Anybody here listening to New Maps of Hell (bad religion)? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Anybody here listening to New Maps of Hell (bad religion)?

08-23-2007, 03:13 PM
Hey what's up people!
i haven't posted here in a while, because i've been unable to use my stereo for the past 5 months, but i've finally gotten it back in my room, connected and set up, and i'm enjoying the tunes in all their might again.
and right now i'm listening to "New Maps of Hell", which just finished downloading and...
i'll DEFINATELY be buying a copy of it tomorrow! its EXCELLENT. as piercingly distracting as the MP3 distortion is through the Grados, the music is just VERY good. classic late-era Bad Religion. very much a long the lines of Process of Belief and The Empire Strikes first.
As opposed as i am to their philosophy, i can't help but really enjoy the album.
so to those of you who like Bad Religion, or punk/hard-rock in general, i'd say its definately worth a listen.
That's if you can get over the heavily depressing lyrics. Some might consider these an improvement over the overtly critic lyrics of the previous albums.
Cheers, people. its nice to be back!

08-23-2007, 06:42 PM
Wait, downloading music is supposed to kill CD sales, and here you are buying the CD after downloading. What's the RIAA supposed to make of this? :rolleyes:

Jim Clark
08-24-2007, 05:07 AM
Recipe For Hate is the last Bad Religion album I picked up but if it's time for another, I'm up for it. Short of Green Day, I haven't found too much compelling punk rock for a long time. I'm probably blanking on something noteworthy, but it's early still and my brain is foggier than usual.

Thanks for the heads up.


08-24-2007, 05:27 AM
Welcome back, Kaboom. Must be great to have your main rig up and out of storage. I'll be checking this one out. Love the Punk, but as JC mentioned there isn't much out that's done it lately for many of us.



08-24-2007, 08:19 AM
Love the Punk, but as JC mentioned there isn't much out that's done it lately for many of us.
Neither of these have been released just yet but keep an eye out for:
Future Of The Left - Curses (every bit as good as McLusky Do Dallas IMO)
Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends

I'll be picking up both when available for sure.