View Full Version : How to replace a Pro-ject dust cover
I recently purchased a Pro-ject 1.2 TT from Ebay, and despite some wonderful packing on the part of the seller the PO still managed to damage it. The discover has a major crack in the back near one of the inserts for the hinges. It clearly happened in transit, as the crack is not visible in the pictures from the auction.
It was all insured, but the problem is that the 1.2 turntable was discontinued a few years ago, and Sumico in California doesn't think/know if it can be replaced, either by old stock or from another model that matches it.
Does anyone have a clue if the dustcovers from other Pro-ject models may fit, or if there's a suitable replacement out there somewhere? It's not like I keep the cover on when I play it, but I paid good money for the TT and it's just taken a hit in resale value, so I figure the PO should ante up one way or the other.
Thanks in advance.....Tim
11-02-2006, 01:04 PM
I recently purchased a Pro-ject 1.2 TT from Ebay, and despite some wonderful packing on the part of the seller the PO still managed to damage it. The discover has a major crack in the back near one of the inserts for the hinges. It clearly happened in transit, as the crack is not visible in the pictures from the auction.
It was all insured, but the problem is that the 1.2 turntable was discontinued a few years ago, and Sumico in California doesn't think/know if it can be replaced, either by old stock or from another model that matches it.
Does anyone have a clue if the dustcovers from other Pro-ject models may fit, or if there's a suitable replacement out there somewhere? It's not like I keep the cover on when I play it, but I paid good money for the TT and it's just taken a hit in resale value, so I figure the PO should ante up one way or the other.
Thanks in advance.....Tim
I can not be totally sure but I think that this music hall cover will fit.
I do not know how you would get one either.
Hi Brandon.
Actually, you're right, they do indeed look very similar. That I do believe is the dolled up version of the 2.1, right?
Anyone here with the model who could give me the measurements of the lid and particularly the distance between the two recesses for the hinge pins? It would be much appreciated.
Thanks for that Brandon.
11-02-2006, 05:03 PM
I own a Xpression version 1. According to their specs, width of 2 decks are different by 0.1".
Mine measures exactly 36.5 cms. That is from the center of one hole to the other. I would have to think they've been using the same exact lid. It would not make any sense for them to use different lids. I've always thought the lid on my deck was slightly smaller than it should be. Now it makes sense.
11-02-2006, 05:15 PM
Mine measures exactly 36.5 cms.
With that in mind, you shouldnt try to work with English system. It was exactly 36.5 not 13.5".
-JRA Again
11-03-2006, 04:16 AM
-JRA Again
indeed look around specs of other pro-ject models, they don't differ that much in size,
maybe the music hall, since it's practically a pro ject, and maybe goldring will do too, but i'm not sure about that...
11-03-2006, 06:55 AM
Hi Brandon.
Actually, you're right, they do indeed look very similar. That I do believe is the dolled up version of the 2.1, right?
Anyone here with the model who could give me the measurements of the lid and particularly the distance between the two recesses for the hinge pins? It would be much appreciated.
Thanks for that Brandon.
I know that there are many similarities between the tables and that they are made in the same factory but thats as far as I can help you.
I guess if you can find a metric measuring tape then that would be best and use the measurements so kindly provided by jrhymeammo.
Good luck.
JRHYMEAMMO.....okay, these are the dimensions of the lid.
415mm wide x 320mm deep (outer edge to outer edge for both) x 61mm height (measured from the inside of the lid). The distance between the holes is exactly the same as yours, so I'm guessing the rest of the dimensions will match as well.
I actually though that there was a good chance they'd have used the same lid eslewhere, as it would save them the expense of redisigning it and get a new mould made. I guessed they would have at least kept it around for the newer base models.
By the way, I am quite used to the metric system, as I more or less grew up with it in my native country of Australia. We switched from the imperial system to metric in the early 70's, when I was half way through high school - made life interesting for a year or two! Because of the time in my life when the change took place, I'm still quite familiar and comfortable with feet and inches as well. Having lived in the States for 6 - 7 years I've simply learned to refer to it in posts because it's the system most people are comfortable with here - talk metric to some people and you may as well be talking Martian!. In so many ways metric is far easier and logical to deal with, but I don't see the USA changing over any time soon, even though they've made a few concessions here and there over the years.
Funny about the Music Hall data. I wasn't aware that they came out of the same facility, though I have to admit that I was only recently musing over the fact that so much of the 2.1 bore a striking resemblance to the Pro-ject 1.2. The simple transposition of the numbers should have clued me up i guess!
If you can confirm that the figures I gave match your dust lid I'll get on to Sumiko and order one in. But please, if you can get those measurements for me take care measuring - I'd hate for you to scratch your lid up on my account.
And by the way, don't hold your breath waiting for Sumiko in California to help out with information. I personally called them two days ago and was told they'd 'try and find someone who knew' to call me back. Not a word. I even emailed Pro-ject headquarters in Europe and heard zip back from them.
That's why forums like this are such a boon!
Thanks to one and all for their input on the matter. It really helped shed some light on the matter for me.
11-03-2006, 09:07 PM
Hi Tim, here is the measurement I got.
412mm by 318mm... I measure it 5 times each and I still cameup with the same result. I guess 2mm+/- difference for the lid is okay by their QC. Also, it is made of plastic so this can be normal.
I'm suprised to hear that about Sumiko in Cali. I've talked to them numurous times, and had incredible customer support. E-mail is not the most productive way to gather info from them. Though one time I talked to a younger rep, and he wasnt too knowledgable on Pro-Ject products. He sounds like he was around 35. Anyways,
Good luck and best wishes,
Hey JR
Thanks for that. It does look like they're a match, doesn't it? I think I can live with a difference of a couple of millimetres here and there, as long as it's not the distance between the holes.
I'll get the quote from Sumico on Monday and start chasing the post office up for the cash.
To end on an amusing note, I was pondering the thought that it would be funny to check on the Music Hall equivalent and find if there's a price difference from the Pro-ject dust cover. If so, it wouldn't be the first time rebadged products have varied in price of course.
11-06-2006, 10:51 AM
Hey Tim,
Yeah this common practice in industries make us wonder. Kinda like Geo Prizm and Toyota Carolla.
I bet replace items can be very costly. Dont be suprised to pay around $200:(. If that's the case, then I would start looking for other options such these.
Let us know what you found out.
Best Wishes
11-13-2006, 01:47 PM
I've always thought that some after-market company would do well by adding "smoked" dust covers for Pro-Ject and Music Hall turntables to their product line. I have the Pro-Ject 1.2 also. It looks cheap only when I put the clear dust cover on.
Tim, Sumiko used to have a guy that would personally return phone calls and emails. He actually had answers, too. But, I read somewhere that he left Sumiko. I wish I could remember his name. It was Jim Alexander or Anderson or something.
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