View Full Version : Noise Pollution
05-28-2006, 06:40 AM
One would think being an audiophile that I enjoy the myriad of sounds I hear during the course of a day. However when I'm not listening to my stereo at 95+ decibels 'C' weighted, I appreciate the sound of silence.
Maybe its this pattern that has made me sensitive to noise during the day. I drive taxi, when I am not on a trip I sit and wait and enjoy the quiet time. But there is no quiet time, there is always some noise whether it be a dog barking, lawn mower, weed wacker, kids playing or cars driving by etc.etc..
This may seem trivial but I tell you all this unwanted noise has a wearing effecton on our sanity. I have to wonder how many people are stressed out as they work but have no idea as to why. Its because we are bombarded with noise and we have learned to live with it as we have no control over it.
Stop Noise Polluting NOW !!
We can all do our part when not listening to our stereo.
05-28-2006, 07:24 AM
One would think being an audiophile that I enjoy the myriad of sounds I hear during the course of a day. However when I'm not listening to my stereo at 95+ decibels 'C' weighted, I appreciate the sound of silence.
Maybe its this pattern that has made me sensitive to noise during the day. I drive taxi, when I am not on a trip I sit and wait and enjoy the quiet time. But there is no quiet time, there is always some noise whether it be a dog barking, lawn mower, weed wacker, kids playing or cars driving by etc.etc..
This may seem trivial but I tell you all this unwanted noise has a wearing effecton on our sanity. I have to wonder how many people are stressed out as they work but have no idea as to why. Its because we are bombarded with noise and we have learned to live with it as we have no control over it.
Stop Noise Polluting NOW !!
We can all do our part when not listening to our stereo.
It's quiet where I live.However,never drove a taxi
05-28-2006, 12:10 PM
One would think being an audiophile that I enjoy the myriad of sounds I hear during the course of a day. However when I'm not listening to my stereo at 95+ decibels 'C' weighted, I appreciate the sound of silence.
Maybe its this pattern that has made me sensitive to noise during the day. I drive taxi, when I am not on a trip I sit and wait and enjoy the quiet time. But there is no quiet time, there is always some noise whether it be a dog barking, lawn mower, weed wacker, kids playing or cars driving by etc.etc..
This may seem trivial but I tell you all this unwanted noise has a wearing effecton on our sanity. I have to wonder how many people are stressed out as they work but have no idea as to why. Its because we are bombarded with noise and we have learned to live with it as we have no control over it.
Stop Noise Polluting NOW !!
We can all do our part when not listening to our stereo.
I agree we are bombarded with noise. I think that is the big reason portable audio devices became so popular. People are trying to block out the noise of the streets with their choice of music.
05-28-2006, 02:57 PM
I agree we are bombarded with noise. I think that is the big reason portable audio devices became so popular. People are trying to block out the noise of the streets with their choice of music.
You think that's bad.What's worse is people are driving their cars with their cell phones talking to whom ever at the speed of 70-80 miles per hour,weiving in and out of trafiic.What is the reason behind this.In other words what is so damn important that they would risk their lives and other peoples lives in order to make such an important phone call.It's like"DON"T YOU KNOW WHO I AM" mentality .This isn't just limited to a few as it's becoming more rampant every year.Furthurmore,why someone would put a camera in a cell is beyond me.
05-29-2006, 07:11 AM
What an excellent thread. And I agree wholesome with all the posts. The noise pollution is driving me round the bend too. Fortunatly in my work I am mostly outside in the great wide open. It is so quiet that one can feel the re-charging taking place.
Never understood why somebody wants a camera included in a phone.:(
Guys you're not alone with your grievance.
Peace and quiet to you
05-29-2006, 07:29 AM
Same here, i enjoy the quietness too. I work between 22:30 to 6:00 at night in a Hotel, very quiet.
05-29-2006, 07:46 AM
Same here, i enjoy the quietness too. I work between 22:30 to 6:00 at night in a Hotel, very quiet.
Please tell us what you do. My mind is being bad.
05-29-2006, 07:48 AM
You think that's bad.What's worse is people are driving their cars with their cell phones talking to whom ever at the speed of 70-80 miles per hour,weiving in and out of trafiic.What is the reason behind this.In other words what is so damn important that they would risk their lives and other peoples lives in order to make such an important phone call.It's like"DON"T YOU KNOW WHO I AM" mentality .This isn't just limited to a few as it's becoming more rampant every year.Furthurmore,why someone would put a camera in a cell is beyond me.
