My first Black Label Society [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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Mr Peabody
07-11-2007, 08:48 PM
I wanted to ease into this band so my choice of first title was Hangover Music Vol. 6. This is an incredibly good album. I'd say a bit on the dark side but it is a Rock album, not Metal, the songs are written and executed very well, seasoned with acoustic guitar and piano. I even don't mind Zakk's vocals, they are very powerful and able to convey deep feeling when needed. Sometimes his singing style reminds me some of Axl Rose and others a bit like Ozzy. This album also shows off Zakk's tasty guitar work. It is "tasty" because not only is he a talented musician but the guitar is krafted into the song and not dominent or over the top. This is one of those albums that has me wondering why it didn't get some attention, it should have gotten air play. Although Zakk plays for Ozzy, this is not an Ozzy album, just to say, it's different and stands on it's own.

Also for a Rock album it is produced well. I may be assuming too much but I am now ready to try one of their heavier projects.

07-12-2007, 08:00 AM
Try the earlier stuff, much better in my opinion. Sonic Brew is probably my Fave.

Mr Peabody
07-12-2007, 06:10 PM
Have you heard, Stronger Than Death? That was going to be my next, I'll check out the title you suggested too.

07-13-2007, 06:24 AM
Yes indeed, thats a good one too. be aware that both are much heavier than Hangover music.

Have you heard, Stronger Than Death? That was going to be my next, I'll check out the title you suggested too.