i like Bose, don't shoot me ! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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09-03-2007, 12:13 PM
Hi, everyone, newbie here. Longtime lurker, first time poster. I haven't really wanted to post here because everyone seems to hate Bose, and I actually like them. Hopefully people won't bash me for having an opinion.

I'd like to share my experience, I just want to voice an opinion from the other side of the fence.

Let me give you some background, I am not an audiophile - i just love audio equipment and have used a wide variety of stuff over the years. Years ago (about 12 years or so) when I was a teenager I worked at Sears and I was first introduced to Bose speakers. We got a pair of AM-(I think 5s) in and we installed them in our display (we didn't have any kind of sound room or anything back then). I had no clue what Bose speakers were, we didn't have any reps from Bose talk to us, and no one forced us to do any kind of marketing. Over the following few weeks we played with these speakers quite a bit (it was a boring job, but we loved messing with the audio equipment). I really fell in love with the Bose 'sound', it was crisp, warm, natural to my ears. After work when Sears was closing we also liked to 'crank' stuff up to the max, sometimes even trying to blow stuff just messing around (stupid kids I suppose). I can tell you in all honesty that those little speakers could handle some amazing power without distorting - we used to push Sony and Pioneer recievers to the max on those things and they would play loud and clean. The sub was also quite remarkable to me, two 5 1/4 speakers could rattle the wall hard enough that people on the second floor of Sears right above would call down to complain. Now I couldn't afford Bose speakers back then on a Sears salary, going to school, and paying car insurance so I never did purchase them.

Fast forward to present. I am 30 years old now and make a good living. My wife and I just purchased our first home and I am in the process of setting up a home theatre. I spent the last few months researching audio equipment and listening to various systems at both chain stores and local retailors. Most of my friends have very nice, well regarded systems such as Axiom for example. All of them have told me to steer clear away from Bose and of course thousands of threads on the internet point to Bose as junk. I have always been pretty independent in my thought process and though I put alot of consideration into what I read, I also have to be happy with the bottom line myself. Keeping an open mind I listened to various systems - truth be told there is alot of good stuff out there and it's hard making a decision. I was pretty much set to turn away from Bose after so much negative commentary and to be honest I was almost a little embarrassed, afterall some of my co-workers actually laughed at me when I said I liked Bose thinking I was somehow making a joke. I am pretty analyitical being a software developer by trade and I tend to spend alot of time looking things over and over to make a good sound decision. When I listend to Bose speakers (AM series) at a few stores I was always impressed (and no the setups I choose were not ones setup by Bose reps) - these were acutally quite sloppy setups. The sound was always extra 'crisp' - i can't explain it i t just sounded 'rich'. I even brought my wife in and blind tested her by switching speakers and she always said the same thing, the Bose 'stood out'. The guy at the local audio store even told me that Bose speakers were no where near as good as even there cheapest speakers, yet I bought them anyways.

In my thought process I looked things over carefully before making the purchase. I read all the repeated claims and here is my opinion on them.

There are 'claims' that Bose uses fancy circuity to remove parts of the audio spectrum or uses some kind of delays to make the sound 'seem' better to the listener. So what is wrong with this I ask ? I don't honestly mind if the recording I just bought is missing a few licks here and there, I care that the sound is good to my ears. If Bose does a few tricks to make the sound 'seem' better, is that a bad thing ?

People often write on the web, No highs, no lows, must be Bose. Maybe the frequency response is not as good as other speakers, I honesty don't know, but regardless of the numbers these speakers still sound good and I can hear deep bass and I can hear crisp highs - is this 20hz to 20khz - I don't know - does it matter as long as the sound is great ?

Of course people rip Bose for paper cones and older technology, but does that matter ? Is the old saying 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it ' applicable here ? Most speakers manufacturers use modern materials like titanium, aluminum, etc -- these materials look better on display, look better on paper, yet I am not convinced that this makes a better sounding speaker...

Last, people accuse Bose of heavy marketing. Doesn't every company attempt to market their speakers ? What is wrong with a company tyring to push their product ? I have listened to Bose at several stores lately in each case the person working at the store has told me not to purchase Bose speakers and in each case has tried to sell me a brand with a fancier name, fancier looking drivers, and higher price tag.

Now would I purchase the lifestyle systems or their 2.1 system - no, i think these systems are overpriced, but let's be honest here everyone has jumped on this same bandwagon - sony is pushing overpriced 2.1 systems, as wells a KEF, Denon, etc. So Bose isn't alone in trying to make novelty products to meet the interests of the consumer market. As to whether they are overpriced, well I tend to think most if not all audio equipment is overpriced - do you really think any of these manufacturers are loosing money on you ?

So look bottom line I am not saying Bose is better than speaker A or B, because I can't honestly claim that. I am not an accoustical engineer nor I am a self-proclaimed audio-phile - I just like what sounds good to my ears, and I don't care what the name of the manufacturer is. I hope I am not misunderstood as a 'defender' of the Bose brand, just a differing opinion. It is all to easy to join the fray and bash something, but it is very, very difficult to be a different voice in in a crowd of like minds - i hope people don't mind my opinion and will welcome me here on this forum, i love to share my thoughts, opinions, and interests in audio as long as people don't try to tear me to pieces for being a lone wolf.

09-03-2007, 12:34 PM
Welcome to AR DR.

Unfortunately you will probably have to put some armor after choosing Bose as the subject for your first post. This site has its Bose detractors just like any of the other AV sites you have probably visited. I personally own an all Bose set-up and think it works fine for the room I have it set up in. Having said that I am not a fan of the Bose HTIB type set-ups and agree with other that they are overpriced relative to other combinations including Bose' own stand alone speakers. However if you like what you have it should not matter what other's think because it your ears that matter most.

I think you will find a lot of knowledge and insight on this forum from some pretty experienced A/V people. Keep an open mind and learn when you can and I think you will find the community here pretty friendly and receptive to any future question/posts that you might have.

Again- welcome to the forum!

09-03-2007, 02:19 PM
Welcome to AR. That was one heck of a long first post.

If you enjoy your Bose, then that's all that matters. The only one you need to make happy is you.

09-03-2007, 03:24 PM
Ditto to the warm welcome, and for voicing your opinion. As the others have said, your ears are the judge...if they're content with the Bose sound, then that's all that matters!

I've auditioned a few 901s, and 2 of my brothers have owned 301s and various series of 601s over the years, and quite frankly they sounded alright to me with their systems in their rooms. But I'm a horn fan myself (and that can have its own set of bashers as well sometimes), so the usual cones and domes don't always do it for me. Regardless, I don't feel one design is better than another, and there are both good and bad designs in each (cones and domes, horns, planars, and electrostats)...I don't describe to Bose bashing and I think it's ridiculous that others feel the need to just because they don't necessarily like Bose's business/design/marketing practices. If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em, and leave well enough alone, I always say.

