Tube pre-amp for Adcom GFA 555II [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Tube pre-amp for Adcom GFA 555II

02-13-2007, 12:52 PM
I am interested in trying out some tube gear but would like to keep my amp (for now), lots of power and in immaculate condition. So, I am looking for suggestions for tube pre-amps to mate well with the Adcom. The unit doesn't need a great phono stage (or any for that matter) as I will only be playing CD's. But, it does need to stay around $500US so I think I am looking at used gear only, right?

I am trying to warm and open things up a little and I have really liked the different tube gear I have listened to lately. Eventually, I may move to all tube gear as I learn more about it but for now I would like to start with the pre-amp ( baby steps, you know, and budget concerns).

I am also in the process of buying new speakers so I'm thinking before I decide I can mess around with different combos as I audition.
I have read through many threads and have found similar posts but know next to nothing about tube gear. Pleases excuse the tube-noob questions.

Any and all comments very much appreciated.

02-13-2007, 01:33 PM
I am interested in trying out some tube gear but would like to keep my amp (for now), lots of power and in immaculate condition. So, I am looking for suggestions for tube pre-amps to mate well with the Adcom. The unit doesn't need a great phono stage (or any for that matter) as I will only be playing CD's. But, it does need to stay around $500US so I think I am looking at used gear only, right?

I am trying to warm and open things up a little and I have really liked the different tube gear I have listened to lately. Eventually, I may move to all tube gear as I learn more about it but for now I would like to start with the pre-amp ( baby steps, you know, and budget concerns).
Any and all comments very much appreciated.

But like you, I was looking for a tube preamp to tame brightness, hopefully without losing resolution. I'm currently awaiting delivery of a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 preamp; this was a bit over your budget though it has goodies you might not care about.

If you don't care about certain goodies, e.g. remote control, there is a pretty good choice of used equipment. Strikes me that some of the old Conrad-Johnson models might be a good place to start or even old Audio Research models. An Anthem 2L recently when on eBay for about $580 -- would have been a nice choice too -- even has a remote control.
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