Krell vs. Bryston [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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08-06-2007, 06:05 PM
I have looked at several different amplifiers for my home theater system and have almost settled on the Krell KAV2250 with TAS 5 channel.

However, I have heard really good things about Bryston, but I can't seem to find one to listen to in my area.

Can anyone tell me how the Bryston SST series sounds campared to the Krells? Is there a noticable difference? The Bryston is a little less money, which is a plus. Sound is most important, though.


08-07-2007, 06:52 AM
Bryston also offers a 20 year warranty. As to the sound, well I would listen to both with your speakers. Krell as a name has a certain high end appeal while the Bryston has a blue collar appeal.

That says nothing about which sounds better I realize but if you don;t audition them yourself in the same room with the same speakers then you may as well be looking at these external factors. I personally have liked the sound quality of the Krells better, but I have not heard the new SST series from Bryston. And it may very well be that with a different speaker than the Dynaudios I would like the Bryston.

08-07-2007, 09:50 AM
Thanks RGA

Out of curiousity, what series of Dynas do you run the Krell with?

08-07-2007, 03:47 PM
I don't - I use a SE Tube amplifier from Audio Note with their speakers - I don't particularly care for the sound of either Bryston or Krell. But I also understand that people don't have as great an opportunity to listen to SETs versus big name SS amps.

I auditioned the Krell and Bryston with the Audience line (Dyn 82). For SS my favorite musically sounding amplifier is the Sugden A21a but at 25 watts that may pose some problems for a number of speakers.

Mr Peabody
08-09-2007, 06:26 PM
If the budget allows, I'd listen to Krell with at least the Contour series. I haven't heard Bryston.

Krell has impressive and powerful frequency range both low and high. I've listened to my Krell with Dyn's for hours and never had fatigue. The Krell has incredible transcient response which I found most noticeable in reproduction of drums. I have a Reference label CD called Pipes & Brass and the Krell's reproduction of the kettle drums are just startling.

I have a Krell kav-280cd for sale, if you decide to put a system together. You can email if interested.

08-09-2007, 06:43 PM
Are you only considering those 2 amps? I would give the PS Audio stuff a listen too if you can, different technology, but really great stuff.

08-11-2007, 05:43 AM
Are you only considering those 2 amps? I would give the PS Audio stuff a listen too if you can, different technology, but really great stuff.

Thanks...I will give them a try. I am looking for something that gels well with Dali and/or Dynaudio speakers.

Mr Peabody
08-11-2007, 05:52 AM
I don't know about Dali but Krell & Dyn is a killer combo. That's what our Krell dealer uses pretty much exclusively.

08-11-2007, 08:50 AM
I've heard Bryston and Krell amps with a lot of different speakers, never met one combo I didn't like.
For my part, I prefer Bryston. Others prefer Krell. PS Audio is another good one worth a listen. Which is what you should be doing if you're thinking of dropping a few grand on any of these.

08-11-2007, 11:44 AM
Last week I got to listen to a guys setup using PS-Audio amps w/ Aerial Acoustics Model 9, he was running the GCA power amp, which also comes in a 5-channel model for home theater. I was quite impressed. I've demoed the PS Audio amps before and the technology still blows my mind. What really intrigued me was just how quiet the background was in all of the music that was demoed, we listened to a Steely Dan SACD and it really kicked!

Anyway, just another thought throw into the wind!

08-15-2007, 06:31 PM
One of the dealers I spoke with suggested that I look for a Krell FPB amp on ebay or the like. He said that they are a real value for the money.

Anyone have any experience with these?

Mr Peabody
08-15-2007, 07:48 PM

Here is a link to a review where Wes Phillips gives a description of how the Full Power Balanced (FPB) topology works. I've heard various models of the FPB and they are great. One of the best demos was a Krell system with 250 watt monoblocks driving a pair of the Dynaudio Evidence, $100k flagship, then). It was amazing, like concert volume level that was unbelievably clean and clear. 250 is their small stuff.