I applaud you for standing up to what you believe in. Enjoy your Bose, and happy listening!

09-03-2007, 03:54 PM
for the kind replies, this forum seems civil to me. My preference towards Bose isn't a matter of Bose being better than brand x, I know there are many brands which are better, that being said I 'prefer' the way Bose speakers sound (at least certain models). As of now I have the AM-5s in front and I am working on speakers for center and rear, I am only planning on doing 5.1 or 6.1, but 7.1 is more than I need (though the reciever I pick up will support 7.1). I am currently looking at Yamaha, Harmon/Kardon, and Onkyo recievers - these three brands seems to have high marks. I have a 55 inch LCD rear HD Panasonic television and have an XBOX 360, PS2, Wii, HDTV cable box as my sources and I plan to add an HD-DVD driver for the XBOX later on. I also have an Epson Moviemate projector and we use that in the bedroom and sometimes the living room. I am working hard now on cable management, I am pretty anal and don't like wires showing so I am thinking of adding an audio cabinet in the corner to the left of the television - the tv stand for the tv is nice, but unfortunately those glass stands show everything and it is hard to hide wires and the like.

09-04-2007, 12:10 AM
Imagine when they finally hear a real audio system........."tears of joy run down the cheeks of full grown men as there children with mothers in tow & fear for there lives run as if to be killed like kittens by the estrange male cats in the barn yard".........until then there's Bose .......LOL

"Welcome to the room Sara"..........and buckle up, it's going to be a very bumpy ride.

Oh........ just to keep things honest, how much did Bose pay you to wright that very very very short and articulate dissertation and first time ever ever ever post of your audio nirvana ?:ciappa:

Great blow-um up the Sears way, story..................................


I actually had a pair of Bose 201's or 301's I can't remember now, not that it really matters........I have sonicly grown up since the age of 25.......thank god........LOL

09-04-2007, 06:31 AM
That's the first message I've seen from "drwatson" that didn't want to make me throw my computer monitor against the wall!

Certainly you're more than welcome to share your opinions, and if you dig through some of the Bose discussions you'll find a lot of entertaining banter. There are and were some really colorfull characters here.

09-04-2007, 06:39 AM
And the first shots have now been fired. Please stand back. This may get heated.

09-04-2007, 08:25 AM
And the first shots have now been fired. Please stand back. This may get heated.

My how everyone has mellowed.

09-04-2007, 09:24 AM
My how everyone has mellowed.

I think it's because he didn't start off with the usual, "Bose is the best" statement. As long as he knows they are not the best, but enjoys them, then why should anyone have a problem with that? But you know that some will. It's only a matter of time before the bashing begins.

09-04-2007, 09:58 AM
For me, growing up Bose WAS the fazzizle shizzle! A friends' dad had the 901s and a Marantz reciever and it rocked!

Later, i was a service rep at Circuit City and it was sometimes advantageous to the store to blow a speaker up and get full credit than try to get it repaired and sell as used... We could not ruin them! Indestructible! I swear - we plugged them into an 120VAC outlet. It just made this gawdawful hum at 60hz.

Then we got the 'mini' cubes in stock. They were neat. Totally different approach than Cerwin Vegas. I even convinced my sister to get them as i described how small and unobtrusive they were. Chicks dig 'em. I set them up for her. Maybe it is me - but i could not get any mid-bass out of them!

Very recently i had the Denon 5.1 surround (same idea - little cubes and a sub). Same problem. The speakers i have now have solved the mid-bass problem. Now i only use the sub for what it is intended for... My $.02 worth.

They sound good to YOU. You are the customer - it is only your opinion that matters, eh? Enjoy.

09-04-2007, 09:59 AM
I think it's because he didn't start off with the usual, "Bose is the best" statement. As long as he knows they are not the best, but enjoys them, then why should anyone have a problem with that? But you know that some will. It's only a matter of time before the bashing begins.

I don't believe in pushing one brand over another. I am not here to argue so people can fire as many shots as they like, I am just going to ignore them, I am bit older and more mature in this matter. Unfortunately, audio is a very subjective matter and what one person likes is not going to be the same as another. For instance some of my friends love Polks, while other friends swear Polk speakers can't produce good midrange - they all argue about this time and time again, some claim to hear highs from one brand while others can't hear them at all, so like eveything else in life things are subjective. So I like to keep an open mind and only hope to 1) be helpful here and 2) hopefully meet other people who share my interests.

I think the Bose consiparacy theories are a little strange and to me and are typical of internet forums where one good review get's thrown under the rug, while one negative statement echoes on forever. Case in point, years ago there was this huge complaint about the Canon Powershot G2 having focusing issues, hundreds of people voiced concern blaiming their lack of skill in understanding how to use the camera on one person's post that the camera was actually faulty. This one negative post was referenced time and time again for a year or two, if anyone stood up and told people that the problem was their misunderstanding of the camera itself, the thread would turn ugly with people would bash said person down. It's easier to blame the company, than to take responsibilty for one's actions nowadays. People hate Bose, but why ? What did Bose do to anyone ? People hate Microsoft, yet being an IT professional I have used Microsoft products for years without 'major' problems - sure there not perfect, but what is ? I don't stand by a brand, nor do a bash them either - i guess i am too old, too busy and just don't have the time to complain I'd just rather be postive, and enjoy life....


09-04-2007, 10:27 AM
I think that what typically happens here with Bose is that someone buys one of their Lifestyle systems. Their Salesperson told them that it was the best that money could buy. Then they come here claiming that we all wasted our money by buying huge speakers when we could have had better sound out of those little cubes. Then the sparks do fly.
After a while, the people here start to bash on anyone who talks about Bose (even when they are not those tini cubes).

09-04-2007, 10:51 AM
My how everyone has mellowed.
ResidentLoser isn't here...

09-04-2007, 10:53 AM
ResidentLoser isn't here...

RL likes Bose.

09-04-2007, 11:54 AM
That's correct. He always had a way of stirring up E-stat and others. Maybe he'll come back if he reads this! :thumbsup:

09-04-2007, 04:32 PM

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Flo hates B&W's. RGA hates planars. I'm not a fan of Dynaudio.

Meh, listen to what you like. It's your money.

09-04-2007, 05:38 PM
Okay, I'll play. Sure, Dr. Watson has hit the nail on the head: Bose sounds good. Well, that is kinda the point. They engineer to a pleasing sound, not an accurate or revealing sound. And yes I care if they intentionally alter the sound in a manner that the artist, producer, recording engineer and masterin engineer did not intend. I also don't like watching movies in Pan and Scan either. They have been intentionally altered during/for reproduction. I had a pair of the smallest, cheapest speakers they make: the 141. Sure they were small and cheap, but entire instruments disappear during reproduction. Boston, Infinity, Polk, and Paradigm all make similarly small cheap speakers that do not obliterate the instrumentation.

