View Full Version : POLL: Top 10 reasons Rave Recs sucks!
01-26-2004, 12:40 PM
Yeah I know, pretty goofy post, but all in fun and jest :)
01-26-2004, 12:50 PM
Where's the list of choices, Telegram Sam?
01-26-2004, 12:54 PM
Where's the list of choices, Telegram Sam?
I guess it was a little late in arriving. I'm not the most adept poster in these parts, little honey :)
01-26-2004, 01:03 PM
10. Davey
9. Goofey yellow sputnik deal there on the right all the time, and they want $679.00 for it???
8. I'm still a "site newby" and I joined like last year. ;)
7. No Sly and the Family Stone threads!
6. I read the entire "Dean is a spaz" thread! :D :D :D
5. The software!
4. I'm still buying Bob Dylan albums and haven't really enjoyed any of them in about a decade! :( :o :mad:
3. Echo and the Bunnymen have NEVER played anywhere close to Jefferson City MO!
2. The Psychedelic Furs went disco after their first 3 albums. :mad:
1. U2 still exist.
I was spanked for Whining.
01-26-2004, 01:12 PM
10. Davey
1. U2 still exist.
Hehehe, well like they say, any publicity is good publicity. I was really hoping to beat out U2 this year, though :)
Jim Clark
01-26-2004, 01:50 PM
10. Nobody but me has completely great taste in music.
9. Not enough Christian music by Stephen Delopolous threads
8. I have to wait for comps to arrive in the mail. Where's the technology when you need it?
7. Group comps died
6. I've got this real cool "ignore user" feature in the new software but nobody I want to ignore since Yech got banned.
5. No RPM
4. People posting that they're new here and never posting again
3. People are starting to treat my comps like Finch's
2. People *****ing that Rave Recs sucks!
1. Smilies!
Dusty Chalk
01-26-2004, 02:29 PM
Speaking of beer, I finally tried Anchor Porter -- quite good. If I was stuck without Rogue Mocha Porter, I could definitely be happy with this as a lifetime choice. Very good, nee excellent. Rogue gets the nod, though, for being smooth as stonewashed silk.
Hey how come you could write "****" in the poll (but then it bleeped out "****in" twice) and I can't print it here. And how the Hell do they censor the word Y*** in a post and not when you write his handle down in the poll?
"Its a strange world it is, I'd buy a ticket if someone was selling them." And that would be a quote (or a misquote) from what movie?
01-28-2004, 09:34 AM
Wow, only 13 votes in my poll. My feelings are hurt :(. Can you see the tears running down the smilie face?
Hehehe, at least no one gave a ixnay on my beer talk. I wonder if any of the 4 voters for YECH saw those final posts that I think got him banned (if he is)? I saw one of them before it was deleted and wish I hadn't. Heard there was at least one other, too. But he must've known what the consequences would be. And DLD, yes there are ways around the autocensor, but I only used it in that one poll item. And I tried to make the poll have something for everyone, so hopefully no one was offended ;)
Thanks for the votes (but I think my polling days are over)!
01-28-2004, 09:48 AM
I just can't believe I'm the only one that's sick of all these Canadians around here.
Jim Clark
01-28-2004, 11:05 AM
Wow, only 13 votes in my poll. My feelings are hurt :(. Can you see the tears running down the smilie face?
Hehehe, at least no one gave a ixnay on my beer talk. I wonder if any of the 4 voters for YECH saw those final posts that I think got him banned (if he is)? I saw one of them before it was deleted and wish I hadn't. Heard there was at least one other, too. But he must've known what the consequences would be. And DLD, yes there are ways around the autocensor, but I only used it in that one poll item. And I tried to make the poll have something for everyone, so hopefully no one was offended ;)
Thanks for the votes (but I think my polling days are over)!
I liked the poll just fine even if I didn't actually cast a vote. I don't know for certain that Yech was banned but I saw a post of his on the old board saying that he couldn't post over here and he figured he was banned. Guess I missed his parting words here! Doesn't sound like I missed much. I'll admit I'm a bit curious to know just how low you have to go to get banned from a message board like this. Must be pretty low.
The humor you brought in wasn't completely wasted, I liked it.
Dusty Chalk
01-28-2004, 11:12 AM
Wow, only 13 votes in my poll.And four of them were mine!
I hear...Mars needs women,
Baby, you should apply
Don't worry 'bout me
Have a good life!...
01-28-2004, 12:23 PM
I just can't believe I'm the only one that's sick of all these Canadians around here.
:mad: :p
01-29-2004, 10:03 AM
Why I hate this place:
1) Ya'll got Yech banned
2) Ya'll don't have any Gary Numan remasters
3) Ya'll hate prog
4) Ya'll don't dig the new Psychedelic Furs dvd
5) Ya'll don't have front row tickets to the Yes 35th anniversary tour to give me
6) My dialup connection
7) Panties
8) Ya'll don't eat yellow snow
9) Ya'll don't have any porno flicks
10) Ya'll don't have the re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-masters of Pretzel Logic.
