View Full Version : The biggest dissapointment in the history of Mankind.
11-20-2006, 11:33 PM
If you guys havent heard about this yet, then you should watch it. I must warn you. It's not cool at all. Not at all.... I've always liked him as Kramer on the Seinfeld and other characters in movies, but after seeing this, I will be boycotting anything he has ever done.
Shame shame shame.... It's F'd up.
11-21-2006, 03:31 AM
Rage can make people do things they would otherwise never do.
What he said was wrong but in a fit of anger many say and do things they later regret. It is a way to cause hurt to those that hurt you.
I too will be boycotting "Kramer". I will not watch his spinoff after Seinfeld...oh yeah it fell flat and is gone...I will not go to the Laugh Factory to see him...oops a bit late for that too I suppose...I know I will not watch his carreer melt down video footage on "youtube" and other such sites...Yeah that's the ticket.
Has anyone said a word on the ahole hecklers that started the whole shebang. While in no way should Michael have hurled racial epithets at them I strongly support his right to drop numerous F bombs there way for f'ing up his efforts on stage. Who the hell do they think they are? Insulting someone trying to work...joke telling is work?...Too bad Michael did not have the skills to put them in their place without resorting to racial insults it would have been much better for him and his "career".
11-21-2006, 04:41 AM
Too many idiots in the world. The hecklers were bad sure, but anyone who's ever been in showbiz, even me and my crappy bar bands, has been heckled and knows it comes with the territory and you deal with it. That's been the territory for thousands of years. It's not an excuse or a justification. If Richards had a problem with it, he has a duty, legally and professionally, to handle it in a better manner than that - we usually just call for security to address the bad ones, or you incorporate them into the show, give them the spotlight for their 15 minutes and everyone moves on. What an idiot.
His career was hurting, but his legacy is likely gone now too.
Mel Gibson is probably happy the heat's off him a bit now.
11-21-2006, 08:22 AM
Rage can make people do things they would otherwise never do.
What he said was wrong but in a fit of anger many say and do things they later regret. It is a way to cause hurt to those that hurt you.
Booz too makes people do things they would otherwise never do. Of course, that doesn't get them off the hook either.
JoeE SP9
11-21-2006, 09:07 AM
Being black I have a slightly different perspective on this. Those guys who were heckling him are the very ones who think it's OK to interrupt and heckle anyone at any time. When they are called on this they invariably bring out the race card and act like they're the injured party. If they had been heckling Eddie Murphy and he brought out the "N" word there would have been mention of this affair by any one but the hecklers who would be claiming they were the injured parties. Those guys are probably the same ones that won't let you watch a movie without constant interruptions.:incazzato:
I'm not defending Mr Richards. He could have shut them up in a different way. A way that wouldn't have been offensive. Maybe he should have hired me to write material useful in heckler control. I just thought a different perspective should be voiced.:o
Dusty Chalk
11-21-2006, 01:09 PM
First of all, he has since apologized for it.
Secondly, he was being heckled, and he lost it. What do you expect? What did the heckler expect? I never understood hecklers.
I'm not saying there is ever any excuse to use the 'n' word, but...he lost it. I mean, c'mon. He's not Kramer, and he's going to have to live with that for the rest of his life.
I won't be boycotting anything he does, but he's in television, and I don't watch television, so it's not like I'm part of his target market anyway.
And "biggest disappointment in the history of mankind"...? Methinks you exaggerate a bit much. I mean, c'mon, he doesn't hold a candle to the existence of the KKK, or Nazis, and so on. People who haven't "lost it", and do these sorts of things on purpose.
11-21-2006, 02:43 PM
I agree with dusty chalk on this one, definately a dissapointment but compared to the red movement led by Mao Tse Tung to take over china, killing over 60 million people, Kramer's statement doesn't hold a candle.
11-21-2006, 02:52 PM
Has anyone ever seen Dr Dirty John Valby? His normal routine is way worse than this.
