new receiver recommendations... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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10-16-2006, 01:47 PM
hey guys, i know you've all heard me say that i'm getting a new receiver this X-mas, but i'd like some input on my choice...

Budget: absolute max is $350 canadian, thats with me kicking in extra moolah, so make sure its around $300, CANADIAN, i'd be willing to buy from the us, i have some relatives in albany, newyork, so i can handle shipping... ya, but if there a huge performance boost for the $50, by all means mention it.

i've seen some pretty decent ones, the only one that really stuck out was a denon DRA-295

oh ya, and if you could, even check if i can get it where i live, i'm in ottawa ontario, canada

thans dudes,

peace, 'the dude

10-16-2006, 02:13 PM
I've had very good luck with Harmon Kardon receivers. You can purchase very reasonably through the HK eBay store.

You would be able to get an AVR-135, AVR-235, and likely even an AVR-335 for under your budget.

Here's an auction that ends in 2 hours or so: 7799QQcmdZViewItem

10-17-2006, 12:26 AM
I had HK before now I'm a Onkyo fan. Try the SR603 or the 703

10-17-2006, 09:57 AM

Budget: absolute max is $350 canadian, thats with me kicking in extra moolah, so make sure its around $300, CANADIAN, i'd be willing to buy from the us, i have some relatives in albany, newyork, so i can handle shipping... ya, but if there a huge performance boost for the $50, by all means mention it.

i've seen some pretty decent ones, the only one that really stuck out was a denon DRA-295
peace, 'the dude

There aren't that many stereo receivers out there any more -- Denon has the most models though there are attractive ones from Harmon/Kardon, Marantz, and Outlaw.

Personally I might look for something vintage: there are two vintage options.

First, the nice vintage are pre-1980 receivers, especially from Marantz, Pioneer, Sansui, and Kenwood. Three main drawbacks: (1) will need power supply capacitor replacements to sound their best, (2) no remote controls (3) very good tuners but usually no station pre-selects because tuning is analog.

The other vintage option is mid-1980s onward with digital tuning and remoted control. They are usually cheaper than the earlier vintage models -- sometimes very cheap indeed. I look at any major brand; there are many Carver receivers available on eBay, for example. (I recently bought a NAD 7130, 30 wt/ch with digital tuning; unfortunately no remote control for that model.)

Or I might look at a Adcom tuner-preamp plus power amp combo -- can be had for around your budget.

10-17-2006, 10:11 AM
the denon would be a good choice, if you liked it (when you heared it or saw it or whatever it), then go for that, there aren't many ones in your budget, especially not where you live, (not that i know of). Am i right that you had a yamaha a litlle time ago?? I thought you said you liked it (personally, i don't like it but anyways) try the yammie stereo receivers too, not sure about budget, but i'm sure that there will be some in your budget...
here's a link to the yamaha receiver, but really, if you like the sound of the denon, then go for that (unless you hear something better)

good luck Dude


10-18-2006, 11:25 AM
ya, my dad's got a yammie, it's a 7.1 tho, does stereo alright, but when we get a dedicated home theatre, that'll go there and we'll get a new stereo receiver or intergrated, w/e...

ya, i kinda like the denon, and take out the location requirements, we've got a bunch of really good audio shops around here, but i'd be willing to order it, or go as far a new york...(i've got close family there [well, in albany, anyways])

H/K: too expensive, and the new stuff is crap from what i've seen and read...
Marantz: just too expensive for my budget
Outlaw: same as above, too expensive, looks like great stuff though!
maybe i'll check it out in a few years when i upgrade again

10-19-2006, 08:08 AM
i checked for a rotel int amp, at first glance it looked that you had a chance for it, but then i looked a bit further and it comes at 400€, so that is a little too much for your budget, maybe look for 2 hand rotel equipment... (not vintage things, just new things, being sold 2 hand)

10-20-2006, 01:45 PM
ya, looked at some cheap second hand stuff, the problem is, there's not really a "booming" second hand business in ottawa, theres a few pretty good A/V stores, but none that are all audio and sell used stuff... oh well, i think i'll visit a few Hi-fi stores and bring you guys back the news

10-20-2006, 03:57 PM
ya, looked at some cheap second hand stuff, the problem is, there's not really a "booming" second hand business in ottawa, theres a few pretty good A/V stores, but none that are all audio and sell used stuff... oh well, i think i'll visit a few Hi-fi stores and bring you guys back the news

Forget local stores for used!! You have to go where the selection is huge and the price much lower
:17: .

10-20-2006, 04:48 PM
hey guys, i know you've all heard me say that i'm getting a new receiver this X-mas, but i'd like some input on my choice...
What Feanor has already said. Good used vintage is better than cheap current crap.


tin ear
10-20-2006, 05:34 PM
Forget local stores for used!! You have to go where the selection is huge and the price much lower
:17: .

Where is that, Bill? You talking Ebay, or what. (Inquiring minds want to know.)


10-20-2006, 06:20 PM
Where is that, Bill? You talking Ebay, or what. (Inquiring minds want to know.)


Though perhaps it's more dignified shopping at Audiogon.

10-20-2006, 07:00 PM
checked audiogon, i'm in canada, and most won't ship... +most stuff there is over my budget, or just over priced...

i'm thinkin new, or i buy from someone here...

10-21-2006, 04:49 AM
checked audiogon, i'm in canada, and most won't ship... +most stuff there is over my budget, or just over priced...

i'm thinkin new, or i buy from someone here...

I don't want to sound like I'm saying you shouldn't buy new. Stereo receivers from Denon, Harmon/Kardon, Marantz, Outlaw, and Yamaha are now doubt good, and good value, considering they are new and have waranties. Still, there is the potential to get more for much for less shopping used.

Typically Augdiogoners in the US say they ship only in the US. However if you ask them, stating that you will pay brokerage, duty, and taxes as well as shipping they will quite often agree to ship to Canada. (Remind them they should fill in a Customs Declaration -- will take them only a couple of minutes.)

Yes, it's true. Asking prices at Audiogon are often too high -- and people wonder why their stuff doesn't sell. :confused:

EBay is the better place to look for inexpensive equipment. Here's an example of a late model Yamaha stereo unit; (I give this as an example: I'm not endorsing the specific unit) ... QrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Note that this one is in Canada, so you wouldn't have to pay brokerage; this guy might be a dealer so you might be charged GST and PST -- you ought to ask him.

10-22-2006, 09:18 AM
nah, i'm not really into used receivers, i think ima probably go for the denon, unless i find something better from a local hi-fi shop! ya, i listen to radio a lot too, so i dunno, i might upgrade to an integrated in a few years..

10-22-2006, 02:01 PM
well, i've been thinking, i really like the "tube like" mellow sound of my current amp...
are there any tube integrateds out there that fit into my budget? i'd be willing to streat to $400 CND shipped if it came to that...

10-22-2006, 02:09 PM
I read that you are not into used amps, but Jolida 1301 or 1501 can be had for your price on Agon. !301 might be around $400 new.

Good luck

10-22-2006, 02:24 PM
ya, i looked into some jolida stuff on Agon, but with shipping, tax, duties, and all that other stuff, they all go WAY past my $400...