What do you think of Wolfgang Van Halen? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : What do you think of Wolfgang Van Halen?

08-14-2007, 05:36 AM
So the Van Halen tour with DLR has been announced. Eddie's son Wolfgang, who is only 15-yrs-old, will be playing bass (unless Eddie has another meltdown and cancels the tour...again). That's cool, if the kid can carry it off then power to him.

However, top ticket price in my city is $199.50!! I have no plans on seeing this tour regardless of ticket prices. But do you think that Van Halen should be charging first rate ticket prices to see a band with a 15-yr-old bass player? Unless this kid is some sort of prodigy, I don't think that he's earned the right to be on stage with Van Halen just because Eddie is his Dad.

08-14-2007, 06:00 AM
I'd have to hear him to be able to say. Being brought up around some of the best players around, he may have learned a lot very early. There was once a guy in our grammar school who could play classic piano at 11 years old (very well at that). When we graduated HS he had branched out to other instruments and played Hendrix's version of the Star Spangled Banner at senior class night. He brought down the house!

08-14-2007, 06:16 AM
I'm guessing this kid's been playing VH songs since he was 5.

Look, I don't know if he's a prodigy, but if he was going to embarass himself and the band there's no way they'd let him on stage. Too much to lose for too little gain.

I'm no prodigy, I bet there's a dozen better musicians here at ar.com alone, and even I learned a heck of a lot of songs by the time I was 15. He's probably fine. Dunno about the showmanship, etc, but I guess we'll find out.

If I'm wrong and this thing blows up though, wow. What a stupid move.

I got a feeling this is a bit of a marketing ploy to kick start Wolfgang's career and continue the VH legacy or something. It's got PR stunt all over it.

08-14-2007, 06:57 AM
Unless this kid is some sort of prodigy, I don't think that he's earned the right to be on stage with Van Halen just because Eddie is his Dad.

Well, he's 16 now, and yes, that's all he needs to earn a spot in the band. Sorry to come across as jaded, but I've spent a couple of decades watching bosses' relatives take promotions away from more deserving people. Its the way it is.

Jim Clark
08-14-2007, 07:20 AM
Look, I don't know if he's a prodigy, but if he was going to embarass himself and the band there's no way they'd let him on stage. Too much to lose for too little gain.

You're kidding, right???

This is Van Halen we're talking about. The bands been nothing but one embarrassment after another for years.


08-14-2007, 08:06 AM
You're kidding, right???

This is Van Halen we're talking about. The bands been nothing but one embarrassment after another for years.


So you're saying you do expect the kid to crash and burn and take VH down with him?

08-14-2007, 08:34 AM
Look, I don't know if he's a prodigy, but if he was going to embarass himself and the band there's no way they'd let him on stage.

Yeah, that's DLR's job!

- Jim beat me to it essentially, but I had to say it anyway. :D

The problem with VH is that they already have the stink of flop sweat on them. The list goes on and on of false starts, rehab, bickering, and childishness. I hate to say it, but DLR's voice has not aged well, at least not what I've heard. They just talk and talk about what they are gonna do next. Yeah right, VH will take the stage right after GnR. With Anthony out and DLR on again off again and Hagar inexplicably cast aside, it appears to me that the only people to blame for VH's fall from grace is the VH bros. themselves. The proof is in the pudding that they alienate everyone around them and are now having to draft family members to play for them.

One only need look no further than the former members' "Sans Halen" outing of Michael Anthony and Sammy Hagar this summer, to see how to rock. Hagar just has not stopped rocking for like thirty years now (probably b/c there is only one way to rock). And Anthony just seems game for anything. I would go to that show long before the VH show. Plus, those tix are "only" $75.00 for a good Wesley Willis style rock and roll joy bus ride. Sign me up.

VH needs to take the advice of Rock Radio with "More Rock, Less Talk!"

Jim Clark
08-14-2007, 08:46 AM
So you're saying you do expect the kid to crash and burn and take VH down with him?

No, I'm saying VH crashed and burned a very long time ago and there's not really any more "down" left to go. The only potential relevance they have left is due exclusively to the side show that is Van Halen.