11-21-2006, 03:25 PM
It doesn't seem to happen much anymore. Maybe some intoxicants were involved. I don't know of him enough to condemn him. As a side bar, I saw Buddy Rich exactly twice in my life and both times he went off. First was at a concert at West Michigan U. He was backing Mel Torme. The lighting guy was obviously a student because a couple of different stage lights went off and on during a number. Rich stopped his band cold in the middle of a song and started *****in out the lighting guy. I thought, what a dick with ears. The second time I saw him do this was at Interlochen music camp. He was giving a concert in front of a bunch of enthusiastic music students. They were yelling out requests as he started into one of his songs ,and again he stopped the show to yell at the kids. Artists are under presure like anyone else I guess however launching a tirade, well, thats way contrary to show biz behavior isn't it? I wonder how many times Sammy Davis got heckled and didn't say s..t.
11-21-2006, 05:48 PM
Exaggerated? Well that title made you cllick on this thread. And yes, no doubt, but comparing to some of history events? You really can't do that. You gotta look at situations individually. We can't make him look like an angel just because we've heard David Allen Coe. I'm not saying that what you meant, you were just referring to my thread title. Y'all get my drift, right?
I dont give a **** if he apologized or not, if that's how he handled that situation, then that says alot of his lifestyle. Of course we cannot make any proper assesment based solely on what we have seen thru media. That's why I dont follow politics. None of that tells the entire story.
I dont think he should become less of a "racist". I dont really care about that, I just dont respect him at all. Sure, I only know him as characters and nothing else. But that's is just unacceptable.
We all do act crazy under threats, though.
11-21-2006, 06:56 PM
I'm not defending Michael Richards, I just find it a bit ironic that someone whose signature line is "Just let your balls hangout" got so offended by someone who did let his balls hang out.
Maybe you should change your signature line to "Keep it all zipped up".
11-21-2006, 07:29 PM
LOL. Nice one JL2.
I applaud the fact MR let his ballz hangout. I just dont respect the way he whip'em out. I dont really care if MR soaks his ballz in a bowl of hot water to alter the content of his ballz. He can do whatever he pleases with his ballz. I'm just saying that if he whip'em out in front of me like that. I'm will be showing him my ballz.
I even applaud HItler's Ballz. But I despise 100% on what's inside of his Bz, and how he went about exposing them. Same for MR, but again....
But maybe his inner-ballz arent so bad........................and balls.
11-22-2006, 01:27 PM
Those guys who were heckling him are the very ones who think it's OK to interrupt and heckle anyone at any time. When they are called on this they invariably bring out the race card and act like they're the injured party. If they had been heckling Eddie Murphy and he brought out the "N" word there would have been mention of this affair by any one but the hecklers who would be claiming they were the injured parties. Those guys are probably the same ones that won't let you watch a movie without constant interruptions.:incazzato:
This is exactly what I was thinking. Chris Rock actually did a routine on the difference between black people and "*****z." More importantly, why is it OK for black people to call other black people "*****z" but as soon as someone else does, whether white, yellow, brown, or hot pink, it's suddenly racism? The "N" word is common in rap, hip-hop, and comedy routines, yet can only be spoken within context by a black person. Odd.
This does not mean I condone what Richard's did, btw. He lost it, that much is clear. Unfortunately, it was handled in about the worst way possible and like Kex says, he should have been more professional about it. That said, I'm not going to read anymore into it than that. If he has race problems, that's his problem. The guy that yelled "Cracker Ass" lies in the same bed if you ask me.
When I saw Dave Chappelle last year, there was some d**khead that heckled Dave from beginning to end. It ruined the show and honestly, I would have preferred it if Dave would have gone at the heckler instead of ignoring him. Lord knows, everyone else in the audience wanted to go after him. Was Dave right to ignore him? I dunno. I do know the show was lessened for the people that paid for Dave's Benz.
I didn't think the "N" word meant much anymore. And hey, Topspeed, is cracker ass an insult to the white race? Because I certainly didn't know that. If any other race of person came up to me calling me a cracker ass I certainly wouldn't be insulted. Maybe I'm just not that sensitive. And speaking of being overly sensitive, is it just me, or is every other race other then white's, on the sensitive side. Because that is the way I have seen it for my whole life. And in no way am I condoning "Cosmo Kramer's" actions just in case somebody wanted to take it up with me.
