Integrated Amp Help Needed [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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09-07-2006, 03:01 AM
I just moved into a new house that has outdoor speakers. They are nothing fancy but sufficient for now.

To add them to my system (Naim NAC 202, NAP 200) I need to add a pre-amp. One place recommended a Rotel RA-1062 listing at $700.

Since the purpose of adding the integrated amp is for my outdoor speakers, do I really need to spend that much or would a $400-500 (or less) do the job (especially since these are not my primary speakers). My only slight concern is that I may upgrade the outdoor speakers for next season. If I do so, would I want a "better" intg. amp?

Thanks in advance.

Resident Loser
09-07-2006, 04:59 AM
I just moved into a new house that has outdoor speakers. They are nothing fancy but sufficient for now.

To add them to my system (Naim NAC 202, NAP 200) I need to add a pre-amp. One place recommended a Rotel RA-1062 listing at $700.

Since the purpose of adding the integrated amp is for my outdoor speakers, do I really need to spend that much or would a $400-500 (or less) do the job (especially since these are not my primary speakers). My only slight concern is that I may upgrade the outdoor speakers for next season. If I do so, would I want a "better" intg. amp?

Thanks in advance.

...Integrated or pre-amp, which one is it?

Have you considered a simple speaker selector switch?

Does your current gear allow for a Zone 2 set-up?

Of course, the obvious next question: are the speakers and their wiring OK?

jimHJJ(...more than one way to skin a cat...)

09-07-2006, 05:05 AM
My current set-up does not allow for a 2nd zone.

As for the integrated v. adding another pre-amp, I am not sure. The store I talked to suggested adding an integrated amp (I already am running a pre-amp / amp set-up). They said to add an integrated amp to my pre-amp and then add the outdoor speakers to the new integrated amp.

The wiring to the outdoor speakers is good but not exceptional cable and the same is true for the outdoor speakers - decent but nothing special. That is why I am trying to avoid over-purchasing on this item but I want to get something that is "good enough" so if I upgrade the speakers / wire latter, I am not faced with upgrading at that point.

Finally, the outdoor speakers are not going to get used that often so it is another reason i am trying to avoid spending too much money when i don't have to.


Resident Loser
09-07-2006, 06:20 AM
My current set-up does not allow for a 2nd zone.

As for the integrated v. adding another pre-amp, I am not sure. The store I talked to suggested adding an integrated amp (I already am running a pre-amp / amp set-up). They said to add an integrated amp to my pre-amp and then add the outdoor speakers to the new integrated amp.

The wiring to the outdoor speakers is good but not exceptional cable and the same is true for the outdoor speakers - decent but nothing special. That is why I am trying to avoid over-purchasing on this item but I want to get something that is "good enough" so if I upgrade the speakers / wire latter, I am not faced with upgrading at that point.

Finally, the outdoor speakers are not going to get used that often so it is another reason i am trying to avoid spending too much money when i don't have to.


...initial response, I visited the Naim website and as the saying goes "...Houston, we have a problem..."

Your pre-amp has only one output and unless you have an outboard power supply (Naim's Hi-Cap) that output cable also contains a power feed to the pre-amp (which itself is not internally powered) from the power amp.

Which poses the question: How do you intend to connect any other amp (integrated or otherwise) to your set-up? Did the salesperson who suggested the Rotel have a clue? Output levels are a problem...But, let's go on...

It seems as though, although I can't tell for certain, that the Hi-Cap PS also has multiple connections for multiple amplifiers...if that is indeed the case, one of them and another power amp is what you need for relatively seamless integration of the outdoor speaks...of course the cost (and this is simply an educated guess on my part) will most likely be well above the Rotel's sticker shock...

Trying to piece together various semi-independent units into one cohesive system is difficult unless well-planned ahead of time and sometimes it's downright impossible...Generally speaking, (a)without multiple pre-outs you can't have a pre feed two amps (b)bridging sources into both amplification chains isn't really a viable alternative and (c) those DIN-type connectors are just an additional PITA.

So the cheap way out is a speaker selector, but only if your NAP200 can handle the additional load...Of course, a smaller stand alone system is an option...

As I said, Naim has a site and it also has it's own will most likely have better luck solving your dilemma by registering there and posting your question...I'm sure your situation isn't unique...

jimHJJ(...sorry, that's the best I can do for you...)

09-07-2006, 07:00 AM
I know Naim gear well and Jim has said it all in his response.
Why not consider one of those all in one systems like the Arcam Solo, the Denon or the new Teac for a more reasonable price. Since you don't use the speakers that often and considering that outdoor sound is not that great anyway, why not give them a try.
Just my 0.02.