08-14-2007, 09:01 AM
Eddie is a control freak. He chased away DLR, then Hagar, then Bertinelli, then Anthony...they tried a DLR comeback years ago and that crached and burned before it got off the ground. Hagar has always taken the high road with regard to his VH ousting.

To see, or hear, what a control freak EVH is, just listen to the 5150 or OU812 albums - the drums sound like tupperware, the bass is mixed down to the point of being non-existant; just screaming guitar and the occassional keyboard (by Eddie). Then listen to Sammy's solo album (in betwix those two afore mention VH albums) - the bass is plump, and forward in the mix, the bass that is, as played by EVH, with Eddie also getting the production nod from Sammy.

Eddie has a massive ego and I think that his pairings with anyone is short lived, even his own kid. As far as his kid's talent goes - hey, all he has to do is play Micheal Anthony's part...let's face it, he was fortunate to be in VH.

08-14-2007, 09:16 AM
No, I'm saying VH crashed and burned a very long time ago and there's not really any more "down" left to go. The only potential relevance they have left is due exclusively to the side show that is Van Halen.


Well I can't argue that.

I just don't think the kid is going to be responsible for the next VH "incident". I'm sure he can hold his own.

I guess we'll have to draw straws - loser has to go see them.

Jim Clark
08-14-2007, 09:27 AM
Well I can't argue that.

I just don't think the kid is going to be responsible for the next VH "incident". I'm sure he can hold his own.

I guess we'll have to draw straws - loser has to go see them.

that's exactly why I don't gamble. It ain't worth the risk : )


08-14-2007, 09:36 AM
As far as his kid's talent goes - hey, all he has to do is play Micheal Anthony's part...let's face it, he was fortunate to be in VH.

Micheal Anthony: Ridin' the E-string to fame and fortune since 1974.

Oh, and great observation on 5150 and OU812. Too true.

08-14-2007, 09:48 AM
There was a time I would pay $120 to see VH, but that was a long time ago. Now I would pay $20 tops and perhaps $30 for Van Hagar. What would you pay?

08-14-2007, 10:55 AM
I think it's insane to put a teenager in a position where he's got to live up to the expectations of arenas full of tens of thousands of people. That's bad enough if it's one show, but probably doable. Combine that with the length of the set they're going to be playing at every show, and the travel, and I just think it's nuts. Not to sound alarmist, but if someone wanted to make a case that it's child abuse, the argument against that notion would be interesting. It might be easier to say it's akin to child exploitation.

No matter how good EVH says the kid is, there's a good chance this will be the most intense experience the kid ever lives through in many ways. If that turns out to not be the case, great. It just seems sordid, the whole thing. If it was too hard for EVH to accept Michael Anthony back, how hard would it have been to audition for a replacement? Although I have no use for VH's music after DLR left, Michael Anthony's contribution overall is formidable. But that doesn't mean you couldn't find a soundalike. The Who somehow manage to tour credibly under that name without John Entwistle and Keith Moon, and that's far more unlikely than the possibility of finding a guy who could replace Michael Anthony for an arena tour. The kid could've roadied the tour & maybe played a song or two, I think that would've made more sense as an apprenticeship of sorts. Putting him on the stage every night with the physical demands, musical demands, crowd expectations, and travel?

If it all comes through with no problems, great. I'm not rooting for their failure. But I can't think of one reason why it makes sense.

Mr MidFi
08-14-2007, 11:10 AM
What I think about Wolfgang is...well, he looks like his mom. I also have no problem imagining a 16-year-old playing Michael Anthony's bass parts. But that's kinda missing the point, since it was MA's harmony vocal that was his primary contribution to the band's sound anyway.

Oh, and I also really, really don't care about their reunion. I would love to travel back in time to 1981 or something, to see them in their prime. But this tour? Not so much.

08-14-2007, 11:15 AM
I think it's insane to put a teenager in a position where he's got to live up to the expectations of arenas full of tens of thousands of people. That's bad enough if it's one show, but probably doable. Combine that with the length of the set they're going to be playing at every show, and the travel, and I just think it's nuts. Not to sound alarmist, but if someone wanted to make a case that it's child abuse, the argument against that notion would be interesting. It might be easier to say it's akin to child exploitation.

Well said. I assume you have kids?

