Wooch's New Addition Has ARRIVED! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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05-28-2007, 04:29 PM
Say hello to baby Kayley!

Mom and dad are exhausted, but quite thrilled with the latest arrival. She won't do digital format decoding, and has some rather demanding maintenance regimens (keeping LPs clean ain't got nuttin' on diaper changing!), but the kind of joy she brings has no price tag to it. So, just wanted to pass the news along, and hope all's well on this board in the meantime (or at least in its usual state of affairs)!

05-28-2007, 04:35 PM
Hey Wooch,

That's fantastic! Congrats. She's very cute.

05-28-2007, 05:06 PM
Congrad Wooch,

She probably will keep you busy for next few years. But as you said, the joy she brings has no price tag to it. I just hope she will not keep you from contributing to AR. The HD DVD format war is not over yet :D

05-28-2007, 05:24 PM
Say hello to baby Kayley!

Mom and dad are exhausted, but quite thrilled with the latest arrival. She won't do digital format decoding, and has some rather demanding maintenance regimens (keeping LPs clean ain't got nuttin' on diaper changing!), but the kind of joy she brings has no price tag to it. So, just wanted to pass the news along, and hope all's well on this board in the meantime (or at least in its usual state of affairs)!

Glad all went well. I'm sure she'll bring you joy and many sleepless nights. :cornut:

Mr Peabody
05-28-2007, 06:31 PM
Let me add to the CONGRADS. Soon you will wonder if you will ever get a full nights sleep again. And the next phase as they gain mobility, re-arranging dad's DVD collection :) Why does such misery seem s rewarding.....

05-28-2007, 06:58 PM
Congrats, Papa Wooch! She's going to be a lucky young lady to have such a caring teacher as a father...

...but remember, you have officially given up all control.

Cheers to you and yours, and don't be a stranger.


05-28-2007, 07:11 PM
Way to go Wooch,

What type of girl is she going to be?

Digital, Analog, 2 ch, Multichannel, Box, Planar, Tubes, SS, Hybrid, or just plain sweeeeeeeeet?



05-28-2007, 11:42 PM
..... join the team and sent warm congratulations for the safe arrival of the new family member.
She looks beautiful.
All the best to all of you.



05-29-2007, 03:35 AM
Heeeyyyy!!!! Congratu-freakin'-lations on the new gear Wooch! She's beautiful, takes after mom I see..
When's #2 coming? Everything's better in stereo...

On behalf of society, thank you for giving her a respectable human name Kayley that doesn't also serve as a noun or adjective!!!

Good job, and good health to your wife and daughter.

05-29-2007, 04:23 AM
Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Wooch! She's a beautiful baby.

05-29-2007, 04:33 AM
We need more good people like you bringing more babies into the world that will become fine adults.

Now, get off the computer and get some sleep. You're gonna need it.

05-29-2007, 05:05 AM
Congrats Wooch! She's beautiful.

Your so going to be wrapped around her little finger very very soon. Enjoy!


05-29-2007, 05:14 AM
All the best to you, your wife, and the newest member to your family!

05-29-2007, 06:16 AM
Well, congrats with the baby :)

my best wishes to your entire family,

05-29-2007, 06:38 AM
Congratulations Wooch. She's beautiful.

05-29-2007, 08:14 AM
Congratulations! She is so beautiful.

05-29-2007, 05:02 PM
Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

I definitely plan on getting as much sleep as possible (after all, the baby doesn't go pecking away in my direction when it's feeding time). I also see that a LOT of childproofing in the living room will be needed. It's only a matter of time before she's mobile and aware of what daddy plays on his home theater setup, but as Peabody sez, it's all so rewarding no matter what changes she creates in the meantime.

BTW, here's another pic from a few days later. As Kex correctly guessed, she definitely got my wife's looks (so glad the baby's not a female version of her old man)!

05-29-2007, 06:58 PM
That's a really big bib Wooch! :eek: Does she take after her Dad in that respect? ;)

05-30-2007, 04:33 AM
Congrat! She looks very awake in the last pic and trying to tell you something .May she bring you all the joy in the world to both parents.

