Bsr Eq3000 Problem [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Bsr Eq3000 Problem

12-20-2006, 02:03 PM
Hey guys,
I have this old EQ. (bsr eq3000)
It was working fine, i had it in storage for a while and now
i plug it in and it works for 20 seconds or so and then just cuts off.
the power light stays on but the lights for the eq bands shut off
and the sound dies too.

any ideas?!

i'm running an old nintendo 64 into it (line)
and the out is going to my computer's line in.

works beautifully for 20 seconds or so.
when it dies and i turn it off, if i turn it right back on, nothing...
if i wait a minute or so, it works for 20 seconds again.

does it have fuses or anything I may need to replace?

thanks in advance.

12-20-2006, 02:04 PM
I may have posted this in the wrong section...
sorry about that.

Dusty Chalk
12-20-2006, 03:42 PM
does it have fuses or anything I may need to replace? No, it's not a fuse -- a fuse would be an either it worked or it don't kinda deal.

Not a clue. Sounds like some sort of protection is kicking in.

12-20-2006, 09:23 PM
that's what I was thinking, It the N64 amped or something?
Is it getting some kind of signal response from the comp?
another idea... that doesn't make sense...
Does it have to be pluged in for an extended period of time?!
I seem to remember having this problem with it before (not posative though)
and it worked itself out. ? I don't know.

The problem is I don't need an EQ bad enough to buy another one, even though
it would be nice to have. (the 64 sound needs some rE-Qing to play on my comp speakers)
I'll buy an adapter from radio shack before all that, even though I've bought
the exact one more than 3 times... can't keep track of that stuff to save my life.

anyway thanks...

anyone else?!

Dusty Chalk
12-21-2006, 12:52 PM
Loose power cord?

12-21-2006, 09:16 PM
ok i did a little troubleshooting because it's still not working.
unpluged everything, still same thing.
opened it up and poked around, made sure the power cable was secure,
still same thing.

it's just busted then.
WTF... piece of junk.