08-14-2007, 12:54 PM
Nope. I do my best to refrain from offering unsolicited opinions on how others should raise their families. But I think putting an adolescent into a position that would be demanding on a variety of levels for all but a very few adults isn't that tough to make a judgment call on. But it ain't my family, and they are free to do as they please.

I do know there are busybodies who would raise a stink about 'child abuse' or some such. One could debate that, but in the end it's meaningless. Maybe a baseball analogy would make more sense. Who was the last real young prospect thrust into a demanding position who succeeded? Robin Yount? I think he was 18. But he had spring training & this is akin to pitching & batting cleanup. In October. Kobe Bryant? Imagine him being two or three years younger, skipping the season, and being in the starting lineup in the playoffs.

There's a minor leagues in music & there's a reason for it. Regardless of age, if the kid had spent a year or even a few months playing in small venues--with any band--this might make more sense. These are pretty high stakes. I wish the kid luck, I really do. Just seems kinda irresponsible. However...

...for all the chatter about Michael Anthony's vocals, something tells me neither EVH nor DLR would actually commit to this if it weren't musically credible. Even so, that doesn't mean it's going to be the same show by the end of the tour, if it makes it that far, than it might be when it kicks off.

I guess whoever's willing to spend the money will see. And I know folks who will.

08-15-2007, 04:27 PM
But that's kinda missing the point, since it was MA's harmony vocal that was his primary contribution to the band's sound anyway

I'll ditto that. He had the unenviable position of try to so sing harmony with Hagar, who has such a high pitched voice, and Anthony managed to harmonize at as high or higher register. I always got a kick out of VH's Beach Boy like harmonizing. Very California.

As far as bringing a kid on tour, hey, its a crap shoot. Lots of kids fold under that kinda pressure but maybe he'll be better behaved, better equipped to handle the highs and lows with dear old dad and Uncle Alex by his side. Who knows, the most emotionally damaging part of his whole experience will be looking at DLR's assless pants for a whole tour.

Oh, who are we kidding, they ain't even played a gig yet. Watching EVH and DLR might discourage the kid from ever touring again. Maybe the kid will sign a contract with Disney. Being the son of a famous R-n-R band member didn't exactly make Jason Bonham a star.

08-15-2007, 04:32 PM
Who was the last real young prospect thrust into a demanding position who succeeded? Robin Yount? I think he was 18.

Both Ken Griffey Jr. and Alex Rodriguez started in the majors after a ridiculously short tenures in the minors.

08-15-2007, 05:44 PM
Yeah, both with the Mariners, too. But it's not like they were written into starting lineups during the World Series after never having played a major league game, was it? The expectations are just a bit different, wouldn't you say?

08-15-2007, 06:13 PM
Yeah, both with the Mariners, too. But it's not like they were written into starting lineups during the World Series after never having played a major league game, was it? The expectations are just a bit different, wouldn't you say?

You mean when VH was World Series material? They're not even a major league act any more.

08-15-2007, 07:12 PM
It's an arena tour. Come on.

Mr Peabody
08-15-2007, 07:26 PM
To show how childish the VH camp is, I heard today that on the VH website they removed Anthony's picture from the 1st album's cover art and replaced it with Wolfgang. I know this doesn't sit well with me and I think it will generally back fire on them with others as well.

If they are legit and wanted to sell tickets they should appear on a couple TV outlets like Saturday Night Live or maybe Letterman/Lenno. I also heard they are putting together VIP packages where people can buy good seats with other perks like parking, gift bags, crowd free access to shop, laminated pass, pre-concert party, etc. and it also depends on the package you buy I'd be interested to see how ticket sales are going. Last time VH was in StL, Eddie did not get good reviews. He may have been messed up but his guitar playing was not what it should have been.

I have to admit I thought the 2 new songs that were put on the Best Of package some years ago were very good. Of course, I don't hear them getting played anymore. But the possibility of them actually doing something is there but like most of you, I think the odds are heavily against it. Then again, what do I know, I really like 5150, bad sound and all.

The bass player on DLR's first solo album, Billy Scheen, would have been a killer replacement for MA.

Maybe they'll all go to Nashville and cut a Country album, it don't take much in that genre anymore and DLR has already been there. Boy! did that album set the world on fire :)

08-16-2007, 12:18 AM
It's an arena tour. Come on.