05-30-2007, 04:17 PM
That's a really big bib Wooch! :eek: Does she take after her Dad in that respect? ;)

Since she got her looks from her mom, she had to get something from me! :6:

BTW, that's a swaddle blanket, though I'm sure in due time it will double as a bib once the baby figures out how to spit up!

05-30-2007, 05:05 PM
:lol: Enjoy!!!

05-31-2007, 06:44 AM
May she stay as beautiful as ever and heatlhy as well. Man my ole lady would kill for a baby girl instead of the 13-year old walking gullet we have now. Busted him last month DVR-ing porn on the rig downstairs... Oh the humanity. But back on topic Mazeltoff!!!

Da Worfster

05-31-2007, 07:18 AM
Busted him last month DVR-ing porn on the rig downstairs... Oh the humanity. But back on topic Mazeltoff!!!

Da Worfster
ROFLMAO...really Worf, is that such a bad thing?
And ya could have found out under far more awkward circumstances too...or his mom coulda...

Bah...sounds like a normal 13 year old boy to me...

(PS, better think of a new hiding place for your personal stash now).

05-31-2007, 07:26 AM
Busted him last month DVR-ing porn on the rig downstairs... Oh the humanity.

Da Worfster

Wssamatta? He should have used the one upstairs so you could see it too?

05-31-2007, 08:49 AM
Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Wooch on a job well done! The pics are beautiful. Was she born on 5/29? (That's my son's b-day.)

P.S. Start saving for college yesterday.

05-31-2007, 12:59 PM
ROFLMAO...really Worf, is that such a bad thing?
And ya could have found out under far more awkward circumstances too...or his mom coulda...

Bah...sounds like a normal 13 year old boy to me...

(PS, better think of a new hiding place for your personal stash now).
His mum DID find the DVR'd porn and accused ME!!!! I told her that the softcore he was lookin' at wasn't my cuppa. I didn't belittle him. We had a good laugh. I told him it was "normal" at his age but he's gotta learn (as ALL men must) how to navigate on the "downlow". LOL.. boys... Pheh..

Da Worfster. :smilewinkgrin:

05-31-2007, 01:03 PM
His mum DID find the DVR'd porn and accused ME!!!! I told her that the softcore he was lookin' at wasn't my cuppa. I didn't belittle him. We had a good laugh. I told him it was "normal" at his age but he's gotta learn (as ALL men must) how to navigate on the "downlow". LOL.. boys... Pheh..

Da Worfster. :smilewinkgrin:
You have disgraced yourself, and your house. Only a coward gets caught DVR'ing porn by his Klingon female co-habitant and then blames his SON...have you no honor?

BWA ha ha ha...oh that's too much!!!

Seriously, it coulda been worse...ya know...at least ya didn't catch him in the act of...errr..watching it...
Trust me, that's not good for anyone involved.

05-31-2007, 04:53 PM
His mum DID find the DVR'd porn and accused ME!!!! I told her that the softcore he was lookin' at wasn't my cuppa.

Da Worfster. :smilewinkgrin:

Not enough leather-clad Romulans spankin' Klingons for ya, eh Worfster?


05-31-2007, 05:18 PM
Well lookee here, it's little miss Kayley-ifer!

Congrats, my friend, she truly is beautiful. Breath in these moments because they fly by. Also, don't worry about baby-proofing the house too much, it will take another 8 or 9 months at least before she knocks the Studio's into the wall :lol:!

06-01-2007, 05:04 AM
[QUOTE=Woochifer]I definitely plan on getting as much sleep as possible (after all, the baby doesn't go pecking away in my direction when it's feeding time). I also see that a LOT of childproofing in the living room will be needed. It's only a matter of time before she's mobile and aware of what daddy plays on his home theater setup, but as Peabody sez, it's all so rewarding no matter what changes she creates in the meantime.

Sleep is overrated. After a while you just sort of get into a happy stupor and life is good.

Enjoy them when they are young, as they get old and sassy fast.

As it appears to be your first be prepared for a ton of unsolicited advice.

