View Full Version : Did you ever get tired of music???
06-04-2007, 11:00 PM
Oh my. How dare I speak the unspeakable. Or in this case...type the untypable. Is it possible for people like us, you get tired of music? Does the word "tired" even come to our mind when we think of our beloved music. Aside from perhaps a few bands, artists, or styles that we might grow tired of, but what about music in general?
Ok, let me clarify...
I have loved music since I first heard it, what age that was...I dunno. I can never think of a time when I didn't love it and my love for it has grown over the years to a level of superb appreciation and adoration. I'd probably trade my eyes before my ears if I had to make that choice. But ya know...sometimes I get tired of it. Yes I said it...tired of music!
This never lasts a long time, sometimes a few hours, sometimes a few days, perhaps a bit longer, but not much. This is just a stagnant time when nothing really grabs me. Nothing really appeals to me and I am just in a rather blah kinda mood. Sometimes I would rather drive in the car with NO music, rather than listen to whatever CD is in and I am too disinterested to try another CD. Maybe this is just a phrase that most people go through.
I suppose that I attribute much of this to just the staleness that happens during dry spells, like when it's been awhile since we heard something fresh, invigorating, and passionate. My musical well has run dry and I yearn for a thrist of something pure, clean, and that will soak my heart again with a quenching feeling. I go through these musical droughts maybe a few times a year, but I always recover. Typically I either discovery or re-discover some band, artists, whatever and go on a large binge for awhile to get back on my feet.
So I dare you ever get tired of music???
No I never tire of music, it's just sometimes other things in your life like family, work etc overtake it for a while and it takes a back seat, but if I think about it whenever I'm home alone or in the car the first thing I always do is reach for some sounds.
If new music dries up for a while I start roaming through my old stuff I haven't played for years and rediscover something which is mostly a satisfying journey but occasionally I wince at something I thought was good which hasn't stood the test of time. It doesn't take much though for someone to rave about a new artist or album on this site before I'm hooked again.
My problem is the same as most people I guess, I accumulate all these sounds but there just isn't enough time to fully appreciate them all so I skip over things, naively thinking there will be a day when I will find the time. The trouble is by then I'll probably be stone deaf!
06-05-2007, 03:12 AM
"mostly a satisfying journey"
Journey is not fans attack!
06-05-2007, 03:46 AM
If I was I was on my death bed, in a coma or whatever, I'd still want the radio set to a good station and the music to play as a minimum.
I never get tired of it really - can't recall ever getting tired of it. There's been some some music I've not wanted to hear, or played so loud that my ears started to hurt - but those are easy problems to solve.
06-05-2007, 04:03 AM
I don't get "tired" of music (lord knows it's kept me sane in my lifetime) but I used to get fed up with the local radio stations playing the same hits over and over again to the point where it would deter me from wanting to go out and buy the album. And it's gotten worse since moving here to Texas. The only FM station in the Dallas area that plays anything resembling modern progressive rock has a 10 song music library. Same with the 70's - 80's rock station. The thrid one that played classic rock changed format to country.:sleep: Forunately, DirecTV carries some XM stations that I like, and, good sound quality or no, it fills the need. My $.02.
06-05-2007, 04:14 AM
If I was I was on my death bed, in a coma or whatever, I'd still want the radio set to a good station...
Isn't that an oxymoron?
I can understand what PS is saying. I never tire of music, but I do occasionally get bored. Or maybe fickle is a better way of explaining it. I'll equate it to being hungry and staring into a full fridge complaining that that there's nothing to eat. Only in my case, I'll stare at my CD collection and complain that there's nothing to listen to. It's usually just a mood that I'm in that quickly passes.
Before I discovered this place, and music on the internet in general, I was seriously tired of music. All the music that I heard was played on the radio and it all sucked. The couple of hundred CDs that I had at the time had been listened to so much that I was totally bored of all of them. But then I came here, and I was shown that there is lots of great new music out long as you stay away from the radio. I learned how to search out new music, and I'm a much happier person for it. I don't get into those tired moods nearly as often now.
06-05-2007, 04:22 AM
I never get tired of music, it's one of the few constants in my world, Can't say the same
for other stuff going on around here.
06-05-2007, 05:24 AM
Well, there was this one time, not in band camp, when I drove to Nashville. 16 hours in a car with only 10 CD's. Believe it or not, there are areas in Virginia where you can't pick up a decent radio station for miles. Satellite radio wasn't even a twinkle in someone's eye yet. Yeah, I got tired of the music that was available to me that day. But it only lasted about 30 minutes. Then the boredom was worse and in went another CD that I had already heard 3 times in a few hours.
06-05-2007, 07:35 AM
nope, never,
sometimes I do want 'something else' like, playing a game or so, but even there there has to be good music.