Other that that, I love this place!
Dusty Chalk
01-29-2004, 11:22 AM
1) Ya'll got Yech bannedI know you were kidding, but JIC...Yech got himself banned. None of us can take credit for that, as much as some of us would like to.
01-29-2004, 12:10 PM
I had no problem with him even tho he gave me a rash about my musical choices.
Yech got himself banned. None of us can take credit for that, as much as some of us would like to.
It could be viewed that he was goaded into going too far . . .
01-29-2004, 06:03 PM
Why I hate this place:
2) Ya'll don't have any Gary Numan remasters
9) Ya'll don't have any porno flicks
Other that that, I love this place!
I'm not sure who "Ya'll" is, but it's obviously not me.
01-29-2004, 07:03 PM
10. The food
9. The tiresome rants about ambient Japanese turtle thumping
8. Jim Clark's unwavering and utterly misguided insistence that the Blues is still relevant
7. Troy's constant need to be the 'calm mediator' in the middle of every dispute as a self-appointed voice of reason. I swear, if he does his patented 'can't we all just get along?' schtick even once more, I'm gonna talk to Ralph about a Buick.
6. Davey's Bread and Christopher Cross threads
5. The sh!tty gas mileage
4. The fookin' pop-ups
3. Brad H's left-wing liberal politics
2. J's total reliance on short, cryptic posts
1. Yodel My Tingles....or is it Blow Fly Bingo? (Coal of Ringo maybe?)
01-29-2004, 07:14 PM
It could be viewed that he was goaded into going too far . . .
It could, but it wasn't my intention to turn this into a thread or poll about YECH. I don't know for sure that he was even banned. For all I know he might have deleted his own posts. But the one I had the misfortune of viewing was a crude, misogynistic attack on Snowbunny. And definitely not provoked. But even if it had been provoked, it was still way out of line and I found it very troubling, especially since my name also appeared in it. It disappeared before I had decided what to do about it, but I was glad it did and am also glad that it hasn't been allowed to happen again. But I can appreciate that some of you feel differently.
Well, Dusty just sent me a blistering e-mail that, I guess, spent a moment on this board before Davey asked him to pull it.
In a nutshell, it says what davey said above about our beloved Yech, in a less diplomatic way.
Let me just throw this out there for you guys to chew on and then I won't discuss it again.
I goaded the guy right from the outset. Yes, he would make the most incredibly insulting and rude posts towards the end of his time here. But in the beginning, many years ago, he wasn't quite as bad. The tone was more playfull and funny. Was he my buddy? You're kidding, right? Some of his posts made me laugh at times, but it was the uneasy laughter usually reserved for drunk uncles insulting the other family members over thanksgiving dinner.
Most of his BS was directed at me at in the early days because I was the one that smacked back. My playing with him only egged him on, see? It spiraled faster and faster until he began lashing out at not just the progger types, but at virtually anyone and everyone. Still, I continued to bait him, dredging up some horrible personal insults, until he reached an unbelievable frenzy last fall where AR finally had no choice, but to ban him with the implementation of this new board.
Now, when I run across him on other boards, he flames me and everyone else within 100 yards just out of hand. Just seeing my name attached to the post makes him pop a vessel.
Did I do it on purpose? Out-troll the troll? Of course not. But I do think that my goading forced him to escalate to the point of no return.
So that's what I meant by "Goading".
Lets move on, shall we?
01-30-2004, 06:02 AM
I goaded the guy right from the outset.
Now, when I run across him on other boards, he flames me and everyone else within 100 yards just out of hand. Just seeing my name attached to the post makes him pop a vessel.
Did I do it on purpose? Out-troll the troll? Of course not. But I do think that my goading forced him to escalate to the point of no return.
You know, I was gonna try to stay out of this conversation since everyone here knows exactly where I stand. But I have to say this.
Troy, you could goad me, insult me, verbally attack me, do what you will to me...I would never, in return, attack you the way YECH attacked the folks on this board. No matter how bad things got, I would never do something like wish "end-stage lung cancer" for you or verbally attack your family. It takes a truly disturbed individual to respond and act out the way YECH does.
There are people on this board who have tried to defend him to me, both publicly on RR and privately by email. I don't know why these people feel that there is something to defend. Did YECH have some good qualities, yeah maybe. I never saw them but that doesn't mean that they weren't there. Ted Bundy and Paul Bernardo were nice guys too.
I only hope that, at some point during his lifetime, YECH finds the help that he so desperately needs.
01-30-2004, 06:44 AM
"On-Line", Yechy is indeed a dweeb, rude, obnoxious, miscreant.
He simply doesn't go with the flow on these boards.
