A political poll, for Republicans and especially Democrats [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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01-30-2004, 06:52 AM
Question 1: If you had a daughter, would you want her to bring home a guy like Bill Clinton?

Question 2: When deciding on a political candidate, does personal character matter to you?

For me, a no to #1, and a resounding yes to #2.

piece-it pete
01-30-2004, 09:34 AM
Question 1: If you had a daughter, would you want her to bring home a guy like Bill Clinton?

Question 2: When deciding on a political candidate, does personal character matter to you?

For me, a no to #1, and a resounding yes to #2.

Not really!

#1: No. And if someone that looked wrong at her I would kick ....(insert Red/Hank statement here).

#2: Yes. A slimeballs' a slimeball. If I wouldn't trust him with my daughter why would I trust him with my pay, security, and future?


01-30-2004, 11:51 AM
I'll just answer the real question. No, I don't think Bill was great in his personal life. I do think he was better in his professional life than what we're stuck with now, and that matters a great deal more to me.

I should also add that I'm not exactly left with nothing but admiration for the character of a guy like Bush anyway. A former coke-head, marginal student with close ties to shady characters at notorious companies like Enron. Yeah, real character there.

Maybe if you could come up with someone that really had some strong character, it would inspire me to get in his corner. I just don't see either side of the fense in that comparison making the grade to be honest.

And, really, Clinton's out of office. He can't run again, although he'd probably still win if he could. Isn't it about time to get over it already? Shouldn't the character stuff start comparing bush and the candidates he's likely to face off against rather than continuing this weird obsession with Clinton?

And, yes, I do think it is very possible to have different standards in your personal and professional life, by the way. I think nothing of drinking and cavorting with all sorts of interesting folks when I'm not at work, and have ended up in more than my fair share of less than upstanding situations. Yet, I manage to go to work everyday and deal with my professional matters with what I consider to be a very ethical manner.

01-30-2004, 12:44 PM
And, yes, I do think it is very possible to have different standards in your personal and professional life, by the way. I think nothing of drinking and cavorting with all sorts of interesting folks when I'm not at work, and have ended up in more than my fair share of less than upstanding situations. Yet, I manage to go to work everyday and deal with my professional matters with what I consider to be a very ethical manner.

In college, I knew a guy who cheated his way through school and cheated numerous times on various girlfriends. Guess what? I found out recently that he was fired from his job for "unethical behavior." Imagine that, contrary to popular belief, his personal standards had a correlation to his professional life.

How about this, let's say that you play golf with someone you work with and you KNOW FOR A FACT that he fudges his scorecard, pats down his lie, uses juiced drivers, etc., in other words cheats his head off. Would you trust him at work? I think not.

I'm no Ross Perot fan, but he said it best: "If [a guy's wife won't trust him], why should I?"

In closing, I'm not obsessed with Clinton, this was only to satisfy my morbid curiousity. Speaking of which, should I infer from your post that you would elect a very bad person (a Nazi, for instance) if you knew that your stock portfolio and net worth would triple over his term? In other words, is it all about you and the Benjamins and you don't particularly care about the means used to deliver more personal wealth to you?

01-30-2004, 12:51 PM
No...that would not be anywhere near correct. I never once mentioned that personal financial gain had even the slightest thing to do with who I would vote for. I didn't bring it up one way or another. That was simply a bizarre leap of illogic that you made all on your own. In fact, my personal financial gain has little to do with the vast majority of choices I make in life. That was just the Republican in you assuming I think like you. (that last line was actually meant as a joke by the way)

01-30-2004, 01:53 PM
#1 Hell no!

#2 Sadly, if the person could get the job done, I may be able to look past some minor personal flaws. There is a limit though. Clinton had alot of character issues and he really did not do squat while in office. I think his personal issues interferred with his job.


01-31-2004, 02:08 PM
1. Yes, rather that than one like George W. Bush!
2. Yes, that's why I dislike both Clinton and Bush!

02-02-2004, 03:13 PM
1. I wouldn't want my daughter to bring home any politician.
2. Yes, at least to some extent.

What is this poll going to prove? Yes Clinton lied, and he got caught. So what? All politicians lie about something in order to save or further their careers. I guess it's the nature of what they lie about which concerns me more than the lie itself. I'd like to know which president you think hasn't lied to the American public... and which one you'd like to see your daughter bring home. Now that would be more interesting.

02-04-2004, 09:23 AM
Sure Clinton lied about a sexual relationship...nobody died over it! 500+ U.S. kids and thousands of Iraqi"s ...all innocents......there's lies and there's LIES.......It's not a pretty sight when our FEARLESS LEADERS are liars...no wonder people don't have confidence in Washington.....WE need some new faces.....honest faces.........Hey NOBODY..I like your style....what you say makes sense and very well put I may add....Widowmaker is a Troublemaker......he tried to instigate you , but you handled it well and made him look like an idiot DUNCE.......Americans are fed up with the likes of Clinton and Bush...We need an honest leader and there are a few of them out there. VOTE !!!!!!!

02-05-2004, 05:26 AM
Gracias, mi amigo nuevo.