11-22-2006, 10:27 AM
This seemed to be a popular comparision after TAS reviews, just wondering if there was ever a consensus on which was better overall.
11-24-2006, 03:32 AM
This seemed to be a popular comparision after TAS reviews, just wondering if there was ever a consensus on which was better overall.
I don't know if there is any consensus, as few people have heard both models (as neither is commonly available). I believe Sally did not make a direct comparison between the two, but she was pretty taken with the Adagios.
I have heard both, and I loved them almost equally. The Adagios are about $800 per pair more than the System 2s as well. The Adagios get quite low (lower than the System 2s to my ears), and their midrange presentation is quite similar. On top, the circular ribbon tweeter sounded harsh on one soundtrack I played on them (powered by Cary SS gear), but fine on many others -- the System 2s have a more natural sounding top end, IMO. The Adagios have a bit brighter character overall than the Tylers when paired with SS gear, but can be quite warm (even dark) sounding with certain tubes. Soundstage with might be a hair better with the Tylers, but the Adagios had better depth. I would say that probably the Adagios are the more accurate speakers if one was to graph out frequency response charts.
Tough call, IMO. Based on my listening experiences, if I had the $4200 and had the right electronics (the Adagios were very finicky with some of the Cary stuff I heard them on) then I probably would go with them in a pinch. That said, if I had the $4200 for the Adagios, I might save up for the Tyler System Is that I still preferred (and of course still own) over them as they are a similar spread above the Adagio's price point. The bottom line is all of the above present some tremendous value and it would be hard to go wrong.
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