So Bose sounds good? That is fine. Big Macs and Boones Farm taste good too. But so do oysters and gin martinis. And I'll take oysters and gin martinis over burgers and boones farm.

Hopefully Watson is just looking to join the conversation and addressing the Bose issue out of the box without having to constantly defend his position. Alright, sounds good.

09-05-2007, 02:50 AM
i don't plan on my defending myself - besides I will just loose here anyways. People who feel the need to defend a certain brand or bash another, are just insecure - it's simple psychology 101....

"Sure they were small and cheap, but entire instruments disappear during reproduction. Boston, Infinity, Polk, and Paradigm all make similarly small cheap speakers that do not obliterate the instrumentation."

LOL, well if an entire instrument disappears (hopefully it won't be the drums this time! ), I promise I will be the first one to report it as I have no problems pointing out the cons of my speakers either...

"So Bose sounds good? That is fine. Big Macs and Boones Farm taste good too. But so do oysters and gin martinis. And I'll take oysters and gin martinis over burgers and boones farm."

I like Big Macs (not Boones Farm) and I like oysters and martinis - however liking a Martini over a Big Mac does not make you part of the upper class. My wife and I do very well for a living and I am not embarrased one bit to drive through a McDonalds window every once in a while and order a Big Mac (actually I prefer the double-quarter pounder myself)....:rolleyes:

Okay, I'll play. Sure, Dr. Watson has hit the nail on the head: Bose sounds good. Well, that is kinda the point. They engineer to a pleasing sound, not an accurate or revealing sound. And yes I care if they intentionally alter the sound in a manner that the artist, producer, recording engineer and masterin engineer did not intend. I also don't like watching movies in Pan and Scan either. They have been intentionally altered during/for reproduction. I had a pair of the smallest, cheapest speakers they make: the 141. Sure they were small and cheap, but entire instruments disappear during reproduction. Boston, Infinity, Polk, and Paradigm all make similarly small cheap speakers that do not obliterate the instrumentation.

So Bose sounds good? That is fine. Big Macs and Boones Farm taste good too. But so do oysters and gin martinis. And I'll take oysters and gin martinis over burgers and boones farm.

Hopefully Watson is just looking to join the conversation and addressing the Bose issue out of the box without having to constantly defend his position. Alright, sounds good.

09-05-2007, 05:19 AM
i don't plan on my defending myself - besides I will just loose here anyways. People who feel the need to defend a certain brand or bash another, are just insecure - it's simple psychology 101....

"Sure they were small and cheap, but entire instruments disappear during reproduction. Boston, Infinity, Polk, and Paradigm all make similarly small cheap speakers that do not obliterate the instrumentation."

LOL, well if an entire instrument disappears (hopefully it won't be the drums this time! ), I promise I will be the first one to report it as I have no problems pointing out the cons of my speakers either...

"So Bose sounds good? That is fine. Big Macs and Boones Farm taste good too. But so do oysters and gin martinis. And I'll take oysters and gin martinis over burgers and boones farm."

I like Big Macs (not Boones Farm) and I like oysters and martinis - however liking a Martini over a Big Mac does not make you part of the upper class. My wife and I do very well for a living and I am not embarrased one bit to drive through a McDonalds window every once in a while and order a Big Mac (actually I prefer the double-quarter pounder myself)....:rolleyes:

I like Burger King better.:thumbsup:

09-05-2007, 05:46 AM
I like Burger King better.:thumbsup:
You beat me to it. I'll take a double beef Whopper w/cheese no onions over a Big Mac any day! Egg McMuffin, steak-n-egg-n-cheese on a bagel, well that's a different story.

Okay, break's over, back to the battle line...

09-05-2007, 06:53 AM
Yeah, my analogy is confused. It is not a class or expense thing. One of my favorite speakers of all time retailed for only $250 per pair. And the Bose 301 is great IMO. Imagine for how many people that was their first pair of real speakers. I imagine thousands of people were hooked into hi-fi by Bose products.

My objection is refinement and accuracy. Dr. Watson actually poses a good question that is the foundation of a good debate that has been going on forever: Is it more important that a speaker sound good to you even if it changes or colors the sound; or is it more important that a speaker be accurate and transparent. Subjectivism vs. objectivism. I think my speakers are relatively transparent. Others here would disagree, i.e. one might claim that a Paradigm box colors sound in a way that a Maggie panel does not. All these things can and should be debated: box vs. panel, planar vs ribbon, two way vs. three way vs. single driver, vs. horn, vs. infinate baffle.

But what no one will claim (I think) is that Paradigm or Maggie or B&W or Dynaudio or Kef or PSB or Axiom or Rocket start out from a design premise of intentionally coloring the sound. Outside of things like the Polk and Yamaha Soundbars, Bose is the only stereo speaker maker that actually and proudly claims to color the sound as a stated design goal. To me, that means that Bose is the manufature that always has to have an asterisk next to its name when it comes to hi-fi. Can they make good high quality speakers? Sure. Can they make speakers that sound good? Sure. Do they make speakers that are "hi-fidelity"? No. Purposefully altering the sound is the antithesis of hi-fidelity.

My oyster and martini analogy was to illustrate simple vs complex. Pure vs. altered. Raw vs. processed.

09-05-2007, 07:14 AM
We were just funnin' with ya Slump.

Sure, I'd like to have an accurate (perfectly flat) response from my speakers. That will never happen. So, as close to that as I can afford would be best. Bose does kind of take the road of leaving out what they can't get right. But then you run into the, "they don't know what they're missing" thing. Bose has done their research. They know what the average Joe cares, and doesn't care about. As long as they are happy, then so be it.

09-05-2007, 07:56 AM
Bose has done their research. They know what the average Joe cares, and doesn't care about. As long as they are happy, then so be it.

yes, but does that justify them to ask $7k for a 'lifestyle system"? That only sounds "reasonable". I didn't think so...:nono:

09-05-2007, 08:37 AM
yes, but does that justify them to ask $7k for a 'lifestyle system"? That only sounds "reasonable". I didn't think so...:nono:

If people will pay it, then why not charge it? Some people have deep pockets.

Keep in mind, that most of these are going into expensive homes where the little Mrs will not allow large speakers to clutter up her home. And in these same cases, the men usually are not into hi end sound. They just want to be able to have better sound then what comes from their new 50" flat screen, and maybe have some bragging rights with their fellow golfers. Bose let's them have what they want. And they have the money to spare so what the heck.

