Bryston B60 SST [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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12-28-2006, 07:58 AM
With my Orsa speakers from Jas-audio, all sitting nice and sturdy on some custom made speaker stands I have been using an NAD C 370 amplifier and a Cary CD308 CD player with excellent results...Oh...I recently added an SVS subwoofer (SB12 Plus)...and so I have been very happy with the sounds of classical music emanating from these fine components. But, as we hobbyists do, I got to thinking about a Bryston amplifer. I researched it online very thoroughly, and I decided that the Bryston B60 SST would be a nice step up for me. Everything I could find in the reviews, both professional and by ordinary listeners like you and me, was on the positive side. All equipment becomes a trade-off in some respects, but the pluses for the Bryston B60 SST was, for me, just about right....of course I won't know until I plug everything in and have a real listening session. If everything works out the way I expect it to, I will be having a very fine integrated amplifer to sell...the NAD C370 - and I have the original box, the manual and also have updated jumpers to bridge from the pre-out to the main-in for connecting extra amplification...I use it to connect the SVS subwoffer..the Bryston has the same pre out main in connects. I once used the NAD with Maggie 1.6 QRs and it did a fine job with them. If anyone has experience with the Bryston B60 I'd appreciate any comments you might have for me.

Dusty Chalk
01-01-2007, 04:09 PM
By all accounts, the Bryston is a very good amplifier -- I've been looking at getting one myself to drive a particularly hard-to-drive pair of speakers I have. I've heard one of their power amps on a pair of Thiels, and it sounded exquisite -- some of the best sound I've ever heard.

But you should keep the Nad until you have a chance to compare them -- you're getting into preference territory -- I.E. it's not a matter of whether one is better than the other, it's a matter of which you prefer.

You're putting together a very nice system, Bingo!

01-01-2007, 04:19 PM
:confused5: Dusty Chalk - I appreciate your suggestion, I had already planned to hold on to the NAD C370 until I have a chance to play the B60 a few weeks or so...from all I could read about in the reviews, I 'think' I am going to hear something I like...but as you so wisely said...that ain't always the case. Right now the authorized dealer advised me that before he ships the Bryston B60 SST to me, he has to verify with Bryston that the Remote window works - he said he never bought a remote with the unit and never used one on I have to wait and see. By getting the demo model, I saved a bundle...and I need to save a bundle...I'm not rich. Thanks for your input...its the only input I got!
