View Full Version : Wooch's latest addition (and I ain't talkin' hardware upgrades)
09-06-2006, 11:39 AM
Yup, just got the word -- my wife has a mini wooch on the way! Still a long ways to go, but if all goes well, we'll have our first born sometime next spring! :cool:
At that time, I might have to hit up some of the other parents on this board for pointers on things like how to keep hyperactive rugrats from knocking speakers over or trying to take a ride on the CD carousel! Looks like that 2.0 home theater upgrade will have to wait even longer ...
09-06-2006, 11:43 AM
That's great Wooch! Congrats are in order. Chocolate cigars for everyone. Soon you'll be showing him/her how to integrate systems.
No kids here yet (if you don't count me). I'll be watching for the pointers from you & others.
09-06-2006, 12:18 PM
Congratulations on the great news. Have you and the wife picked out any AR screen names yet?
09-06-2006, 04:57 PM
Congrats dude. Soon you'll have to upgrade the diagrams to include proper placement of an infant within your home theater system.
09-06-2006, 05:09 PM
I thought Audio was your only hobby (sorry Wooch, couldn't resist :ciappa:)
Congratulation :)
09-06-2006, 05:25 PM
ooh, ooh! I say we get the cigars from this guy I found in Orlando:
09-06-2006, 05:28 PM
Yup, just got the word -- my wife has a mini wooch on the way! Still a long ways to go, but if all goes well, we'll have our first born sometime next spring! :cool:
At that time, I might have to hit up some of the other parents on this board for pointers on things like how to keep hyperactive rugrats from knocking speakers over or trying to take a ride on the CD carousel! Looks like that 2.0 home theater upgrade will have to wait even longer ...
:thumbsup: But for me, it's been there and done that. Grandfatherhood might be just a few years down the road, though.
Congrats Wooch. I still remember that day I first layed eyes on my son 7 years ago, I cried like a school girl. Your life will be changed forever. When he or she is born, the Wooch as we know him will not exist anymore. There is no greater gift in the world then having a child and becoming a Dad.
Congrats Wooch! Ooh how sleep is a precious thing. Enjoy it now!!!!
09-06-2006, 07:48 PM
Congrat Wooch! Watch does mood swing from your wife during this stage.:incazzato: I did'nt know you at it in you:ihih: I going on my 6 grandchild in a a few months and a 9 year old son at home:16: I'll bounce in once in a while to check more data on new dad.Im in a drummer forum now(mid life crisis).
09-06-2006, 10:43 PM
Congrats. and good luck for the save arrival of little Woochi.
Never had any kids of myself, but my wife came with six from her first outing. So I went from single man to grandad in one foul swoop. Got 4 grand kids now.
Pass the cigars please!
09-07-2006, 02:17 AM
Yup, just got the word -- my wife has a mini wooch on the way! Still a long ways to go, but if all goes well, we'll have our first born sometime next spring! :cool:
At that time, I might have to hit up some of the other parents on this board for pointers on things like how to keep hyperactive rugrats from knocking speakers over or trying to take a ride on the CD carousel! Looks like that 2.0 home theater upgrade will have to wait even longer ...
Hey, way to go man! Yea, affraid all upgrades will be on hold, sorry bout that. Gotta
get started on the nursery, and all the changes to come. Keep us posted, if you
have questions, give a shout. Later.
09-07-2006, 03:00 AM
Congrats. and good luck for the save arrival of little Woochi.
Never had any kids of myself, but my wife came with six from her first outing. So I went from single man to grandad in one foul swoop. Got 4 grand kids now.
Pass the cigars please!
Bernd:16: To lazy to make your own or did'nt want to do get dirty making them:ihih:
09-07-2006, 03:19 AM
To lazy to make your own or did'nt want to do get dirty making them:ihih:
Oh I don't mind getting dirty - in fact I recommend it!:ihih:
09-07-2006, 03:41 AM
Congratu-freakin'-lations Wooch! That's exciting news of the highest order...imagine that, a little squawker on the way...And may your first child be a masculine child. Or feminine, one or the other.
Personally, I'm fond of any name that starts with the letter "K" but I'll defer such details to you and your wife.