06-01-2007, 11:21 AM
May she stay as beautiful as ever and heatlhy as well. Man my ole lady would kill for a baby girl instead of the 13-year old walking gullet we have now. Busted him last month DVR-ing porn on the rig downstairs... Oh the humanity. But back on topic Mazeltoff!!!

:lol: The drawbacks of an adolescent with tech-savvy parental units!

In another 13 years, I'm sure I'll be dying to trade places with you once all them DVR-ing boys discover Kayley, leaving Wooch to enforce her curfew (and her honor!). I might need to hit you up on them Klingon parenting tips when that time rolls around.

Congrats, my friend, she truly is beautiful. Breath in these moments because they fly by. Also, don't worry about baby-proofing the house too much, it will take another 8 or 9 months at least before she knocks the Studio's into the wall !

Thanks Speedy! I'm already contemplating the toddler-proof barrier that I'll need to erect around the AV system (but, for the moment, we're more concerned about our backyard swimming pool, which is unfenced -- speakers can be replaced, baby Kayleys cannot!).

Enjoy them when they are young, as they get old and sassy fast.

As it appears to be your first be prepared for a ton of unsolicited advice.

Considering who her parents are, I would expect quite a sassful earful not too long after she starts forming words! Believe me, I need all the unsolicited advice I can get! :cool:

Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Wooch on a job well done! The pics are beautiful. Was she born on 5/29? (That's my son's b-day.)

P.S. Start saving for college yesterday.

Her b-day was May 22, so she predates your son's by a week (though she's still a Gemini). And indeed we are looking into the different college fund options out there. It's crazy how much a four-year degree costs nowadays, and I can only imagine how it will be in the fall of 2025 (oy!).

06-02-2007, 01:55 PM
And indeed we are looking into the different college fund options out there. It's crazy how much a four-year degree costs nowadays, and I can only imagine how it will be in the fall of 2025 (oy!).

You know, college loyalties skip a generation, which means you'll be needing this chart (http://www.usc.edu/dept/publications/cat2006/tuition/). Add about 4% per year until 2025.

You may want to have a defibrillator handy...

06-03-2007, 03:33 AM
You know, college loyalties skip a generation, which means you'll be needing this chart (http://www.usc.edu/dept/publications/cat2006/tuition/). Add about 4% per year until 2025.

You may want to have a defibrillator handy...
If you guys are dead adamant on restricting her right to go to Georgia State, I'd question why you're sending her to get a college degree at all.
3 of my high school buddies are doing disgustingly well as electricians and plumbers right now - exactly when did 29 year old plumbers start driving Ferrari's?:confused5:

06-03-2007, 12:18 PM
Whoa.....see what happens when you miss a week.

Congrats Wooch :)

They do grow up fast so keep a camera in hand. It seems like my little guy was just born yesterday and now he's already running around, trying to flip speakers over, turning the TV/DVD on and off, throwing my remotes behind the couch, hiding car keys at the bottom of his toy chest....well you get the point. :ciappa:

Congrats again.

06-04-2007, 05:08 AM
You have disgraced yourself, and your house. Only a coward gets caught DVR'ing porn by his Klingon female co-habitant and then blames his SON...have you no honor?

BWA ha ha ha...oh that's too much!!!

Seriously, it coulda been worse...ya know...at least ya didn't catch him in the act of...errr..watching it...
Trust me, that's not good for anyone involved.
Man there's NO SHAME in my GAME. I don't hide my light under a bushel. I'd NEVAH put the blame on my kid. If I want to take a trip down memory lane the ole ladies real fine with it. Better that then the "live ones" if you catch my drift.

Da Worfster

06-04-2007, 05:15 AM
Man there's NO SHAME in my GAME. I don't hide my light under a bushel. I'd NEVAH put the blame on my kid. If I want to take a trip down memory lane the ole ladies real fine with it. Better that then the "live ones" if you catch my drift.

Da Worfster
Ha ha ha...
Man, I love your stories Worfster, this place wouldnt' be the same without ya!

06-04-2007, 06:09 AM
Whoa.....see what happens when you miss a week.

