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Mr Peabody
11-03-2007, 10:29 AM
www.amusicdirect.com is carrying a line of newly manufactured tubes called EAT Cool. Strange name huh. They are supposed to be good for 10,000 hours and supposedly blow the dorrs off any NOS. But for the price of $225.00 each they had better. I remember seeing a replacement for the 12ax7 and 6dj8. They also have a Genalex KT-88, $105.00 a pair, that look to be newly manufactured.

11-03-2007, 12:14 PM
www.amusicdirect.com (http://www.amusicdirect.com) is carrying a line of newly manufactured tubes called EAT Cool. Strange name huh. They are supposed to be good for 10,000 hours and supposedly blow the dorrs off any NOS. But for the price of $225.00 each they had better. I remember seeing a replacement for the 12ax7 and 6dj8. They also have a Genalex KT-88, $105.00 a pair, that look to be newly manufactured.

Nice, and they come with stabilizer/coolers. The price is high but no more expensive than, say, Siemens CCa's like the "platinum" selectin from Upscale Audio ...

I won't be getting any unfortunately :( ... maybe Bernd.

11-04-2007, 01:31 AM
Nice, and they come with stabilizer/coolers. The price is high but no more expensive than, say, Siemens CCa's like the "platinum" selectin from Upscale Audio ...

I won't be getting any unfortunately :( ... maybe Bernd.

No not me.
EAT have been kicking around over here for a couple of years. They started with KT88s. A quad comes in a nice satin lined green wooden box. You pay through the nose for this and IMHO these are re badged Tesla's. I have no doubt that they are specially selected, from a production run, but I prefered my Svetlanas (C) Winged KT88s to the Eats.
EAT are a great example in marketing. At hifi shows they have a nice looking woman fronting the whole company. You should see it. Talk about flys around a honeypot.
I have no idea about their signal valves, but will be sticking to my NOS valves from the golden age of Tube production.



11-04-2007, 02:51 AM
... At hifi shows they have a nice looking woman fronting the whole company. You should see it. ...

I'd like to see it. :biggrin5:

I'll make do with my Amperex PQ which aren't even "n"os. My used whites are doing fine. I've tried some used oranges, but couple were excessively noisy so I'm still using Reflektors and Siemens. No Sovteks, though.:nonod:

Mr Peabody
11-04-2007, 07:14 AM
I still have to check to see what tubes were used in my preamp. I'm not sure how much CJ's preamp tubes are but I don't think near $225.00. On the other hand most tubes aren't rated at 10,000 hours are they? The only other one I'm aware of are the.... 6h30, I think that's the number, the tube BAT & ARC uses, labeled the "super tube".

11-04-2007, 08:05 AM
NOS Siemens, Telefunken, Tungsram signal tubes usually are quoted to last 10,000 hours. And the premium lines often exceed this. And if you look hard enough and luck is on your side you can still find these. It's just getting harder all the time. Lucky enough I have stock to see me out.:)
What signal tubes are in your CJ?



Mr Peabody
11-04-2007, 12:08 PM
Without digging my manual out the only thing I could find is it uses Mullards and it has a 6C4.

11-04-2007, 11:21 PM
And the tube madness rolls right along.
I'm gonna havta break out an old SET schematic and build a few amp/space heaters
in my basement, put some fancy trim on the case, don't have to be worried about performance , as a tube amp hasnt been built that can get distortion under the audible
And then, when everybodies bought an amp, I'll just tout the differences between tubes,
even tho there arent any I'm sure I can come up with something.
ONE thing for sure, I'll need a good marketing dept, maybe they'll put the "better" tubes in a fancy box or something.
Now all I need is an offshore bank acct....:1:

11-05-2007, 12:35 AM
And your point is............................???????????????????? ???