On the other hand, if someone comes here looking for what to buy, then we assume that they do care about sound. So we will not recommend something that we know is not as good as most other products in the same price range.

OP, I'm talking about the little cubes here.

09-05-2007, 09:59 AM
If people will pay it, then why not charge it? Some people have deep pockets.

Keep in mind, that most of these are going into expensive homes where the little Mrs will not allow large speakers to clutter up her home. And in these same cases, the men usually are not into hi end sound. They just want to be able to have better sound then what comes from their new 50" flat screen, and maybe have some bragging rights with their fellow golfers. Bose let's them have what they want. And they have the money to spare so what the heck.

On the other hand, if someone comes here looking for what to buy, then we assume that they do care about sound. So we will not recommend something that we know is not as good as most other products in the same price range.

OP, I'm talking about the little cubes here.

Please note, I don't care for the lifestyle systems, i am not a fan of any 'bundled' systems like these - these are novelty products that every company it trying to sell these days - just look how expensive these 2.1 systems are from KEF, Denon, and Bose for example.

Yeah, my argument is not about accuracy, I will never claim Bose is more accurate than Brand X, i just like the sound. Case-n-point, I like Nikon SLRs cameras better than Canon - however purists will tell you Canon is better as the rendition is more 'natural' with cool color, softer detail, lower contrast - that being said I am not a purist and I want more 'punch' out of the box with richer /warmer color, and a sharper image. So if Bose 'shapes' the sound for a certain appeal, that is fine with me....

09-23-2007, 08:02 AM
If people will pay it, then why not charge it? Some people have deep pockets.

Keep in mind, that most of these are going into expensive homes where the little Mrs will not allow large speakers to clutter up her home. And in these same cases, the men usually are not into hi end sound. They just want to be able to have better sound then what comes from their new 50" flat screen, and maybe have some bragging rights with their fellow golfers. Bose let's them have what they want. And they have the money to spare so what the heck.

On the other hand, if someone comes here looking for what to buy, then we assume that they do care about sound. So we will not recommend something that we know is not as good as most other products in the same price range.

OP, I'm talking about the little cubes here.

The people you described up there are the ones that usually tork everyone off...Their Bose system is the "best", the low mileage Harley in the garage is the only "real" motorcycle, I paid "X" amount for my "insert: I'm compensating for something device here" etc etc etc.

OP: If you like em good for you. You auditioned a few pairs and bought what you and the wifey liked, can't rip on that, and gotta give props for even posting it here!

09-23-2007, 09:42 AM
...with a guy about Bose and I finally figured out the best way to explain it.

Basically Bose (I am referring to the Bose of today) offers what a large majority of the public want...great sound, very discrete, and affordable. Bose is able to offer to some degree the best of those 3 worlds that will at least satisfy most people. However, when you put dollar to dollar it's tough to find something close to Bose in the same price range that offers the same quality at the same size. Therefore, it's easy to say...."You could do a whole lot better than Bose", which is quite true, but can you do it for the same price, same size, and same quality? Well, then it gets a bit tricky, plus it's hard to match the all-in-one essence of Bose where it's easy to connect everything and straight out of the box there is little that needs to be done, it's a no-brainer system that fills the needs of the uninformed quite well. While the Bose speakers might be small and semi-discrete I find them just as annoying and don't really see them taking up that much more room than any other standard speakers on stands or floorstanders. You still need a space for the stand as well as clearing around the speaker, which is where I think people would be better off going with something that is more attractive and actually looks like it's made to do something rather than look like an oversized jewelry box sitting on a stand. So here's a good question.....

If it was somehow, somewhat possible to get top-of-the-line, reference quality, most accurate and engaging speakers to be the size of Bose speakers....would you buy them?

Mr Peabody
09-23-2007, 11:55 AM
I can't rip on anyone who likes what they like and it sounds like comparisons were made.

In my opinion Bose do not sound good and they are definitely NOT cheap. Alright, you can buy a pair for $150.00 but it's a freaking 3 1/2 cone in a plastic box, you call that value. I'd rather have an Athena 6 1/2 2-way for $150.00. I gave Bose a listen when I was putting a system together for my daughter, they sounded like they were under a rug and no detail in the bass response. This seemed to be the typical sound no matter which model I tried. Of course, there's no mid bass in their sub/sat systems, a 3 or 4" driver isn't physically capable of playing low enough to meet the subs cutoff frequency, it leaves a huge gap in frequency response. But to the untrained or misguided they may not pick up on this. This is why we try to steer people away from Bose and to at least listen to other options. After listening and still buying, it's on you.

Bose don't get respect because they are ALL gimmick and hype. The only speaker promoted by Paul Harvey and sold to little old ladies via infomercials. People buy them because they look different and will fit into small spaces. The 901's stormed the market back in the 70's when it was bigger is better, and here's the 901, something different. It didn't matter that it was nine 4" full range drivers that needed an EQ module to make it sound close to music.

Bose uses a lot of transmission line technology to get boom from a small driver. Their speakers are typically designed to give "room filling sound", which makes them extremely poor for real sound stage presentation and detail.

Now, to be fair, ironically, I went to a friends birthday party yesterday, in one room I heard some R&B music playing, it sounded like a receiver and speakers because the sound wasn't good but the bass was deep. When I walked in to discover it was a Bose Wave, I have to admit I was shocked. The overall tonal quality wasn't correct, I couldn't hear hardly any highs, but the sound did fill the room and I couldn't get over the quantity of bass coming out of that thing. I don't know how the tone controls were set, that could be why the overall sound wasn't that great. For the price of a Wave, I'd think an Onkyo receiver with a bookshelf speaker would kill it but the receiver/speaker combo are separate, and much larger pieces. Bose must have done improvement on the Wave, the one I heard yesterday was much better than one I heard a couple years ago.

09-23-2007, 01:37 PM

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Flo hates B&W's. RGA hates planars. I'm not a fan of Dynaudio.

Meh, listen to what you like. It's your money.

I wouldnt go so far and say i hate them. They look pretty (the big nautilus series), have a great build quality and sound pretty decent too. OK, the price is a bit whack but who am i to talk about expensive **** :) :)

Rock&Roll Ninja
09-23-2007, 03:31 PM
Heres my strange question. The Bose™ Studio On Wheels® factory stereo in the Infiniti g35 includes 2 10" woofers in the frontdoors (thats one on each door... not 2 woofers per door). But no Bose™ home system, no matter how expensive, uses anything more than 5.15 inch woofers.

Just seems odd to me.

PS: That Infiniti is also on my shortlist of possible new cars along with the new Benz C-class and BMW 3-series. I wonder how the Bose™ will stack up to the Harman/Kardon Logic7 car stereos.........

