If my Father wasn't dead..... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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09-28-2007, 03:32 AM
This season would've killed him. My Dad (God rest his soul) lived to be 91 years old and died in 1993, the same year my son Ian was born. Like many of his generation he was a Brooklyn Dodger Fan. When they moved he mourned but never ever went across town to either the Giants nor (god strike me dumb) the Yankees. He suffered as did my whole neighborhood until the New York Metropolitans were born.

We went to games at the old Polo Grounds till they built Shea. I went there often with the Cub and Boy Scouts. We put Champagne in the fridge in 1969 and my father drank it for the first and only time that year as the Amazin' Met's won it all. We saw Willie Mays' last game in a Mets uniform and cried tears. We suffered in 1973 when the Amazin's lost to Reggie Jackson's Oakland A's only to endure a decade more of Mets' ineptitude while Steinbrenner's Yankee's ruled the roost.

In the early 1980's the worm turned and our hearts and fortunes rose on the arm of a young Dwight Gooden and the bat of slugger with the unlikely last name of Strawberry. As we battlled the Cardinals in 1985 we talked on the phone day and night and after 162 games. We managed, despite dad's advancing age and crippling Arthritis to see 6 games that year. Old and wrinkled as dirt, with no teeth and no cartilege left in either hip, we climbed those steps and rooted hard as we could only to come up short in the end but we'd never been closer or happier.

1986, the heavens parted and we won it all. Crushing the hopes of another hard luck team in the process. We only prayed that it coulda been the Yankees and not the Sox. After that glorious moment our teams fortunes and Dad's health steadily declined. We sucked again, as we always seemed to do. Luckily dad was gone in 2000 and didn't have to witness our beloved Mets get spanked by George's Yankees in the Series.

Last year was a blessing we were within one game of making the World Series I was sure that Pop's was looking down (or up) and smiling. We lived and died on every game and pitch as we grew old together him and I. This year's collapse by the Mets is historic, damaging and tragic. I pray that wherever the ole Crocodile is, he can turn the T. V. off and have a cold and drown his sorrows... cause I sure can't.

Da Worfster:19:

09-28-2007, 05:55 AM
This season would've killed him. My Dad (God rest his soul) lived to be 91 years old and died in 1993, the same year my son Ian was born. Like many of his generation he was a Brooklyn Dodger Fan. When they moved he mourned but never ever went across town to either the Giants nor (god strike me dumb) the Yankees. He suffered as did my whole neighborhood until the New York Metropolitans were born.

We went to games at the old Polo Grounds till they built Shea. I went there often with the Cub and Boy Scouts. We put Champagne in the fridge in 1969 and my father drank it for the first and only time that year as the Amazin' Met's won it all. We saw Willie Mays' last game in a Mets uniform and cried tears. We suffered in 1973 when the Amazin's lost to Reggie Jackson's Oakland A's only to endure a decade more of Mets' ineptitude while Steinbrenner's Yankee's ruled the roost.

In the early 1980's the worm turned and our hearts and fortunes rose on the arm of a young Dwight Gooden and the bat of slugger with the unlikely last name of Strawberry. As we battlled the Cardinals in 1985 we talked on the phone day and night and after 162 games. We managed, despite dad's advancing age and crippling Arthritis to see 6 games that year. Old and wrinkled as dirt, with no teeth and no cartilege left in either hip, we climbed those steps and rooted hard as we could only to come up short in the end but we'd never been closer or happier.

1986, the heavens parted and we won it all. Crushing the hopes of another hard luck team in the process. We only prayed that it coulda been the Yankees and not the Sox. After that glorious moment our teams fortunes and Dad's health steadily declined. We sucked again, as we always seemed to do. Luckily dad was gone in 2000 and didn't have to witness our beloved Mets get spanked by George's Yankees in the Series.

Last year was a blessing we were within one game of making the World Series I was sure that Pop's was looking down (or up) and smiling. We lived and died on every game and pitch as we grew old together him and I. This year's collapse by the Mets is historic, damaging and tragic. I pray that wherever the ole Crocodile is, he can turn the T. V. off and have a cold and drown his sorrows... cause I sure can't.

Da Worfster:19:

The season isn't over yet. You may still get to watch them in the post play. You got to believe.

I know that back in June, I still had hope. The Mets were on top of the world and my Yanks were all but counted out as dead. Things can turn back around in a few days/weeks time. Just keep the faith. I'll look forward to another subway series. You pull for the Mets, I'll pull for the Yanks, and we'll all have drinks no matter who wins.

09-28-2007, 09:03 AM
That was quite the tome, Wofster. Bravo!

Look, as tragic as the Mets collapse has been, they are still tied for first, which is a helluva lot more than I can say for my pathetic Dodgers. From first place pre-all star break to lost in the abyss with 2 months to go, this team has been the most inconsistent in all of baseball.

One week to go, there's still time to get hot.