Maybe the camera is designed to photograph the idiot upon impact when they fail to pay attention to what they are doing.
05-29-2006, 07:52 AM
Please tell us what you do. My mind is being bad.
I found a job as a Night Audiotor in a big Hotel. I do check in's out's, breakfast and am responsible for security. Maybe now i deserve my system and wont have to listen to mamy boy jokes...Hehe...not that i ever cared about that :-)
05-29-2006, 08:08 AM
I found a job as a Night Audiotor in a big Hotel. I do check in's out's, breakfast and am responsible for security. Maybe now i deserve my system and wont have to listen to mamy boy jokes...Hehe...not that i ever cared about that :-)
Living well is the best revenge. Listening to your Divas is living well.
05-29-2006, 09:09 AM
Maybe the camera is designed to photograph the idiot upon impact when they fail to pay attention to what they are doing.
Your right,there has to be a reason behind this.If there isn't we got a bigger problem then we realize.
05-29-2006, 09:44 AM
Your right,there has to be a reason behind this.If there isn't we got a bigger problem then we realize.
Oh,I got an idea.Maybe I could become a police officer with a radar detector.
Mr Peabody
05-29-2006, 06:59 PM
Life's noises are a symphony that never stops. If you don't enjoy it, or at least learn to tolerate it, if you aren't already, I'm sure you will end up quite mad. I heard silence once. I was out in the middle of no where in the winter, dead quiet. It must be overrated because I don't long for it.
It does make me crazy though in the summer when I want to listen to my system and it has to compete with the hum of the air conditioner. My listening room is on the lower level where the heat and air unit is located. They are in separate rooms, of course. i guess better insulation of some sort is in order.
Now that i know there are those of you who enjoy quiet, I did put my dog on mute.
05-29-2006, 07:35 PM
Noise ,noise everywhere noise.At home the wife ,the boy (man their loud) they dont know what inside voice is.At work there a pre-school ,talk about loud.The teachers are loud,the parents are loud .At my other job when they play the pipe organ it's loud.More kids screaming,loud meeting.When the choir does their practice or when the Barber Shop meet to sing ,still loud .At the moment Im in the basement ,they are all sleeping upstair .Guess what there a Thunder Storm on the go.:incazzato:
05-29-2006, 07:55 PM
Well being that I travel quite a lot for work and the fact that I'm encouraged to visit places such as cafes, bars, lounges, clubs, shopping malls, etc.. places where young people would usually congregate and do their thing... I've noticed a certain type of call it disease, virus, whatever it is that you want but its spreading fast...
This and many other times... a group of girls walk into a cafe they sit down. First of course they check their make up. (silence, all i hear is the hums of people from other tables and the music), next they start to talk... (NOISE POLLUTION... do not have a clue because between the 4 of them they must have 4 different conversations going on)... then all of a sudden the "Do you know who I am" virus takes effect and they all take out their CAMERA PHONES and start to take pictures... NOT OF EACH OTHER but their own pictures... (silence again, except for the fake shutter release noise that these camera phones make). These girls even have mastered the art of making yourself look different with the different angles in which they hold their camera phones to take their pictures. This is a phenomenon that may have started here in Asia and spread quickly outwards to the Western countries. (i'm not sure)
I think its all relevant when it comes to noise pollution... to me boybands playing that thing that they call it music... is worse than a NYC Yellow cabbie honkin' its horn non-stop during rush hour...
My thoughts on camera phones? pure lazyness ... of not wanting to carry two things at once... Digital Convergence = another means tech and marketing development to attack all those lazy people out there. (I'm not calling anyone lazy in this board :cornut: )
Becareful with the "Do you know who I am" virus... in order to prevent this from happening:
1. Carry a digital camera if you think you will take pictures.
2. Keep your cell phone in your pockets, and only use it to make calls and send messages
:ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
If you live in a city you should immediately stop using the word silence to describe any state you are in, at any time.
I live in Athens, Greece. A friend of mine is doing an MSc in background noise levels and its effects on your psychology. The lowest consistant (i.e. maintained for a 10 second duration) sound level he has measured anywhere in the city is about 60 dB - and that was a one off. Typcial values are 80 dB - and we don't even notice - or at least we think we dont. During the day it can rise to staggering levels (near roadworks for example). He has recorded levels upto 103 dB - consisently for a 10 second duration - not peak.
