanting to talk to Edyct, you'll need to send him an e-mail and he'll respond. Bring up his profile and you can get the addy there. He left the board a year ago tired of trying to convince omniscient morons who thought they knew better. The board is all the lesser for his absence.

I talked to Ed a few months ago, so he is alive, well, and as willing as always to share his considerable knowledge and experience.

Hope this helps.

11-27-2007, 03:55 PM
Have not seen Sir Terrence the Terrible either lately!

11-28-2007, 01:55 AM
Have not seen Sir Terrence the Terrible either lately!

Oh, Sir T is definitely active. Check out the Blu-ray/HD DVD related threads in the "News and Rumors" forum.