09-28-2007, 09:15 AM
Could be worse guys...my team's in but they've got the worst name in pro-sports...pick a city already....:(

09-28-2007, 09:20 AM
Could be worse guys...my team's in but they've got the worst name in pro-sports...pick a city already....:(

You must not be talking about the Blue Jays. As far as I know, they are Toronto all the way. Tough little birds too. First they sweep the Bo-Socks to make us think we have a chance. Then they come to NY and kick our butts too. :mad2:

09-28-2007, 09:28 AM
You must not be talking about the Blue Jays. As far as I know, they are Toronto all the way. Tough little birds too. First they sweep the Bo-Socks to make us think we have a chance. Then they come to NY and kick our butts too. :mad2:
Blue Jays??? WTF? Where'd that come from?

You just lost serious points on my fav ar.com-er list...
I don't like any sports teams from Toronto! :prrr:

Wow..Blue Jays...wasn't expecting that. lol.
They are pesky, I'll give'em that.

No, GM, I'm an Angels fan. The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim California...Wooooo!

09-28-2007, 09:39 AM
Blue Jays??? WTF? Where'd that come from?

You just lost serious points on my fav ar.com-er list...
I don't like any sports teams from Toronto! :prrr:

Wow..Blue Jays...wasn't expecting that. lol.
They are pesky, I'll give'em that.

No, GM, I'm an Angels fan. The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim California...Wooooo!


09-28-2007, 09:41 AM
Why do people keep doing that? :confused:

09-28-2007, 09:46 AM
Why do people keep doing that? :confused:

There's a moose behind you.


09-28-2007, 09:47 AM

Lemme get this straight:

You live in Canada.

Your CFB team is the Sooners.

Your MLB team is the Angels.

Who's your NFL team? Seahawks?

Wait, wait...your NBA team has to be the Pacers or some other team in the midwest. That way, you'll be completely unbiased from a regional aspect!

09-28-2007, 10:21 AM
Now I'm confused... Still melancholy, but now I'm confused to boot.

Pssst... I think Kex is one vewy confused ex Soviet Mole....

Da "Thanks for the Love Y'all" Worfster

09-28-2007, 10:58 AM

Lemme get this straight:

You live in Canada.

Your CFB team is the Sooners.

Your MLB team is the Angels.

Who's your NFL team? Seahawks?

Wait, wait...your NBA team has to be the Pacers or some other team in the midwest. That way, you'll be completely unbiased from a regional aspect!

OK - I live in Atlantic Canada, I grew up in the US...mostly....and near as I can tell most people in Canada aren't Blue Jays fans anyway.
My dad was USAF, so we moved a lot when I was a kid. Hard to get a regional attachment. Unless Minot, ND starts landing some franchises real soon....

Sooners, I have an Uncle who is the only CFB fan in the family, he went to OU, so since i was a kid I've been cheering for the Sooners.

NFL? Ugh....I was a Falcons fan when I lived in Atlanta...the whole Vick thing has made it tough. Then I moved to Bangor, so that's Patriots country....guess I like the Pats, except when they play the Chargers, who I've been a fan of since I was 6 or so....
That's a lesson in patience, lemme tell ya. Since I live so close to NE it's hard not to warm up to them. Maybe I'm slowly converting from Chargers to Pats, but I'm not there yet.

NBA - Nuggets...but I've lost interest in the NBA, college ball is more fun to watch. I'm not a bandwagoner as you can tell.

NHL - Ottawa.

09-30-2007, 12:24 PM
....and near as I can tell most people in Canada aren't Blue Jays fans anyway.

Uh hem. You mean the team that has won 5 AL East Division titles, 2 AL Pennants, and back-to-back World Series Championships (and might have won a third if not for the 1994 strike)? :cornut:

Worf, I raise my glass to your Dad. Like you, I shared many a baseball game with my Dad who passed away in 1994 and didn't have to endure the baseball strike. Since his death, the game has never been the same for me. But I'm glad that I have the memories and that he passed on with his favourite team at the top of their game after winning two World Series'.

09-30-2007, 01:54 PM
Uh hem. You mean the team that has won 5 AL East Division titles, 2 AL Pennants, and back-to-back World Series Championships (and might have won a third if not for the 1994 strike)? :cornut:
Pfffft....everyone knows Montreal was well on their way to beating the Jays in the WS in '94.

Seriously though, the Red Sox, Yankees, and Tigers seem to be every bit as popular as the Jays. I would concede that they're probably #2 in a lot of hearts.

I like the Jays - mostly because I can watch 140+ games a year in Hi-Def. Geddy Lee never looked so happy :P

10-01-2007, 03:49 AM
Thanks for the love folks, guess it just wasn't meant to be. As the Ole Crocodile used to say...

"If it ain't for ya, it just ain't for ya."

Wait'll next year...

Da Worfster

10-01-2007, 06:22 AM
They played like their feet were stuck in the mud. Didn't they want to win?

10-01-2007, 10:59 AM
Man, that was beaten team. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Glavine's comments sounded like a man that had resigned himself to losing before he threw the first pitch. It was pathetic, especially coming from a potential Hall of Famer.

Sorry 'bout your season, Worf. That's sports for ya and in the end, it's still only a game.

10-01-2007, 12:46 PM
Most of my family and friends pull for the Braves. The Braves won their first game with the Phillies in their next-to-last series and had Smoltz and Hudson set for the next two. The Braves didn't help your Mets much. Not only did they lose both, they gave you Glavine who has a history of having trouble in the first.