B&K vs Anthem Preamps [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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10-12-2006, 07:43 PM
I have decided to upgrade to an Anthem PVA7 amp, and am looking at following preamps, so if you have any input, please let me know...

B&K Reference 50 S2 New ~$2400, Used ~$1200
Anthem AVM 30 New ~$3000, Used ~$2000
Anthem AVM 20 Used ~$1000
Anthem Statement D1 Used ~$3000
(used prices from Audiogon)

I listen to a good mixture of 2ch cds & sacds, 5 ch sacds, and movies...
I'll probably end up getting something used since they save a bit off new...

1) Is the D1's quality much higher than the others listed?
2) How does the B&K comprare to the Anthem's?
3) What other preamps would you guys suggest?

thanks in advance,

10-12-2006, 08:20 PM
I remember reading about how bright B&K equipments are, and great for HT but not as great for music. But I dont know what equipment they were comparing it with. I havent heard much about BK in about 2-3 years.
So all in all, my post here does help you at all.

10-13-2006, 04:45 AM
I remember reading about how bright B&K equipments are, and great for HT but not as great for music. But I dont know what equipment they were comparing it with. I havent heard much about BK in about 2-3 years.
So all in all, my post here does help you at all.
thanks for the input, thats exactly the info I am looking for...
have any input on the others listed?

11-16-2006, 07:39 PM
I can't speak for the B&K, but I also have the Anthem PVA7 and just purchased the AVM50 to run ParadigmV3 of Studio 60's, CC470 upfront , mini monitors surround and rear, with a Seismic 10 sub. I could go into a long preamble about the various features and sonic characteristics, but I won't. Sonically, I don't believe there would be a great deal of difference between the Anthem units you are considering and the Anthem AVM50, so you certainly would not be disappointed. I will say Anthem produces unbelievable sound for both HT and straight music.

Although, you are asking about preamps, I would just like to add something regarding the PVA power amp. Alot of people seem concerned on the PVA's power output, but I am in a 2800 + cubic foot room and linked with the effeciencies of the Paradigms, there is very little effort required for this amp at relatively high levels. I read a review when doing my research where the reviewer was also running Denon's 5800 series receiver rated at 170/ch. He considered the PVA to be an upgrade from the Denon. Tall order! If running 7 channels, continuous power to all 7 drops very little compared to just two channels.

As another side note, I am also using Oppo's 970HD DVD player which is an incredible piece for only $166 CDN.

Although I bought the Anthem pieces as part of a HT setup, I do listen to a fair bit of music with it also, however, as another consideration you may want to look at Rotel. I also own Rotels RC-1070 pre and RB-1080power together with Arcam's 7SE CD running B&W 804's in a different part of the house. This system is strictly for music only. I also find these to be wonderfully sounding pieces, especially for the money. I'm not sure about Rotel's pre/processors other than I have read great reviews on them, and if they are anything like the pieces I have, they would be fantastic, I'm sure.

I guess I kind of have a British vs Canadian theme happening here and being Canadian I am a bit biased towards the Anthems and Paradigms.

Good luck!

11-16-2006, 08:27 PM
thanks for the input ;o)
I'm about 50/50 with music/movies...

I found a place in Michigan selling the AVM 50 for 1k less than the anthem dealer here in ohio I've visited... (I was in Michigan earlier this week for work...)
now to get the guy here to match prices... (don't want to drive 8 hours to pick up a preamp/processor... but maybe?

11-26-2006, 04:59 PM
thanks for the input everyone, I got a deal on an AVM 50 and it'll be here next week... I hope ;o)