Nuforce amplifiers ??? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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09-03-2006, 04:58 PM
I'm looking to build my first system. I've settled on Totem Arro speakers. The Totem rep is pushing Nuforce amplifiers. I read one very disturbing article on Nuforce that claims all of the awards are marketing hype just like Bose.
Does anyone have any advice on a good amp for the Arro's? As a newbie, am I going to notice any difference between an integrated amp vs preamp/amp ve monoblocks ?

09-04-2006, 02:32 AM
I'm looking to build my first system. I've settled on Totem Arro speakers. The Totem rep is pushing Nuforce amplifiers. I read one very disturbing article on Nuforce that claims all of the awards are marketing hype just like Bose.
Does anyone have any advice on a good amp for the Arro's? As a newbie, am I going to notice any difference between an integrated amp vs preamp/amp ve monoblocks ?

Hi rocky5 and welcome,

A fine choice of speaker. If you like slim floorstanding speakers you should try and give the ART Stiletto a listen too.
As for the nuforce amps. You could be right. I know a couple of people who bought these amps and sold them pretty quick. Draw your own conclusions from that.
I think if you let us have a budget and listening preference we could advice more in depth.
I presume you will use CD as your source and in that case I would look at the following integrated amps. I don't think you will need a pre/power combo. Concentrate on getting the basics right and then if you want you can upgrade latter on.
Now, amps I have heard with the Arros and have no problem recommending to you are:

1) Sugden A21 - Old favourite and runs in class A. Almost Tube like sound. Very musical.
2) Unison Research Unico - Another favourite and a fine amp with a bit more cloud.
3) Ayre AX-7 - More solid state sounding but with real clarity and good musicality.
4) Pathos Classic one - The real star in this line up and will make those Totems sing.

You'll have notice that I have not included any all tube amp, due to the lack of info. However the Pathos has tubes in the pre stage. If you want to try the all Tube road I can try and select a couple more for you.
Hope this helps and good luck but most of all enjoy the music.



Mr Peabody
09-04-2006, 06:52 AM
I haven't heard much about Nuforce except that they are a digital switching Class D design amp. Same principle as Be. Canto.

Integrated vs separates really depends on the brand of gear you are talking about. With a good integrated you won't miss anything.

09-04-2006, 07:39 AM
I'm looking to build my first system. I've settled on Totem Arro speakers. The Totem rep is pushing Nuforce amplifiers. I read one very disturbing article on Nuforce that claims all of the awards are marketing hype just like Bose.
Does anyone have any advice on a good amp for the Arro's? As a newbie, am I going to notice any difference between an integrated amp vs preamp/amp ve monoblocks ?

Reviews and forum discussions about the NuForce models have left me confused. NuForce has been through a number of model changes and each models seems to sound a bit different; also, techinical issues have been raised with the design.

Still, they have very good reviews from some sources. Relatively compellingf or me is the testimony of Abe Collins over at Audio Asylum who as owned several dozen amps and considers the NuForce 9's to be among the three best he's heard. Note that Abe does like a warmer, harmonically richer sound.

Personally I think most of the people who have tried the NuForce and dropped it, came from tube amps. The mellow tube sound is typically different from the crisp, cool, Class 'D' sound, and if you've come to love the former, that latter will be a major paradigm shift for you.

Personnally I recently swapped my Bel Canto eVo model, Class 'D', very transparent but certainly cool, for a pair of Monarcy SM-70 Pro's. The latter are slightly warmer and fuller in the mid-range while still very resolved; I'm finding a prefer this with the majority of recordings. The Monarchys are not digital, but rather a high-bias, low-feedback, MOSFET design. I encourage anyone looking for a sub-$1000 power amp to consider them. (Monarchy sells limited numbers of this model directly to the public for about half of the $1960/pair MSRP. Check Audiogon.)

09-05-2006, 03:23 AM
Thanks for the input. I forgot to mention that I'm living in Shanghai so my options for listening tests are limited. My total budget is around $2500 for amp, CD player, and speakers. Product readily available here are NAD C352 and the Audiolab 8000 series. I listened to both of these with the Wharefedale EVO 30's. I liked the Audiolab better. How do you think the Audiolab would do with the Arro's ?


09-05-2006, 05:05 AM
Thanks for the input. I forgot to mention that I'm living in Shanghai so my options for listening tests are limited. My total budget is around $2500 for amp, CD player, and speakers. Product readily available here are NAD C352 and the Audiolab 8000 series. I listened to both of these with the Wharefedale EVO 30's. I liked the Audiolab better. How do you think the Audiolab would do with the Arro's ?


Hi Rocky,

You have decided that you prefer the Audiolab over the NAD. I agree with you there, the Audiolab is the better amp. Even though I am not a big Audiolab fan. But it will drive the Arros just fine. The 8000 has control and sound wise it's leaning towards the Naim sound.
What CD spinner have you got in mind?
Good luck.



09-05-2006, 07:25 AM
Relatively compellingf or me is the testimony of Abe Collins over at Audio Asylum who as owned several dozen amps and considers the NuForce 9's to be among the three best he's heard. Note that Abe does like a warmer, harmonically richer sound.
Also compelling is the fact that he replaced them in under six month's time with a Cary Rocket 88 tube amp! I think he also has a Pass Labs amp as well.


09-05-2006, 10:11 AM
Also compelling is the fact that he replaced them in under six month's time with a Cary Rocket 88 tube amp! I think he also has a Pass Labs amp as well.


Abe's other top-three choices were:

Krell KSA 50S, long out of production, and
AES Six-Pacs -- which might very closely resemble the Rocket 88s, given AES is affiliated with Cary.