09-23-2007, 07:16 PM
Heres my strange question. The Bose™ Studio On Wheels® factory stereo in the Infiniti g35 includes 2 10" woofers in the frontdoors (thats one on each door... not 2 woofers per door). But no Bose™ home system, no matter how expensive, uses anything more than 5.15 inch woofers.

Just seems odd to me.

PS: That Infiniti is also on my shortlist of possible new cars along with the new Benz C-class and BMW 3-series. I wonder how the Bose™ will stack up to the Harman/Kardon Logic7 car stereos.........

Depends on the car. I believe that Topspeed has an HK in his BMW that he is less than thrilled with. But in another car, with a different size and shape, it may sound fantastic.
You'll have to do the old test drive thing to be sure.

09-24-2007, 06:06 PM
well, bose is alright, they cater to what the average joe wants and likes, and there's nothing wrong with that. So what, they charge a lot...whatever, i don't want to buy them, and most of you don't ether, but whos to tell the average joe off?

Yeah, and flo...if you ever say anything abouy anyone spending too much on their stereo...just... :P

yeah...how much are those grands of your worth?

09-26-2007, 09:40 AM
Bose is overrated, but like you said the avg. Joe doesn't know any better which is the majority of society.

09-27-2007, 06:18 AM
I haven't really wanted to post here because everyone seems to hate Bose, and I actually like them.
have you ever made a pilgrimage to The Mountain? I can say that I have. Years ago, I gave a presentation at a nearby hotel located in its shadow and simply had to visit. You drive a long, winding road upwards and finally arrive at the summit. Where you can view what few mere mortals have ever seen. A really big Bose sign. The guard gave me a dirty look as a drove through the parking lot.

Then, I descended The Mountain and once again returned to the mundane world.


10-02-2007, 03:43 AM
Bose is overrated, but like you said the avg. Joe doesn't know any better which is the majority of society.

I believe this to be true and very well put. Maybe the average Joe has a inner audio geek just squirming to come out.....LOL. No pun intended unless you would like one of course.........

I believe most of the average Joe's out in the world may consider better equipment if thay could set aside most of the belief systems that the public thinks are the reality of sound.

A close friend of mine is from Germany and is a Doctor in Mexico across the border from my city - San Diego. Now the strange thing is that he has lived in India, London, Spain, Frankfurt of course and now Mexico. He thinks Bose as a very esteemed sound company as he is not savvy with audio at all.......he is a genius in the Medical field and loves large sound out of small boxes. He has expressed to me that if he were to spend lots of money on many components to drive better than Bose speakers that someone would just rob his condo "T.J. anyone"?, so he thinks Bose is ok. He ends many audio conversations with statements such as "well.....of course there is Bose, what more need I say" as if Bose is prestigious or something.

So many of the thoughts people have of course are not from experience but mere common perceptions of others comments and media hype.

When is the last time any of us have seen a full half hour info-mercial for Quad, Sonas or lets say Paradigm equipment at all - ever...........? at least not in the states.

Now of course some people have never heard of most of the products and gear many of us here within the forums play in our own systems on a daily basis....??? True.

Now the very simple facts are that for music indifference, the masses and some audio geeks just like the common ,simple, none complex, room smearing, syrupy sound of most of the Bose lineup. I find this similar to old Chevy Chevelles with AM radio stock because its cool and extremely familiar to most folks. Rather then.......Oh lets say Maggie's with all silver wires and Bonasas front end pumping great
Chamber music from ecstatically well kept 40 year old vinyl.....OH YEAH.

Its basic personal taste and the magnificent love of music in all it's most pleasurable glory. And as everyone from Orlando, Florida all the way to Walla Walla, Washington has is a personal sense of taste.

Bose is simply a matter of Choice kinda like Bologna or peanut butter, baseball or formula one racing. The only thing I like out of those is peanut butter.

If someone just loves music from a Bose sound source then at least thay love sound and enjoy for the joy of it all..........

So if you love your Bose.....than I say Bose-On dude, at least your enjoying yourself and the world certainly hasn't enough of that.

Well said........if I say myself...........LoL :3:
p.s. what of my new avatar.........you like ?
and just in case I might need some attitude I will make
the Queen Mum my avatar, so watch out.........LOL
Can you imagine seeing that in the morning with those
teeth.....? God Save the Queen Mum.

10-03-2007, 01:08 AM
I believe this to be true and very well put. Maybe the average Joe has a inner audio geek just squirming to come out.....LOL. No pun intended unless you would like one of course.........

I believe most of the average Joe's out in the world may consider better equipment if thay could set aside most of the belief systems that the public thinks are the reality of sound.

A close friend of mine is from Germany and is a Doctor in Mexico across the border from my city - San Diego. Now the strange thing is that he has lived in India, London, Spain, Frankfurt of course and now Mexico. He thinks Bose as a very esteemed sound company as he is not savvy with audio at all.......he is a genius in the Medical field and loves large sound out of small boxes. He has expressed to me that if he were to spend lots of money on many components to drive better than Bose speakers that someone would just rob his condo "T.J. anyone"?, so he thinks Bose is ok. He ends many audio conversations with statements such as "well.....of course there is Bose, what more need I say" as if Bose is prestigious or something.

So many of the thoughts people have of course are not from experience but mere common perceptions of others comments and media hype.

When is the last time any of us have seen a full half hour info-mercial for Quad, Sonas or lets say Paradigm equipment at all - ever...........? at least not in the states.

Now of course some people have never heard of most of the products and gear many of us here within the forums play in our own systems on a daily basis....??? True.

Now the very simple facts are that for music indifference, the masses and some audio geeks just like the common ,simple, none complex, room smearing, syrupy sound of most of the Bose lineup. I find this similar to old Chevy Chevelles with AM radio stock because its cool and extremely familiar to most folks. Rather then.......Oh lets say Maggie's with all silver wires and Bonasas front end pumping great
Chamber music from ecstatically well kept 40 year old vinyl.....OH YEAH.

Its basic personal taste and the magnificent love of music in all it's most pleasurable glory. And as everyone from Orlando, Florida all the way to Walla Walla, Washington has is a personal sense of taste.

Bose is simply a matter of Choice kinda like Bologna or peanut butter, baseball or formula one racing. The only thing I like out of those is peanut butter.

If someone just loves music from a Bose sound source then at least thay love sound and enjoy for the joy of it all..........

So if you love your Bose.....than I say Bose-On dude, at least your enjoying yourself and the world certainly hasn't enough of that.

Well said........if I say myself...........LoL :3:
p.s. what of my new avatar.........you like ?
and just in case I might need some attitude I will make
the Queen Mum my avatar, so watch out.........LOL
Can you imagine seeing that in the morning with those
teeth.....? God Save the Queen Mum.

