Digital Music server/Streamer [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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12-12-2006, 11:47 AM
I would like to get a Digital music server/streamer, i think that is what it is called, but i cant find any. I dont want to rely on cd's anymore, i want to be able to listen to my mp3's from my computer without having to rearange my house. Can anyone tell me the exact phrase i should google or is their any reccomendations? thank you.

12-12-2006, 12:13 PM
Squeezebox by SlimDevices?

12-12-2006, 02:18 PM
Nice, thank you.

12-12-2006, 05:01 PM
I don't have one...yet. But it has been much talked about in this forum. You can search the forum for Squeezebox and see what our locals have to say about it. Good luck!

Mike Anderson
12-13-2006, 11:56 AM
I have a Squeezebox, and I love it.

Only caveat is that some people have had trouble getting the wireless to work flawlessly, but that is really a network issue, not a problem with the product. I wired mine with CAT 5 so I wouldn't have to worry about it. Works flawlessly.

12-20-2006, 04:03 PM
I just got an Olive Musica and it is the perfect solution for a Digital music server/streamer. Check them out ( )

Mike Anderson
12-20-2006, 05:02 PM
The Olive type products are really only worthwhile for people who don't want to fool with using their own computers.

If you're willing to spend a little time and effort learning how to use your computer as a music server, it is much more powerful and flexible -- not to mention much cheaper!

12-23-2006, 07:18 PM
There's the Hauppauge unit also. Handles video as well as audio, but less audio formats. SAGEtv has their own version of the unit that integrates with their software, allowing you to use your computer as a DVR. TV / capture card and probably an additional hard drive required to store all that video.

Not sure about the sound quality. I'm streaming audio and video by wireless, using the SAGEtv software, but using an old computer with decent sound and video cards and wireless mini keyboard instead of the Hauppauge / SAGEtv MVP unit. I've been thinking of trying out the SAGEtv version because there's really no reason to have an extra computer running just to handle what that little box could probably do just as well, if not better.

... Although, I do sometimes record vinyl to the old computer that's hooked up to the home theater system and access the files from my main computer to separate the tracks and burn disks / create mp3s...

01-01-2007, 12:34 PM
I currenty own a netgear Mp101 DAR that works good and has easyto manage server software. it only connects to your HT via analog RCA, but works wirelessly and wired (best results) off your network, you can get one of these dirt cheap on ebay (under $50)

I just ordered a Squeezebox3 as an upgrade for the purpose of getting digital outputs. I've been testing the server software (Slimserver) to get a feel of the system. This software is very buggy/laggy and its not a wireless issue only. Check their webpage and read the forums and you can judge for yourself. for the price paid ($270) I expect much much better software and performance from it. When I get the actual unit I will come back and post more.

01-03-2007, 04:15 PM
Got the Squeezebox today and one word to try to give you and ideal WOWthis thing is awesome. For all the trouble I had dealing with the software this makes up for it. It connected with no problems and even found playlist that I created with MusicMatch. The sound quality is smooth, that can be inpart to the new Pioneer 81TX I got, but the separation of sound starts with this device.

I have mine connected wirelessly and I did not suffer any drops as I did with the Netgear Mp101. I hooked mine up via optically and set the receiver for direct stream. The analog connection are gold plated and are driven by 2 brown burr DAC's. If your into Mp3's or any other download music this item is worth the price tag.

Mike Anderson
01-03-2007, 10:20 PM
^^^ Congrats. Now you can toss your CD player, welcome to the 21st century!

01-05-2007, 06:43 PM
It was good to see you in the Slim forum, I said the same things about the web base interface and they jumped all over me. Asking for more detail information on the problems. And when I told them about my Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX being able to restore the sound to Mp3's to near CD quality they about lost it. Got all mad saying I was wrong if I could not give them the details on how Pioneer does such a thing. I told them that what the manual says.

It got put to rest I guess after a few of them had me put it to a test with a lossless file and campared it to the CD and then convert that same file to an Mp3 and compared it to the CD using the sound retriever. I even told them about the Yamaha 2700 and they act like I was on acid.

01-08-2007, 12:03 PM
I've been running the Linux version of Slimserver for several years now and haven't had any problems that I can think of. About the only thing I'd like to see which it can't do yet (at least in the Linux version) is drag and drop. Other than that convenience, it runs fine for me.

01-08-2007, 01:05 PM
I've been running the Linux version of Slimserver for several years now and haven't had any problems that I can think of. About the only thing I'd like to see which it can't do yet (at least in the Linux version) is drag and drop. Other than that convenience, it runs fine for me.

Mine is working great too, but head over to Slim Devices forum and read the thread (smiles and kisses) and you will see the mess I had to deal with.