Get out of the city. Go to somewhere where there are no cars, no motorbikes, no bars, clubs, shops etc. etc. and see what happens. I can tell you what will happen. You will sleep - for about 12 hours on the first night. This is your body's reaction to the lack of noise. Tell you something about the impact of this background noise on you?
I should add that I practice what I preach above. I bought some land on a Greek island where the only transport is either your feet or a donkey. I built a house there. The silence in incredible.
Actually one more source of polution that goes hand in hand with the sound polution - light polution. In your deserted spot - look up at the skies on a clear night. You will be amazed.
05-30-2006, 02:23 AM
That sounds awesome... Can we all come over??? :ihih:
Actually I shouldn't be talking about noise pollution... I have two very active dogs and a Harley...:cornut: but these aren't noise pollution to me. These are noises that make me at peace.
I can sell you a house there if you like :)
05-30-2006, 08:47 AM
I see noise pollution ihn two ways.1) up in the moiuntains.For instance, birds churping,buzzing of humming birds, tree's falling in the woods,Coyates howling at dusk in order to feed,the splash of a fish breacking water. etc....2)honking of car horns,domesticated dogs and cats,the thud of a deer hitting your car,music blaring,etc....The main point being that your the one who has the contol over how much noise you want to make,it's a choice you make
05-30-2006, 09:51 AM
I agree, why is it that when I'm pumping gas into my car that I have to listen to some fool's music blasting thump thump thump....the whole time? Do they think that we're impressed? Maybe I'm impressed with their stupidity. Every once in a while someone will go down the street past our house blasting away too. 4AM is not the best time for this guys.
As for cell phone, why not have them made so that they will not operate at speeds above 10 mph? Can this be done? Only 911 will work above that.
Rock&Roll Ninja
05-30-2006, 06:31 PM
Parhaps i should model my house after an anechoic chamber ????...... (an anechoic chanmber with an indoor pool of course).
05-30-2006, 07:24 PM
One would think being an audiophile that I enjoy the myriad of sounds I hear during the course of a day. However when I'm not listening to my stereo at 95+ decibels 'C' weighted, I appreciate the sound of silence.
Maybe its this pattern that has made me sensitive to noise during the day. I drive taxi, when I am not on a trip I sit and wait and enjoy the quiet time. But there is no quiet time, there is always some noise whether it be a dog barking, lawn mower, weed wacker, kids playing or cars driving by etc.etc..
This may seem trivial but I tell you all this unwanted noise has a wearing effecton on our sanity. I have to wonder how many people are stressed out as they work but have no idea as to why. Its because we are bombarded with noise and we have learned to live with it as we have no control over it.
Stop Noise Polluting NOW !!
We can all do our part when not listening to our stereo.
Except for deaf people, there are probably very few people in the world that have experienced absolute silence, that is, a total and absolute absence of noise. Have you? I don't think that I have. I don't know which would drive one crazy faster... too much noise or no noise at all.
05-30-2006, 10:14 PM
Except for deaf people, there are probably very few people in the world that have experienced absolute silence, that is, a total and absolute absence of noise. Have you? I don't think that I have. I don't know which would drive one crazy faster... too much noise or no noise at all.
Your right absolute silence is rare, I should have wrote quiet time. Even at home there is always the hum of the fridge or furnace motor. But we are able to tune these sounds out of our conscience mind.
When I was young, my mind was saturated on a daily basis with hard rock, tv, radio and your everyday noises. You know like some people can't sit in a quiet car, they have to turn the radio on, well I was like that.
Then my first job out of high school I did elevation surveys where we had to walk a 200 mile stretch. This was on the bald prairie where all you hear is the wind blowing when its windy. This took approx. 3 months with ten straight days of work and a few days off in between. After the first ten days I was going completely bonkers being exposed to just the wind and my thoughts for most of the day. On my days off I would crank the tunes when I got home. Anyways to shorten the story after 3 months of this my mind was freed from all the noise that had polluted my mind and I actually enjoyed the quiet.
Since then I always try to have some quiet time during the day. And if I don't get it I get irritable.
05-31-2006, 06:41 AM
Except for deaf people, there are probably very few people in the world that have experienced absolute silence, that is, a total and absolute absence of noise. Have you? I don't think that I have. I don't know which would drive one crazy faster... too much noise or no noise at all.
"deaf people" can you imagine walking around in silence with your eyes opened,that's a fate worse than death.
Rock&Roll Ninja
06-02-2006, 05:55 PM
Not death by spork!
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