Every minute you spend listening to sucky equipment is time when you could have been in sonic bliss.
Know how I convert Bose listeners? I let them listen to my system!
Music can sound so much better than Bose can produce, and thats a waste:incazzato:

10-03-2007, 01:57 AM
Every minute you spend listening to sucky equipment is time when you could have been in sonic bliss.
Know how I convert Bose listeners? I let them listen to my system!
Music can sound so much better than Bose can produce, and thats a waste:incazzato:
Your teenage intolerance in so tired :sleep: get over yourself for at least five seconds. You know your view is just as narrow as the people who think Bose is the only good stuff around............and we both know that's not true.


I have shown many a Bose listener far better systems than there own AND MADE THEM LISTEN TO NEW EQUIPMENT, YOUR COMPLETELY WRONG YOURSELF, DON'T BE SUCH AN AUDIO :ciappa: SNOB.

One friend found anything different to be distracting when he read his newspaper. Another teenage neighbor as well my own grandmother both of which could not ever give up Bose because anything else sounded to bright to them..........


If you really read what I wrote..........it's totally about enjoyment.

You know, I really don't like big huge and costly speaker systems, like speakers that cost 40 grand, that does not mean that I am wrong what so ever.......

re-examine your preface before judging the Bose lovers, AFTER ALL THAY ARE LISTENING FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC AS WELL.......


I've decided to sic the Queen Mum on you Pixel.......LOL so behave yourself or she will order you to a royal teeth cleaning...........LOL

Mr Peabody
10-03-2007, 07:11 PM
Yip, there are some that like music and could care less what they listen to it on. I've told this story before, but I have a friend who has a big music collection of cassettes, CD's, and used to have vinyl until I relieved him of it, I call him the "anti-audiophile", he would listen to music anywhere and every where but on the darndest things. He had a truck and as the speakers went out one by one, he never replaced them, or let them just rattle it one blew. He eventually used a boombox sitting on the seat. He blew a woofer in one of his home speakers, went to Radio Shack and picked up a 10" off the clearance table and just put it in. The speaker didn't fit and there was a gap between the woofer frame and cabinet. I talked to him until I was blue in the face about how much his system would improve if he replaced both woofers and they fit, or buy another pair of speakers, even if they were small and cheap.... Well, he is still using those things. Trust me, Bose would improve on his set up a lot. What kills me is he has an Onkyo receiver that would sound pretty good. It's an old Pro Logic style but he never has had it hooked up to video. I asked him, "why didn't you just get a stereo receiver"? Uh, I don't know.

You know, what's that old saying, you can lead a horse to water but he will just pee in it?

10-04-2007, 12:54 AM
ANOTHER thing, the people who tend to be involved in music making tend to have crappier equipment for some reason.
And its not "snobbery" to want to improve someones musical experience.
you want Bose? Fine, but stay away from websites devoted to getting the best sound out of the best you can afford, modest or super expensive.
Because Bose isn't an audio company, they are a MARKETING company, and their entire goal isn't the spreading of music, its the selling of mediocre junk made out of obsolete parts at exorbiant prices to the clueless.
And that aint bad enough, then they talk about how "bad" conventional equipment is.
They sell cheap plastic clock radios at 500 bucks a pop, that borders on fraud, they use the concept of a megaphone, which has been around a few millenea and claim it as their own.
And their stuff stinks out loud, no mids, little bass (they cant call their "bass module" a subwoofer because it isn't) and the quality of materials means it will break just as you get it paid off.
You want BOSE, or any other boombox, home theater in a box, or a plastic stereo bought at Kmart fine, but what are you doing HERE?:confused5:

Luvin Da Blues
10-04-2007, 05:26 AM
Sorry SuperDoug but...

....this is how he will read it.......

Pixel....this is about you......

....nice people who stop by to chat about there own systems.

You have very selective reading skills.... You....pay much attention to my post......

Bose is just fine for anyone who will have it, just have your opinion.........

We need to let anyone buy the kind of gear thay like.......

Everything I mentioned in my post was simply in support of whatever type of gear youmay wish to purchase......and thank god.......yours.[/B]

Pixel, .....crack a cold one dude.[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
chill out and mellow with your music.

[COLOR=blue]Everyone is welcome here, and we are inclusive not exclusive...B]you;[/B] personally, on the other hand may be all about high end........

[FONT=Century Gothic]If the author of this thread likes what thay likes than get over it........thay are.......complaining all over the site with snitty attitude.

......ya know Pixel I love ya..........LOL........ now that's funny....:cornut: .

10-04-2007, 05:45 AM
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080]p.s. what of my new avatar.........you like ?
and just in case I might need some attitude I will make
the Queen Mum my avatar, so watch out.........LOL
Can you imagine seeing that in the morning with those
teeth.....? God Save the Queen Mum.

"God Save The Queen! We really mean it, maaaan! -Sex Pistols":incazzato:

10-04-2007, 06:11 AM
Meh. People buy Saturns instead of researching a better performing car at the same price because Saturns are so... friendly and easy on the brain.... No excess acceleration to get you in trouble... Holds soccermom magnets well...

Not my style, man. I prefer the sleeper bargain/keeps up with Bimmers at SCCA events/Mazda protege5 muhself...

So i hang out here lurking for the audiophile tidbits that will help me put together a system *waaay* better than the masses could assemble out of a box but on my admittedly small budget.

You get my point.

"I bought BOse and it sounds good". Okay. As long as you auditioned it and did prefer it. if you bought it on name alone and now wish to justify it (human nature/Psych 101) it may be tough.

So. Live and let Live.

10-04-2007, 06:17 AM
Meh. People buy Saturns instead of researching a better performing car at the same price because Saturns are so... friendly and easy on the brain.... No excess acceleration to get you in trouble... Holds soccermom magnets well...

Not my style, man. I prefer the sleeper bargain/keeps up with Bimmers at SCCA events/Mazda protege5 muhself...

So i hang out here lurking for the audiophile tidbits that will help me put together a system *waaay* better than the masses could assemble out of a box but on my admittedly small budget.

You get my point.

"I bought BOse and it sounds good". Okay. As long as you auditioned it and did prefer it. if you bought it on name alone and now wish to justify it (human nature/Psych 101) it may be tough.

So. Live and let Live.

Funny you should say, "Holds soccermom magnets well..."

My assistant has a Saturn. When she tried to put her magnets on she found out that they don't stick at all. Only the hood is made of metal. The rest is plastic.

Mr Peabody
10-04-2007, 06:40 PM
Bose uses Transmission line technology and it's quite a bit different than what a megaphone does.

