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Finch Platte
02-02-2004, 05:18 PM
Hey, did you ever get the Teac deck I sent? If so, were you able to get it up and running?


02-02-2004, 05:59 PM
Hey, did you ever get the Teac deck I sent? If so, were you able to get it up and running?


Yeah I got it. I sent you a package about a week ago letting you know I got it, and it also had a couple CDs and some $$ in it. Let me know if you don't get it shortly.

I haven't been home, so I haven't had a chance to get it running, but I will soon. Thanks for sending it.


Finch Platte
02-02-2004, 06:05 PM
It probably showed up at work today. I'll find out mananana (I know how to spell it, I just don't know when to stop).

Hope you can get it going without too much trouble.


02-03-2004, 12:23 AM
I have a pretty nice Denon with Dolby S that I haven't used in about four years and I dug out a bunch of old road mix tapes...some cool mixes there :) It's kinda too bad that cassette finally got good just as CD-R became affordable. I still miss 100 or 110 minute comps but since I don't have a tape deck in either of my vehicles...

Finch Platte
02-03-2004, 04:37 AM
I have a pretty nice Denon with Dolby S that I haven't used in about four years and I dug out a bunch of old road mix tapes...some cool mixes there :) It's kinda too bad that cassette finally got good just as CD-R became affordable. I still miss 100 or 110 minute comps but since I don't have a tape deck in either of my vehicles...

Those metal tapes were pretty hot, too. I've been giving a friend my old mix tapes, which works out well for bofus- he's got a cassette deck in his 4-Runner, and he's usually the guy to drive us to our bike rides.

Isn't about time you sent me something? Or is it my turn? :confused: :p


So, here's something embarassing that happened to me the other day... I met some friends in the parking lot before a ride. There was one guy who I had met recently. Altho, I like him, he's a bit of a grouch. I wanted to say "hi," so I snuck up behind him and grabbed his shorts, pretending to pants him. Much to my horror, he hadn't tied his riding shorts up, and they pulled down to his knees! Boy, was my face red.
