Anyone have Ozzy's Black Rain yet? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Anyone have Ozzy's Black Rain yet?

Mr Peabody
05-23-2007, 08:19 PM
Yesterday our Rock station had a syndicated Ozzy special to introduce and play some of the new Ozzy album Black Rain. I was listening at work on a piece of crap radio but my first impression is some of the songs are very good, especially the music. Zack put some killer guitar down on this album. I don't know if I'm getting older, or Ozzy is, but my tolerance for his voice has gone down a great deal. And sometimes I get the feeling that he just went back to his older albums and cherry picked lyrics and pieced them together for this one. I came away with a positive feeling overall though because this is the first music from Ozzy that has gotten my attention since the song No More Tears, and as a whole this album rarely gets played. As far as buying Black Rain the jury is still out. The fact that the music is so good though has me interested in checking out some Black Label Society again, or, maybe I should just buy the Black Rain....

Help me

05-24-2007, 04:02 AM
Black Rain, Will be released worldwide this Friday 5/25, The first single you heard was
"Over the top" I believe, it's getting major air play in my area. I've been waiting for a new
studio release from Ozzy for awhile, No More Tears, gets alot of play here, it's one of
my favorite Ozzy discs. Zakk Wilde is, of course one of the great players in the last
15 years or so, reading interviews of his, a great student of Van Halen/Rhodes/Vai,
and it shines through in his licks. Black Label Society is a band I've just recently
gotten into, Great guitar work, but, man, Zakks voice, got get past that, although
his last disc, it sounded much better, maybe taking lessons from Ozzy. I'll have a
copy of Black Rain the minute its on the shelves, and pass on some thoughts.

Mr Peabody
05-24-2007, 04:03 PM
Diary of A Madman is still my all time favorite Ozzy.

05-27-2007, 06:38 PM
Got my hands on Black Rain today, and it's pretty good. Recorded with Ozzy's touring
band; Zakk Wilde, Guitar, Mike Bordin, Drums, Ex Rob Zombie bassist Rob Nicholson,
it's a driving, Hard rock CD that fits Ozzy's style to a T. Vocals are in fine form, as usual,
and Wilde's guitar work is also stellar, all in all, a good addition to any Rock library.

:23: :thumbsup:

05-29-2007, 05:27 AM
Agreed, Laying off the Drugs/Booze, has got to have something to do with it. The guitar
solos are also worth the $ for the disc alone. I had a few non-ozzy fans over the weekend,
and even they were digging it, atleast no one requested any elton john this time, sheesh.

05-29-2007, 05:32 PM
I need to get this one. Supposedly it is a "sober" recording. His last cd was weak (the tribute one where he did covers) and was just blah.

Still tho he rocks and one of my favorites is his recent live dvd filmed in Japan.

Sheer assult. Zaak is incredible. Hell, the whole band hammers it HARD.


05-30-2007, 05:48 AM
I need to get this one. Supposedly it is a "sober" recording. His last cd was weak (the tribute one where he did covers) and was just blah.

Still tho he rocks and one of my favorites is his recent live dvd filmed in Japan.

Sheer assult. Zaak is incredible. Hell, the whole band hammers it HARD.


Agreed, not a fan of cover tunes for the most part. Ozzy made a statement with this
It seems...Hey I'm still here, I think with Metal/Hard Rock rearing it's head again,
he had to get involved. I listened to it again last night, and Zakk's playing, unreal.