But in person he's quite opposite, from what I know.
But that has nothing to do with the fact that Devo was a great band live.
Dusty Chalk
01-30-2004, 07:06 AM
It wasn't that scathing. In a nutshell, it said, "I stand by, 'people are responsible for their own actions'." You only read it as scathing and less diplomatic because you hate being wrong.
And I didn't post it, ever, because Davey. had requested that this thread not become about Yech. Good going.
Jim Clark
01-30-2004, 07:14 AM
But I do think that my goading forced him to escalate to the point of no return.
Hey I'm pretty sure you don't deserve the credit for this, but to borrow an old adage,"whatever works".
-"Let's move on, shall we?"-
It wasn't that scathing. In a nutshell, it said, "I stand by, 'people are responsible for their own actions'." You only read it as scathing and less diplomatic because you hate being wrong.
And I didn't post it, ever, because Davey. had requested that this thread not become about Yech. Good going.
Not sure how:"It could be viewed..." only if you're stupid, high, or
insane. Only if you don't have your wits about you. Only if you're
special as in Special Olympics. Only if your IQ is closer to your
shoe size than it is to your sperm count.
shouldn't be viewed as scathing.
In your e-mail you also said Took this off board because as Davey said, that thread wasn't meant to become about Yech. so it's hard for me to understand why you'd say you never posted it. I suppose that your words could be taken either way. I took them the other way. Learn how to write more clearly if you want people to understand you.
So now you have PMed me to say you "reported" my post to the moderators? What's your basis? What's your point? Trying to get ME banned? You got a lot of nerve.
Don't e-mail or PM me ever again. Understand?
01-30-2004, 10:21 AM
I asked that Yech be banned from posting on this board after reading the posts that Davey. refers to in an earlier response.
Anyone who may have read these posts will understand why I finally felt it necessary to take action against a bully who decided to direct his venom to the two women who post on the board. I know as men, you may think its just funny and entertaining to hear Yech's threats, but to women, it can be a little scary. Especially when he knows where we live. I figured someone had to step up and protect the women.
Now can we put the Yech issue to rest. If you miss him, I'm sure you can find him sh1tting on some other message board.
01-30-2004, 10:39 AM
Thank you.
01-30-2004, 11:17 AM
good for you Snowie.
One word for what this thread had evolved into, Ewwww!
But in the interest of gettng a thought in (hasn't everybody?),
For what its worth, not much I'm sure, if Troy's post gets him banned, I'm outta here (as if anyone could give a rat's ass). I've got no reason to suck up to Troy (well, that Mutant western comp would be the only one) but I saw absolutely nothing wrong with his post, zero, nada.
And WTF is this:
"..only if you're stupid, high, or insane. Only if you don't have your wits about you. Only if you're special as in Special Olympics. Only if your IQ is closer to your shoe size than it is to your sperm count."
Somebody having a really bad day? Whatever. Very Yechish, except he knows the difference between "your" and "you're".
As my favorite Simpson says,
B - O - R - I - N - G
Thinks its time for a short sabatical
Dusty Chalk
01-30-2004, 05:07 PM
No, I was not having a bad day, I was "posturing". I thought Troy would recognize that, but I wasn't sure anyone else would, which is another reason it wasn't posted. It was very Yech-like, that was the intention. Good job, dld. And I honestly hope Troy does not get himself banned, however, I do hope these posts get deleted. I hope this whole ****** thread gets locked and deleted. PS The rest of the email is much more reasonable, and has been known to stop terrorists from killing people, keep baby seals from being clubbed, and reduce the national deficit.
I understand your desire never to hear from me again, but you do realize that it makes it impossible for us to make up (which I would like to do)? I won't apologize/explain in public, but I will in private. If/when you cool off, I would like to hear from you again, privately. We can drop this matter, if you like (although I don't think you understand what I was trying to say), we obviously disagree on these things.
I do not care to hash this discussion out in public, and will attempt not to do so. However, if I am continuously "called out" in public, I will respond. Just like I did with Yech.
PPS I reported this post, too. Your only purpose in responding publicly rather than privately is to humiliate me rather than to deal with me rationally.
P^3S C'mon, "IQ closer to your shoe size than your sperm count", that's funny! First, you have to think about it, where all those numbers are, and their order of magnitudes...IQ's are usually around 100, shoe sizes are around 10, and sperm counts are ... in the millions (? I think, don't really know, never counted). Then you laugh! Pure wit. I kill me.
P^4S About your PM -- you asked a question, for which I have an answer, but then you said not to PM you, and I assume that means in response to your PM's as well. So I'll post my response here (as well as the question, JIC you forgot):
I reported your post. Please don't use my name like that again. That's a classic troll, to reference private communications publicly like that, spin-doctoring it to your needs. I thought you were mature enough not to...I was really responding to davey. Why must everything be about you?I was only talking about the part that was about me.
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