Sony speakers - SS-LA500ED - SA-WD200 [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Sony speakers - SS-LA500ED - SA-WD200

02-09-2004, 08:56 PM
Ok I know that speakers ain't exactly Sony's "forte" but I couldn't resist when I saw a pair of SS-LA500ED and a subwoofer SA-WD200 for half price in a clearance sale. But alas I won't be able to use any of them for a few weeks (need a receiver now). So I've been looking the web for reviews and critics, in store the speakers sounded very nice but so does everything in a store :rolleyes: , but anyway I couldn't find anything and from sony's website it looks like they've stopped producing those models.

Could anyone tell me about their personnal experience with them or why sony stopped producing them. Oh and if anyone has a receiver to suggest me to go with that setup I'd be very thankful, I am mainly looking at a stereo receiver (no need for H/T), but it's hard to get by a stereo receiver with a subwoofer RCA input, and the SA-WD200 lacks of stereo outputs. I've been told that it could work with a Yamaha RX-576 but I would like to know how.