jolida 1301 vs. cambridge 640 vs creek 4330 [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : jolida 1301 vs. cambridge 640 vs creek 4330

04-20-2006, 04:06 PM
Still trying to pick an integrated for my paradigm studio 20s and hopefully someday tyler reference monitors. Have it down to these three but don't live close to authourized dealers for any, looking for any picks. Thanks for any tips!

04-21-2006, 06:07 AM
Hi funyhat,

Cambridge Audio have just released a new midrange integrated amp, the 840A. I think if you can stretch to this model it will also power your planned Tylers with ease.
It is a fine midprice amp.



04-21-2006, 10:00 AM
Thanks for the tip, unfortunately I think the 840 will be out of my range for a while, I am seeing this amps new and used in the 3 to 400 range, and that is probably my max, is there a best pick among the three? Thanks.

04-24-2006, 12:01 AM
Thanks for the tip, unfortunately I think the 840 will be out of my range for a while, I am seeing this amps new and used in the 3 to 400 range, and that is probably my max, is there a best pick among the three? Thanks.

They're all fine. My money would go on the Jolida. But the differences between the three are very small.

Have fun


04-26-2006, 08:08 AM
Still trying to pick an integrated for my paradigm studio 20s and hopefully someday tyler reference monitors. Have it down to these three but don't live close to authourized dealers for any, looking for any picks. Thanks for any tips!

I've been listening to a 100w/ch Jolida 1501 for about a year. The 1301 is the same animal but with 30w/ch. These amps are high quality, superb performing pieces at bargain prices. Basically the Jolidas are different from all the other amps you mentioned because the Jolida 1301 has a tube preamplifier. This is what sets them apart and above the rest. The tubes add a sweetness to the midrange and eerie presence. One caveot however, you must upgrade the Chinese tubes that come standard with these amps to get the full amount of detail they are capable of. I rolled in Sovtek 12AX7LPS tubes that are cheap and magnificent! Good luck.

05-02-2006, 10:15 PM
Thanks for the tips, I think I am sold on the Jolida, but don't live near a dealer to try one out. Are there mail order stores that do any kind of return policy? Thanks for all tips.