So, any special Woochifer secrets you can share for those of us still in the trying-phase? Goat's blood, full moons, subaqueous techniques, etc? What's your secret? :ihih:
You da man, Wooch...
09-07-2006, 05:37 AM
Congrats Wooch!!
Usually when real life intrudes on our little audio discussions it is negative--very refreshing to see such great news. And, hey, just imagine what fantastic new technology will exist in twenty-one years when yer finally ready to upgrade :ciappa:
Perhaps a little "Arruti Woochifer"? Maybe just DJ for short...
Cheers to you and the missus
PS. I vote we go with deano's suggestion on stogeys...ya don't gotta ask to many questions to see that's the real deal.
09-07-2006, 05:40 AM
Does this mean that I'll finally be able to catch your post count?
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-07-2006, 05:47 AM
Wooch did you say you used your hardware to make software?
Congrats brudda, but can you explain why I am the last to know dees tings?
Hey Whooch, BIG BIG congrats on the future little whooch.
See, practice does makes perfect!
We expect Sonogram (sp?) pictures posted at some point! :smile5:
congrats!!! what great news! you'll defn have to keep up all updated how exciting! are you going to be playing any music to the lil dude or dudette while he/she's in there? get 'em hooked on audio early and you'll have an ally for that home theater upgrade! :)
congrats again!!
09-07-2006, 01:01 PM
Congrats and get some sleep. Start babyproofing the house now so you can adjust .
09-07-2006, 01:24 PM
Congratulations Wooch. You could always put that home theatre system in for the little one. Don't you want to have the coolest house on the block to watch Barney?
09-08-2006, 08:33 AM
Thanx for the congrats everyone! Much appreciated at this end. I'm still getting used to the idea that 1) my wife is pregnant, and 2) I'm gonna be a dad! Like I said, it's still very early and we're not counting on anything yet, but so far so good. :cool: No weird cravings or mood swings yet ... well, at least not from my wife!
It seems that my mom is the one going psycho on us. :crazy: She basically wants to put my wife under a glass bubble for the next nine months, and she's getting whigged out because my wife and I are flying cross-country for a previously planned trip to New York next week. I keep telling my mom that my wife's doctors, the Mayo Clinic, the NIH, the American College of OB/GYNs, and clinical studies all say that it's safe to fly while pregnant. But, because her coworker miscarried sometime after flying on a plane, she's convinced that airplanes are dangerous no matter what the medical science and hard data say. I told her that there IS a clinically studied connection between stress levels and miscarriages, so she should just chill out, but she of course does NOT believe that!
As for the other inquiries as to how we accomplished it ... well, let's just say we let the miracles of modern medicine lend a helping hand! :) My wife just turned 40, so her doctors recommended that we take a more aggressive approach than marking off "date nights" around her cycle. It's been quite an odyssey to get to this point, and quite a hit on the pocketbook as well. Needless to say, the home theater and home improvement projects have all taken a backseat! But, we're hopeful that it will all turn out well in the end. Wish me luck! :D
09-11-2006, 10:16 AM
Congratulations, Wooch!
Sorry, I'm late to the party. I don't stop by as often as before. Anywho, I'm truly happy you and the missus are so blessed. Good things come to those who wait, eh?
If I were you, I'd spend the next 8 months enjoying simple things like fine dining, quiet conversation, and sleep...lots and lots of sleep. Come next Spring, you'll find all of these will be in short supply. Also, bookmark that story about the father and son I posted a week ago. Watch it again after your child is born and you'll have completely different perspective. This sounds corny, but you really have no idea how limitless love is until you have a child.
As for the flying while preggo, my wife flew to Tahoe w/ me for a fly fishing trip when she was 7 months pregnant w/ our first. As a matter of fact, he just celebrated his 7th B-day on Saturday. Man...they grow-up way too fast!
Congrats again!
JoeE SP9
09-11-2006, 12:13 PM
Congratulations to you and your wife!!! From the age you mentioned for your wife it would seem you've been practicing for quite a few years for this or maybe not.:ihih:
My first and only came when I was 45. So, I can understand a little of how you feel. If you can be there in the room for the birth do so. You won't regret it.:21:
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