11-22-2006, 06:38 PM
I didn't think the "N" word meant much anymore.
Are you kidding me?
Sounds like you've always lived in a community where everyone get along with everybody else. That's awesome man, but I'm almost positive that is not the case. You really gotta look around. Alot of times, it is right in your face, and it's hard to see bc things are altered from your enviornments.
Blacks calling each other Ns. From what I've understood from my friends, that is the way for them to coup with hate. Have you guys ever recognized the brotherhood amoungst white race? Blacks have, in general, much stronger group identify than others. But I've only hung out with african american kids 18-30yrs, getting them to talk about it is not easy. But close friends, and other in the right situation, they've all told me the same.
All the older african american gentlemen I've talked to hate younger kids using the N words toward their race.
The way I see it is that this whole thing is like Football games. Second half of games are and outta be considered another game. All about fresh start and focusing on what's ahead. But there are so much in the american history. It really wasnt that long ago where all the **** was taking place. So blacks calling Whites "cra***er" just dont have the same weight behind the words. Does it give them a right to use that? Hell no.
11-23-2006, 06:43 AM
I don't agree with Richard's response either. But there are always two sides to every story and I don't think that we're getting both sides here. What were the hecklers saying to him? How long had they been heckling him for? Because Richards is a professional, I have to believe that there was more to this than shown by that short video clip. If he didn't have the good sense to stop and apologize on stage, at least he had the good sense to walk off before things got any worse.
I hear that the Hecklers are now doing the TV talk show circuit. In my mind that significantly reduces their credibility.
JoeE SP9
11-24-2006, 08:14 AM
Next thing you know those hecklers will be on Oprah claiming their feelings were hurt. They should have been ejected from the club when they started to get out of hand. A certain amount of heckling is probably part of the course in todays manner less world. To much of it and you begin interfering with every one else's night out. Ruining a night for everyone else is no way to spend an evening.:)
11-24-2006, 04:08 PM
Well slavery ended only 141 years ago and there is a lot of racial tension in the world. Quite a lot in the US, Germany, Sweden and all across the world. I am not a fan of "interacial mix" (only meant in terms of immigration). I dont care about interacial marriage and dont see a problem with it, but in Germany the Turkish, Russian, Polish immigrants are just too much and they dont adapt and it pisses a lot of us off-
The guy was bugging in the night club and the Kramer guy just had no intelligence to combat him and pulled the cheap race card. Its still nothing compared to the war crimes of the current administration or anything else going on in the world. Sometimes it takes a "in your face" battle to realize the sad situation this world is in. It would be best to wipe the human species off this earth and i sure hope someday will come to end all the madness.
11-24-2006, 05:07 PM
Hey Flo, I hope you are having fun with your gears.
I'm curious, you said they are not adopting to your country. Can you go into a detail on that?
It would be best to wipe the human species off this earth and i sure hope someday will come to end all the madness.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I dont agree with it, but I love it.
11-24-2006, 06:00 PM
Hello, yes i am quite happy with my gears. Thank you
I will glady have a nice chat with you about this. Would you like me to give you a call? Send me a PM if your interested.
11-24-2006, 08:55 PM
Hello, yes i am quite happy with my gears. Thank you
I will glady have a nice chat with you about this. Would you like me to give you a call? Send me a PM if your interested.
Mr S,
Thanks for your offer but I'm too lazy for that.
11-25-2006, 01:40 AM
Fair enough.
11-25-2006, 05:16 AM
Using the N word was indeed the cheap way out of a difficult situation. I offer that it was the best way he could think of to deal with it at the time. There are some comedians that are very skilled in tearing apart that sort of heckler and it is always fun to watch the "audience tough guy" get his head handed to him/her or them.
The heckler, drunk or not, is part of show biz (also many other events too games, baseball, etc.). Learn to deal with it or get off the stage. I am not of sophisticated wit and tend to think of witty retorts too late lol so I would have resorted to strong and uber profane cursing directed at them rather than using racial insults but that is just me. We all deal with such things in our own way.
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