10-04-2007, 07:20 PM
I acquired a Saturn (for free) when my grandfather passed away, it was 1999 and the car was a 1996 bought in 1995. I drove the car from 1999 until 2002 when the head gasket blew on the dang thing. It was a 4-door and some ugly gold color, but it drove decent. Had more power than you might expect, but overall was a POS. For the cost you can definitely get a much better car out there and NOW the Saturns are trying to look like the Passat from VW. Anyway, that's my contribution to this thread on Bose that is now on Saturn.

10-07-2007, 11:28 PM
Bose uses Transmission line technology and it's quite a bit different than what a megaphone does.

You say tomato...
Its just a chamber folded to fit in a small case, it compresses air so that the sound
seems bigger, about what a megaphone does, not much difference anyway.
When I was young I had some BOSE, one of their higher line (504 series 4).
when I figured out that their "direct reflected" sound was direct reflected B****S****
I had a pair of speakers I couldn't sell, couldn't get to sound right, and since I had already
blown my cash, couldn't be replaced. Puruvian wondered why I listened to those paradigms for two hours, after that experience I make SURE about what I am getting,
a lesson hard learned.
Time spent listening to mediocre equipment is time wasted, if you enjoy BOSE, home theater in a box, or think the speakers that came with your TV make a great center
channel, or other forms of audio torment fine, I am just curious as to why you are on a site devoted
to DECENT equipment.
Get an allinone DOZE system and you get a cheapjack DVD/CD player built in, everything is included, thats the point of the operation, so set back and listen to your "great doze"
system, there is absolutely no reason to go to ANY HT forum whatsoever.
And maybe you'll figure out where all of that music you hear on other systems went to, one of these days, but I doubt it:1:

Rock&Roll Ninja
10-15-2007, 02:40 PM
(they cant call their "bass module" a subwoofer because it isn't)

Does anybody know why this is? Is there some subwoofer illuminati that governs these things? "subwoofer" is a non-copywrite or trademarked term as far as I know. Kinda like toy guns that are named 'space laser pistol' even though its just a red christmastree bulb and not an actual L.A.S.E.R.

10-15-2007, 03:49 PM
Does anybody know why this is?
In audio parlance, a "subwoofer" is one that plays frequencies below (sub) what one would normally expect from a bass woofer in a standard speaker. Whereas most "full range" speakers will play to the mid 20hz-30hz range, a true "subwoofer" will play below 25hz, perhaps much lower. The Bose cubes probably only drop to 150hz...if that low...thereby forcing the Bass Module to play much higher and into frequencies where the sound becomes very directional. This is why it is not a subwoofer.

Rock&Roll Ninja
10-15-2007, 06:13 PM
That explains why they use it, but doesn't tell me anything about why they can't/don't just call it a subwoofer.

10-16-2007, 04:19 PM
Because it's not a subwoofer, it's a satellite system with a separate bass module.

BTW, in response to your earlier query, the H/K system in Bimmers is an affront to all that is good in this world. BMW, as with every German manufacturer, charges you up the wazoo for options such as the "upgraded" stereo which, by any measure, is pathetic. My advice is to get the base unit and add a sub. You can either go to your local shop and have them do it (I added JL Audio gear) or check out bavariansoundwerks.com. The latter specializes in speaker kits that fit into the OEM holes without mods and from what the members at bimmerforums.com say, it's a very cost effective upgrade.

Hope this helps.

10-17-2007, 12:28 PM
I guess in the end sound is subjective, but Bose was always a great disappointment to me. I like their visual design, though!

10-18-2007, 12:29 AM
That explains why they use it, but doesn't tell me anything about why they can't/don't just call it a subwoofer.
Because they can't get away with it.
People who think that a "doze" "bass module" is even close to a subwoofer
AND their "bass module" doesnt pick up where their satelites leave off, leaving the famous gap in the midrange.
Another thing about "doze", notice they dont lower the price on ANYTHING.
They have been selling their clock radio for years, don't you think they have sold enough
to lower the price a tad? If anything they have RAISED the price(a rediculous 500$!!!)
Ever seen "doze" lower the price on ANYTHING?:incazzato:

10-18-2007, 12:32 AM
Henry Koss made a similar item with a downward firing built in sub for a few hundred bucks.
I even saw a zenith clock radio at Sears once built along the same lines, cost 79$ and sounded great.
Guess theres one born every minute:incazzato:

11-01-2007, 09:23 PM
Bose has done extensive research and determined that the population finds certain frequencies undesirable, the same frequencies NOT found in the popular Bose systems. Chronic diarrhea, severe headaches and uncontrollable vomiting due to 20-40hertz, 200-280hertz, and 13-20 kHz are some of the symptoms of these signals. The generous company is only looking out for your health. So do yourself a favor and pick one up today.

11-01-2007, 09:24 PM
Bose has done extensive research and determined that the population finds certain frequencies undesirable, the same frequencies NOT found in the popular Bose systems. Chronic diarrhea, severe headaches and uncontrollable vomiting due to 20-40hertz, 200-280hertz, and 13-20 kHz are some of the symptoms of these signals. The generous company is only looking out for you health. So do yourself a favor and pick one up today.

That's funny because listening to their speakers give me those exact symptoms simultaneously.

11-02-2007, 04:57 AM
Bose has done extensive research and determined that the population finds certain frequencies undesirable, the same frequencies NOT found in the popular Bose systems. Chronic diarrhea, severe headaches and uncontrollable vomiting due to 20-40hertz, 200-280hertz, and 13-20 kHz are some of the symptoms of these signals. The generous company is only looking out for your health. So do yourself a favor and pick one up today.

Dr. Amar Bose, philanthropist.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-02-2007, 05:55 AM
Bose has done extensive research and determined that the population finds certain frequencies undesirable, the same frequencies NOT found in the popular Bose systems. Chronic diarrhea, severe headaches and uncontrollable vomiting due to 20-40hertz, 200-280hertz, and 13-20 kHz are some of the symptoms of these signals. The generous company is only looking out for your health. So do yourself a favor and pick one up today.

Points for this one.

It's a shame that the truth is so close to what you are saying though. Their research has told them that Mr Joe Average will not notice that these frequencies are missing. So why bother trying to get these very difficult areas correct when you can just leave them out? Saves time, money, effort, etc..... Who will notice? A few Audio-do-do's that make up <2% of the market? Screw'em.

11-02-2007, 06:50 AM
Points for this one.

It's a shame that the truth is so close to what you are saying though. Their research has told them that Mr Joe Average will not notice that these frequencies are missing. So why bother trying to get these very difficult areas correct when you can just leave them out? Saves time, money, effort, etc..... Who will notice? A few Audio-do-do's that make up <2% of the market? Screw'em.

Well that explains why whenever I see someone is playing music from a Bose system I can't hear a thing. Those are the ONLY frequencies I can hear. And whatever the frequency my wife is on when she is "calling" me.

