View Full Version : Nudity
04-21-2006, 09:15 AM
I thought that would get your attention :devil:
In our attempts to revive OT, it has come to light that we are clueless as to how much is tolerated here, both by members and mods. I know that at other sites, pretty much everything is allowed in OT as long as respect is still shown (no racist comments, religious zealotry, nazi agenda's, etc.). This means frontal nudity except below the belt (bum shots are OK), creative language, stupid topics. The idea is to entertain, not offend. We're not trying to make this forum an ode Larry Flint, after all, so nothing remotely hardcore. More like a pub where you can speak your mind without fear of ticking off a mod or offending another member.
Therefore, let's see what we, as members, think should be allowed or disallowed. Maybe the mod's will chime in as well.
04-21-2006, 09:26 AM
Like Richard Pryor, I'm going to vote "none of the above." Keep the cussin. Just give me some good ol' fassion T&A.
We could use a few examples so we all know what you mean Top. When you fixing that modem's lil' red wagon?
04-21-2006, 09:51 AM
I think for the site's own safety, anything discriminatory or harassing by nature should be banned.
I say let anything go except for blatant hateful discrimination and cussin'...why cuss? It's fine in verbal communication, but really, it's just extra work when you have to type it.
We should get an "expletive deleted" smiley of some sort to convey the idea...
When I want to cuss I just use %$@# or freakin' or maybe call you a shucking, rock-ducking maggot ash bowl. You get the idea. We don't need nun' of that here..
I love you guys!
04-21-2006, 09:58 AM
I think for the site's own safety, anything discriminatory or harassing by nature should be banned.
I say let anything go except for blatant hateful discrimination and cussin'...why cuss? It's fine in verbal communication, but really, it's just extra work when you have to type it.
We should get an "expletive deleted" smiley of some sort to convey the idea...
When I want to cuss I just use %$@# or freakin' or maybe call you a shucking, rock-ducking maggot ash bowl. You get the idea. We don't need nun' of that here..
I love you guys!
Thanks. Back at ya. But what about the T&A? Don't forget the T&A.
04-21-2006, 10:04 AM
How about my favorite cuss "fugly other muckers".:thumbsup:
04-21-2006, 10:42 AM
Myself, I will abide by whatever rules the majority (or the mods) see fit, and I can certainly understand the request for decorum and restraint.
That said, with some of the fascistic crypto-nazi threadstarters I can't help but wonder if there are times where swearing isn't the only appropriate response. Either that, or we can find out the location of JOEBIALEK's lair and toss a burlap bag of wet Long Island rats in his bedroom--all in the name of social egalitarianism of course...
V is for Bobsticks
04-21-2006, 10:51 AM
I thought that would get your attention :devil:
In our attempts to revive OT, it has come to light that we are clueless as to how much is tolerated here, both by members and mods. I know that at other sites, pretty much everything is allowed in OT as long as respect is still shown (no racist comments, religeous zealotry, nazi agenda's, etc.). This means frontal nudity except below the belt (bum shots are OK), creative language, stupid topics. The idea is to entertain, not offend. We're not trying to make this forum an ode Larry Flint, after all, so nothing remotely hardcore. More like a pub where you can speak your mind without fear of ticking off a mod or offending another member.
Therefore, let's see what we, as members, think should be allowed or disallowed. Maybe the mod's will chime in as well.
There should be some limits around here: there are plenty of other places to go for cussin' and T&A.
By the way, some of the pics showing on GMichel's threads are technically "nudes", but I don't think they cross the line. :smile5:
04-21-2006, 10:55 AM
I say let anything go except for blatant hateful discrimination and cussin'...why cuss? It's fine in verbal communication, but really, it's just extra work when you have to type it.
Hey, Kex.
F**K You! ;)
j/k. You know we love you too, Sweetums. :ciappa:
By the way, some of the pics showing on GMichel's threads are technically "nudes", but I don't think they cross the line.
I agree, and that's about as far as the line should go, IMO.
Just got 'er fixed. However, I am hereby abstaining from posting any more pics until we get a ruling either from the members or mods on this.
Unless I find something really good :ihih:
04-21-2006, 11:01 AM
There should be some limits around here: there are plenty of other places to go for cussin' and T&A.
By the way, some of the pics showing on GMichel's threads are technically "nudes", but I don't think they cross the line. :smile5:
I hope I'm not being presumptuous in thinking that you might be referring to the pics of Mrs. Fenn-Martin. Yes, they are nudes, but they're tasteful unlike some of those classless skank-hoes who skank it up even when fully clothed.
04-21-2006, 11:44 AM
Sorry Top,
Your poll is piggybacking another topic that I wasn't interested in. Cussing. In day to day life I probably cus more than your average guy. But it's too easy to type F#ck off here and still get your point across. I'm going to start a new poll that focuses on the nudity topic alone.
04-21-2006, 01:40 PM
Wow. How the heck did you even find that guy? He hasn't ever posted since he joined a year ago?!?
Agreed. Delete and ban.
04-21-2006, 02:27 PM
How about my favorite cuss "fugly other muckers".:thumbsup:
hehehe. My favourite was watching a movie one afternoon on TV and they changed mother ****ers to melon farmers. :rolleyes:
Good luck cussing on this site. Over at Rave Recs, we can't even talk about Donald ***an's new CD, Morph The Cat.
See what I mean?....Donald F-a-g-a-n.
04-21-2006, 03:18 PM
guys, a request. girls are ok, but could you tone it down a bit?
and gtf, of course we care about the "rape" site that guy linked to. we take care of that stuff as soon as we hear about it. maybe we missed it, but it's gone now, and so is he.
Thanks Eric
It's just that I sent the administrator an email quite some time ago about that link.
04-21-2006, 03:58 PM
Thank you Eric. I appreciate your quick response to a troubling issue.
04-21-2006, 04:00 PM
hehehe. My favourite was watching a movie one afternoon on TV and they changed mother ****ers to melon farmers. :rolleyes:
Good luck cussing on this site. Over at Rave Recs, we can't even talk about Donald ***an's new CD, Morph The Cat.
See what I mean?....Donald F-a-g-a-n.
I will try out melon farmers next time I take my mother somewhere. She will appreciate it and I will tell her she has you to thank.
04-21-2006, 04:44 PM
guys, a request. girls are ok, but could you tone it down a bit?
and gtf, of course we care about the "rape" site that guy linked to. we take care of that stuff as soon as we hear about it. maybe we missed it, but it's gone now, and so is he.
ericEric if you go to !YAEBU profile there a link to is Home Page and goes right to the site.
04-21-2006, 11:42 PM
No problemo, Eric. Now we know what we can and can't do.
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