thiel speakers for a small room? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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jonathan buckley
11-12-2007, 12:23 PM
I'm planning to buy a new system, and what I had in mind was an Ayre CX-7 CD player with Ayre V-5XE and K-5XE amp/pre-amp, and Thiel CS1.6 speakers. However, I've been advised that the Thiels - although they're a good match for the Ayres - need a lot more space around them than is available in my living room. The room is a little under 13 feet by 15 feet, and the only place that the speakers can go is by the windows, where the width of the space is just 9 feet - which means the speakers have to go close the side wall and the curtains. Anyone have any views on this? I should add that I listen entirely to classical music: mainly piano, plus some orchestral & vocal.

11-12-2007, 12:49 PM
When people talk about "space" for Thiel's, they are likely referring to listening distance as Thiel's first order crossovers need enough room to coalesce. The owner's guide usually states minimum recommended distance at 8' IIRC. You could probably check online or call the factory.

As far as putting them next to walls or curtains, shoot...welcome to the real world. Everyone has room barriers and other acoustic issues without a dedicated room. Think of it this way, the curtains will help absorb first order reflections so while it's not ideal for any speaker to be stuffed in a corner (except Snell's and AN's, which are designed for such), you should be able to make it work with some room treatments and adjustments to toe-in.

Should be a nice rig. Good luck and I hope this helps.

jonathan buckley
11-12-2007, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the feedback - very helpful advice. AN = Audio Note, is that right?

11-12-2007, 02:43 PM
Yep. AN=Audio Note

11-13-2007, 09:37 AM
I have a pair of CS2.3's in my bedroom, which is pretty small too... works perfect if you experiment with speaker placement.

Oh, and may I suggest a Mcintosh amp? I've got the thiels paired with my MA6400 integrated, and I (and the dealer, and everyone else who was there at the moment I auditioned them) were truly impressed. It's a wonderful match.

Keep them spinning,

jonathan buckley
11-13-2007, 10:03 AM
Hi Bert

That's good to know. I'll certainly chase up the Audio Note suggestion (they are based just 200 yards from where I live), but I'm really hoping that I can get the Thiels to work.

Thanks for the McIntosh tip. I listened to a McIntosh CD & amp combination a few weeks ago, and liked it a lot. Problem is, here in England it's almost impossible to find a dealer that can let you audition McIntosh + Thiel. There's only one dealer in my neck of the woods who offers Thiel, and he doesn't do McIntosh (but he does do Audio Note); whereas the guy who sells McIntosh doesn't do Thiel or Audio Note.

11-13-2007, 11:53 AM
Have you audition them, how do you like them?
Thiel is a good brand and my in-law has very old CS 2.x and CS3.x but I personally favor to Focal and Paradigm better mainly because they are easier to drive and set it up. Regardless, Thiel, Focal, B&W, or Paradigm they are 1 step higher than the Bose. Good luck and enjoy it.
How much for this CS1.6 pair?

jonathan buckley
11-13-2007, 12:32 PM
I'll be auditioning the Thiels at the end of this week - or as soon as the dealer can get the Ayre equipment from the distributor. The price will be around £1900.

11-24-2007, 01:03 PM
Wow, is now carring Thiel speakers.

11-25-2007, 04:22 AM
Have you audition them, how do you like them?
Thiel is a good brand and my in-law has very old CS 2.x and CS3.x but I personally favor to Focal and Paradigm better mainly because they are easier to drive and set it up. Regardless, Thiel, Focal, B&W, or Paradigm they are 1 step higher than the Bose. Good luck and enjoy it.
How much for this CS1.6 pair?

you couldn't compare a paradigm to a bose system, and neither can you compare a Thiel speaker to a paradigm.

Thiels are in a completely different league.

Thiel CS 1.6's come in at 3k a pair.

11-26-2007, 12:25 PM
you couldn't compare a paradigm to a bose system, and neither can you compare a Thiel speaker to a paradigm.

Thiels are in a completely different league.

Thiel CS 1.6's come in at 3k a pair.
Be careful...

Price has no correlation to performance. Ego, yes. Performance, no.

The great thing about audio is its very personal nature. We all hear differently and we all have different acoustic environments. What sounds as good as a Thiel (or Paradigm) to some, sounds like SounDesign to another. There is no right or wrong as there will never, ever be a mechanical transducer that can reproduce a live event perfectly. It's simply impossible.

audio amateur
11-26-2007, 03:42 PM
Price has no correlation to performance.

I do believe it does..

01-05-2008, 08:58 AM
I'll be auditioning the Thiels at the end of this week -....

So how does it go? do you have a follow up?