nakamichi av-1 troubleshooting [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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06-13-2007, 07:01 AM

i got nakamichi av-1 and have enjoyed it for a very long time. just recently tho ive noticed a static noise like the radio station is not tuned in, it only comes thro my front right speaker. i consulted a friend and he said to clean the amp, so i did with a can of compressed air.i took the volume nob off and sprayed in there to, but to no avail, the dirty static nosie still there ne suggestions??
so to quik fix i hooked my front right speaker to the left second channel, but now i cant turn volume past a quarter and either the amp or speaker clips. i recently bought a pair of energy c-500 front speakers 100w sensitivity 94db are these speakers sufficient for this amp??
1 more question this amp has a delay effect it goes from 10-250 i cant seem to turn it off ive left it on the lowest setting of 10 but still u can hear the effect. is there ne way to turn this effect off? i cant seem to find the off button for it

06-13-2007, 12:16 PM
... i hooked my front right speaker to the left second channel, but now i cant turn volume past a quarter and either the amp or speaker clips.

so you have both speakers hooked to the left side of the amp, one on A channel and one on B?

06-13-2007, 03:39 PM
hi agin
yes i got both speakers hooked to left side channel A and B