We'll see...

But I do agree that they coulda, shoulda got anybody else to play the bass, because this smacks of not being serious. If Wolfgang is OK, then it should boost his career, but if he struggles, boy is it going to be bad.

Myself, I'm tired of all the dinosaur acts who want to tour, charge $120-$150 for tickets, without any new material. At least Rush is still making decent new music with which to play on tour.

Its just going to get worse because when a few make out big time by doing this, its going to open the flood gates, if it hasn't already.

08-16-2007, 12:22 AM
To show how childish the VH camp is, I heard today that on the VH website they removed Anthony's picture from the 1st album's cover art and replaced it with Wolfgang. I know this doesn't sit well with me and I think it will generally back fire on them with others as well.

I'd have to see that to believe it. Sounds like a rumor.

08-16-2007, 04:24 AM
So here's something interesting...

Original top ticket price in Toronto was $199. Yesterday it was announced that the ticket price was being dropped to $159. Still way more than I would pay to see VH, even in their heyday (I've seen DLR in his assless pants. Can't imagine that today!) Tickets aren't on sale yet.

I've never seen that happen before. Could it be that even the promoters are beginning to realize that folks just don't want to pay $200 to see a band who's stamina to finish this tour is questionable?

Mr MidFi
08-16-2007, 05:48 AM
I'd have to see that to believe it. Sounds like a rumor.

I saw the story yesterday on Fark. Apparently, they switched it back to the original artwork after getting some nasty feedback.

Mr Peabody
08-16-2007, 06:25 PM
Mr. Mid Fi is correct, they did restore Anthony's pictures today. I'm glad you said something, when I heard the story today about the pictures being restored, I was sure some one would go check it out and think I was full of it. Well..... more so than usual.

Ironically, speaking of dinosaurs, I heard the Eagles were getting closer to putting out a new album and I'm sure when it drops there will be a mega dollar tour. But at least they will have new music to promote.

FA, have you ever heard of an 80's band called Toronto? I don't know if they are from there but I some how ended up with a couple of their albums in my collection.

It might be worth price of admition to see if DLR can still jump and do the splits in the air.

08-16-2007, 11:48 PM
I have to agree with those that said that his son playing would ONLY happen if the kid was competent to pull it off, which is more than likely. Also, maybe this is a good thing since his son playing bass might be one person that they could keep in the band since his son has to listen to his dad at this point, now in 2 years when he turns 18 that might change, but at least for now we know the kid won't be going anywhere.

Mozart was writing symphonies and operas by 15, so I'm not impressed if this kid can throw down a few bass licks.

08-17-2007, 05:00 AM
FA, have you ever heard of an 80's band called Toronto? I don't know if they are from there but I some how ended up with a couple of their albums in my collection.

Yes, I'm familiar with the band. They were quite popular in the early 80's and had a number of hits here. I didn't think that they were actually from Toronto, but a quick trip to AMG has proved me wrong. I haven't heard them mentioned in a very long time.

08-20-2007, 09:28 PM

08-20-2007, 09:36 PM
If there is anything that I detest more than a band who can't get along and publicize their dislike for one another, it's a band that is so juvenile that they must react with such selfish amateurish acts like this in order to make certain points. Give credit where credit is due and quit whining about it. Geesh. I am soooo long over VH.

08-20-2007, 10:39 PM
Ozzy (Sharon) did the same thing to his back catalog...rerecorded the bass and drum tracks with different people and took credit away from the original members.

Isn't Anthony still touring with Hagar?

08-20-2007, 10:42 PM
Ozzy (Sharon) did the same thing to his back catalog...rerecorded the bass and drum tracks with different people and took credit away from the original members.

Isn't Anthony still touring with Hagar?

That's just silly. I mean c'mon if that person originally recorded the material there should be something against being able to copy over it.

08-21-2007, 12:29 AM
That's just silly. I mean c'mon if that person originally recorded the material there should be something against being able to copy over it.

To make matters worse, they 'remastered' it with amps to 11 - its compressed as hell...I'm not a purist about peak limiting and all that audiophiliac stuff, but those Ozzy/Sharon reduxes sound harsh to my ears.