11-04-2007, 12:52 AM
Welcome to AR. That was one heck of a long first post.

If you enjoy your Bose, then that's all that matters. The only one you need to make happy is you.

Trust me- you'll see this quote all the time, but nobody means it. If you own or even appear to like anything BOSE, you'll get jumped on, you'll get told to spend your money on ANYTHING else, and basically you don't know sh*t. Take your time, look around, and you'll see just what I mean. I've owned Polks, Infinitys, JBLs, and a few others I can't remember; some were good, some not. Right now I own some Bose, and just watch how I get jumped on after this post. BOSE just isn't allowed here, no matter what they say!

11-04-2007, 01:00 AM
ANOTHER thing, the people who tend to be involved in music making tend to have crappier equipment for some reason.
And its not "snobbery" to want to improve someones musical experience.
you want Bose? Fine, but stay away from websites devoted to getting the best sound out of the best you can afford, modest or super expensive.
Because Bose isn't an audio company, they are a MARKETING company, and their entire goal isn't the spreading of music, its the selling of mediocre junk made out of obsolete parts at exorbiant prices to the clueless.
And that aint bad enough, then they talk about how "bad" conventional equipment is.
They sell cheap plastic clock radios at 500 bucks a pop, that borders on fraud, they use the concept of a megaphone, which has been around a few millenea and claim it as their own.
And their stuff stinks out loud, no mids, little bass (they cant call their "bass module" a subwoofer because it isn't) and the quality of materials means it will break just as you get it paid off.
You want BOSE, or any other boombox, home theater in a box, or a plastic stereo bought at Kmart fine, but what are you doing HERE?:confused5:

See what I mean?

Mr Peabody
11-04-2007, 07:35 AM
I agree that most of us here aren't Bose fans but most will try to respect your decision to use them. Especially, if you have done comparisons and Bose is still your preference. BUT, don't hold up Pix as the norm for the boards. Everyone deserves a chance to voice their opinion, after all it's a public forum, but if you take the time and become more familiar with the people and the threads you will notice that Pix's views......, well how do I say this, usually aren't in agreement with the majority on things. With that being said, if you plan to stick around this probably won't be the first time you will find yourself a minority on a subject and just have to roll with it. I think we have all been there at one time or another.

11-04-2007, 08:59 AM
See what I mean?

Oh don't worry about Pix, he's our resident troll. Nothing personal towards you I am sure, he's just an A-hole.

11-04-2007, 11:11 PM
Oh don't worry about Pix, he's our resident troll. Nothing personal towards you I am sure, he's just an A-hole.
Who doesnt waste money on CRAP.
BTW they live an awesome movie, glad you finally got around to it.
You know, DOZE has been making their little 499$ clock radio for several decades, don't you think they could lower the price just a little?
Anyway I didnt get into this hobby to espouse mediocrity, if you're a BOSE fan fine, you're just not serious about HT is all.
And saying my opinions arent the "norm" is the nicest thing you could say about me, since most are too stupid to process a hamburger into a turd
If you want bottom feeder garbage like Doze them why bother coming to a HT, audio site?
Thats like a politican going to church:1:

11-05-2007, 06:34 AM
Trust me- you'll see this quote all the time, but nobody means it. If you own or even appear to like anything BOSE, you'll get jumped on, you'll get told to spend your money on ANYTHING else, and basically you don't know sh*t. Take your time, look around, and you'll see just what I mean. I've owned Polks, Infinitys, JBLs, and a few others I can't remember; some were good, some not. Right now I own some Bose, and just watch how I get jumped on after this post. BOSE just isn't allowed here, no matter what they say!

There are many who will jump on anything Bose.
There are other who believe that you should enjoy whatever you like. But even they will tell you that Bose is not "the best" as many Bose owners will say.
That's usually where the real friction starts. Someone will join the site after buying their first Bose Lifestyle system, and they'll be bragging away that they have the best system that money can buy, and that the rest of us are wasting our money. Then, fooomp! The action begins.

11-05-2007, 06:37 AM
Who doesnt waste money on CRAP.
BTW they live an awesome movie, glad you finally got around to it.
You know, DOZE has been making their little 499$ clock radio for several decades, don't you think they could lower the price just a little?
Anyway I didnt get into this hobby to espouse mediocrity, if you're a BOSE fan fine, you're just not serious about HT is all.
And saying my opinions arent the "norm" is the nicest thing you could say about me, since most are too stupid to process a hamburger into a turd
If you want bottom feeder garbage like Doze them why bother coming to a HT, audio site?
Thats like a politican going to church:1:

Either play nice, or we're going to have to take back your secret decoder ring.

Mr Peabody
11-05-2007, 07:08 PM
If you really want to start the wild fire say you hooked up your Bose with extravagant speaker cables and everything is plugged into a power conditioner :)

N. Abstentia
11-15-2007, 06:17 AM
Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that Bose speakers sound good. Keep trying.

11-18-2007, 10:54 AM
no, but some flogging perhaps? nope, just some rhetoric.

it seems that youre a newcomer to audio and there IS a learning curve to high end audio. high end meaning in sound, not so much in price. if music is truly important to you and affects your life, sooner or later you will want to hear it more accurately.

its true that bose has advertised themselves into big bucks and they take credit for many anothers' innovations such as noise cancelling headphones (actually developed for the pilots of airplanes and the attendant loud constant noise that is fatiguing). to read the bose ad copy, you would think they invented them.

of course you can enjoy music on bose speakers, music is enjoyable. getting the true essence of it is a bit more difficult to execute. dont be afraid of listening to the $50k systems because if you do, you will realize what is possible. THEN when you hear an affordable system doing some of that, you will know in which direction to go.

11-19-2007, 02:41 PM
I even convinced my sister to get them as i described how small and unobtrusive they were. Chicks dig 'em.

only chicks who have convinced themselves size doesn't really matter.

11-19-2007, 03:11 PM
I guess in the end sound is subjective, but Bose was always a great disappointment to me. I like their visual design, though!

Of course it is, and the most subjective thing about suond and the reason so many people buy into the bose is best is the amount of sound that is demonstrated coming from a small box. (Lets not get into most of that is because of the amp not the speaker)

When people see my six foot tall towers that are only 10" across and have all those drivers they immediately assume they are superior to to my other 15" pioneers floor standers. The fact is both are hooked up to may yamaha receiver and adjusted using ypao to almost the same tunings (1 pair is used for movies the other for music). People simply are convinced that the same volume out of a smaller size equates to better sound. This is a pity, except for those of us who are getting our 15" behemoths for next to nothing.

11-19-2007, 08:11 PM
and the sound coming out of them, not knowing theres a hsu sub behind the tv, they are floored. a bit better than bose.