06-05-2007, 08:31 AM
I get tired of noise. Obviously there's a difference, but the more people you manage, the more voices one encounters throughout the course of the day, each fighting for attention to their particular priority. At the end of a bad day a period of silence is heavenly. I have recently taken to using the car ride home as a chillout period.
Like others I occasionally become less enamored with my collection. This place is a great cure for that since someone's always doing something different. For instance Demetrio's thread on World Music was great for me, or I'll pick up something G Swishy or Rae or our dear, departed Dusty would discuss--something I wouldn't necessarily be exposed to otherwise.
Hell, sometines I'll by random discs for the cover art. Makes things fresh when I go back to the standards.
06-05-2007, 09:29 AM
or our dear, departed Dusty
Where the heck is that guy anyway? I noticed his absence a while ago, but just figured that he was on vacation somewhere and would be back. Only he's not back yet. :confused5:
06-05-2007, 09:55 AM
I never tire of music, but I do occasionally get bored. Or maybe fickle is a better way of explaining it. I'll equate it to being hungry and staring into a full fridge complaining that that there's nothing to eat. Only in my case, I'll stare at my CD collection and complain that there's nothing to listen to. It's usually just a mood that I'm in that quickly passes.
Wow...that describes my short-attention syndrome perfectly - throw in the bad habbit I have of totally overplaying music I love in short-periods of time and I go through that full-fridge thing all the time..
You are so poetic...
06-05-2007, 10:07 AM
Wow...that describes my short-attention syndrome perfectly - throw in the bad habbit I have of totally overplaying music I love in short-periods of time and I go through that full-fridge thing all the time..
You are so poetic...
I give my fridge the same stare that I give my movie collection and my music collection...both are often quite full, maybe even too many choices, which is another issue altogether, yet I can't seem to either find or make up my mind on what I want to eat, watch, or listen to. Other times I know precisely what I want and without even looking at the other options I grab the item. More often than not though I contemplate my mood as I scan over my CD's, my DVD's, my food choices...and I just can't find anything to satisfy. With the fridge I typically settle because I know that what is there ain't gonna chance unless I go to the grocery store, and I'll pick something and then later ask myself why I didn't just go to the store since what I just ate didn't really 'do the trick'. As for music, after a few minutes of that blank glaze I give up and either go for a guarantee listen or nothing at all. With the DVD's I'll root through them and then after awhile decide to just watch TV, which is a torture test in and of itself.
You know, we just have too many choices...sometimes we have so much STUFF that we can't even decide because we are just cluttered with too much of it. Hmmmm. What to do...
06-05-2007, 12:33 PM
yeah, just like I get tired of sex....
06-05-2007, 02:28 PM
I usually get distracted from listening to music, but I never tire of music.
Sometimes I turn audiophile and get into my speaker building hobby, then out comes music I haven't heard in a year or so. That too, passes, then I'm back to wondering what new, exciting music I've missed while I was tinkering.
No, I'll never tire of music.
06-05-2007, 04:00 PM
Where the heck is that guy anyway? I noticed his absence a while ago, but just figured that he was on vacation somewhere and would be back. Only he's not back yet. :confused5:
Dusty can be had over at AK.
Mr MidFi
06-06-2007, 06:49 AM
I’ve always loved music, even when I was a little kid.
But there was a period in the mid-90s when I just wasn’t interested in acquiring anything new, which meant I listened to the same ol’ stuff until it got stale. And as a new parent living in a condo building, I rarely had the chance to crank it up anyway.
As a consequence, there was a lot of good stuff from about ’93 thru ’97-ish that I’m still more or less oblivious to. Sad, but true.
Anyway, I’m back in the swing now…and that’s all that matters.
NP: "Shadows of Salford" by The Doves
06-06-2007, 09:30 AM
Dusty can be had over at AK.
yep, he's still on AK...
I wonder why he 'left' this site...
06-06-2007, 10:27 AM
yeah, just like I get tired of sex....
(can't...resist..urge to...make...smartass...comment...)
How's that work, you listen to a song for 93 seconds then turn it off and go to sleep? Bwa ha ha ha !!!
(just kiddin' wit'ya!).
06-06-2007, 12:55 PM
Sometimes I get tired of Yes albums and Genesis and Pink Floyd and the Rolling Stones because I have heard them a zillion times.
Other than that in general I listen to music 2 hours a day, every day.
06-06-2007, 01:02 PM
Sometimes I get tired of Yes albums and Genesis and Pink Floyd and the Rolling Stones because I have heard them a zillion times.
Other than that in general I listen to music 2 hours a day, every day.
2? Just 2?! How can you survive on just 2 hours of music a day? Oh man! I'd go through withdrawals. Please say that was a typo.
06-06-2007, 01:49 PM
I get tired of other peoples' music.
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