Congrats Wooch :)

They do grow up fast so keep a camera in hand. It seems like my little guy was just born yesterday and now he's already running around, trying to flip speakers over, turning the TV/DVD on and off, throwing my remotes behind the couch, hiding car keys at the bottom of his toy chest....well you get the point. :ciappa:

Congrats again.

A well-rounded young man you have there L.J. ;) And I'll bet ya he just laughs and laughs and laughs when all the little buttons spring out of the remote when it hits the floor, huh? :yikes:

So Wooch, what's the diaper count up to this point? :18:

06-04-2007, 07:20 AM
A well-rounded young man you have there L.J. ;) And I'll bet ya he just laughs and laughs and laughs when all the little buttons spring out of the remote when it hits the floor, huh? :yikes:

I quickly learned to put my remotes away after use. I also took a old remote I don't use anymore and leave it out so he thinks he's getting away with something when he puts the smack down on it. :idea:

06-04-2007, 04:07 PM
You know, college loyalties skip a generation, which means you'll be needing this chart (http://www.usc.edu/dept/publications/cat2006/tuition/). Add about 4% per year until 2025.

You may want to have a defibrillator handy...


If that's the case, then you'd better hope that your boys decide to address their letters of intent to Westwood (http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/Fees/gradfee.htm)rather than South Bend (which I would assume has comparably stratospheric private school tuition)!

Funny thing is that the expenses that my dad paid to attend SC were nearly identical to what I paid to attend UCLA more than 20 years later. He paid his way through school by working as a short order cook at a bowling alley and as a busboy at Lawry's steakhouse (excellent tips and even better kitchen scraps to take home). And just through my summer job as a graphic designer, I was able to pocket enough to cover half of my college costs, including living expenses. The way that costs have escalated, I doubt that too many students at SC can now pay their way by working part-time as a busboy!

If you guys are dead adamant on restricting her right to go to Georgia State, I'd question why you're sending her to get a college degree at all.
3 of my high school buddies are doing disgustingly well as electricians and plumbers right now - exactly when did 29 year old plumbers start driving Ferrari's

No kidding. Just in my extended family, my brother-in-law is by far the most well off, and he has never set foot on a college campus. His dad did well as a plumbing contractor, and he wound up in the plumbing business as well. Now, he's got his own contracting business, an estate on a winery, a house on the lake up in Tahoe, and paid cash for a Porsche 911 last year (to go along with his Harleys). It's brutally stressful work though, and he's looking to get out of the business altogether. For now at least, he just wants to retire (before age 40), move to his vacation home in Tahoe, and maybe work part-time as a handyman if he gets bored.

Then again, I'm kind of in the mindset that if my kid wants to work as an electrician or plumber, I'm fine with that ... AFTER she gets her college degree! Absolutely nothing wrong with blue collar work, a lot of it can be very lucrative. I just think though that the college experience affords so many opportunities for discovery (for better or worse) that it can only help no matter what career path she ultimately chooses.

Congrats Wooch

They do grow up fast so keep a camera in hand. It seems like my little guy was just born yesterday and now he's already running around, trying to flip speakers over, turning the TV/DVD on and off, throwing my remotes behind the couch, hiding car keys at the bottom of his toy chest....well you get the point.

Thanks L.J. So far, I've logged over 400 pictures on the digital camera, and about 1 1/2 hours of video. Can't believe how quickly Kayley has already changed in less than two weeks.

I'm already resigned to having to keep stuff out of arm's reach, and risking everything else! Of course, any stuff that gets destroyed must get upgrad ... errr ... "replaced" right? :cool:

So Wooch, what's the diaper count up to this point?

Took Kayley less than a week to polish off the first 64-pack of Huggies! :cornut:

06-08-2007, 08:04 PM
Sleep is overrated. After a while you just sort of get into a happy stupor and life is good.

Bull ****!!!

I fell asleep today while getting my hair cut, For that it took additional 20 minutes to fix, and got yelled at by my boss for taking a long lunch. Now I look like a Monchichi.

Are you sleeping Wooch?

Congrats again