Differences between Pioneer Elite 53tx and 55tx??? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Differences between Pioneer Elite 53tx and 55tx???

01-31-2004, 11:39 AM
I am looking at the Pionee Elite line of recievers. The 53tx and 55tx, seem to have all the same specs pretty much, but the 55tx is a few hundred $$$ more. Can anyone tell me the differences between the two and which one i should go with. Thanks for any help.


02-02-2004, 04:21 PM
I am looking at the Pionee Elite line of recievers. The 53tx and 55tx, seem to have all the same specs pretty much, but the 55tx is a few hundred $$$ more. Can anyone tell me the differences between the two and which one i should go with. Thanks for any help.


The main difference that I know of is the IEEE input for multi-channel audio. The 55tx has this input and the 53tx does not. It lets you get multi channel audio (DVD Audio and SACD) signals to your reciever with one cable instead of 6. I have the 43tx, last years model and love it.

My system, Pioneer Elite Pro 530HDI HDTV, Pioneer Elite VSX-43tx, Wharfedale Diamond 8 speakers, Samsung DVD-HD931.

02-08-2004, 07:11 PM
I just bought the Pioneer Elite 49 TXI AVR how are you liking your Pioneer reciever?

I was told the step up from the 49 to the 50's recievers was very minimal

02-10-2004, 12:04 PM
I just saw both of these at my local high end store the other day and it may be additional inputs/outputs. I'm just glad Pioneer is not downsizing the Elite receiver line like they did the DVD players. They all look the same now, you have look close to tell which model is which. hey Platinum your 49 is only second to the new 59.