Got my Grover UR7 Interconnects [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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04-12-2006, 05:19 PM
Not only did I get my Boston Marathon clothing order today but 10 minutes later the mail clerk hands me my Grover interconnect cables. I wasn't expecting them for another month so that was a pleasant surprize. And when I open the package I got another surprise, they aren't the UR6 versions but the new UR7's. I asked him to use the new RCA plugs he recommended but he said nothing about a new version coming out.

I live very close to work so I snuck out and hooked them up to my HT rig downstairs and put on "Avalon" by Roxy Music and set to repeat. Four hours later - still cookin' - I was posting on another internet forum with the music real low and heard something different than with the Silverline Audio [copper] cables. The Grover cables are primarally silver [for signal and copper for return I believe]. Anyway, I'm hearing a treble shimmer [at very low volumes] that wasn't there with the other cable. And the bass had more authority and the vocals less sylibance.

I'll probably let these sit all night in the HT rig and then compare / contrast in my SET system upstairs in a few days. I'm also using the Silverline Audio cables there and know them well as they've been constant for about three years. There has been no other changes in my system in the last 5 months so the new cables will be the 1st change in sometime. I must say they do make my strident HT system sound pretty damn seductive.

Resident Loser
04-13-2006, 07:13 AM
Not only did I get my Boston Marathon clothing order today but 10 minutes later the mail clerk hands me my Grover interconnect cables. I wasn't expecting them for another month so that was a pleasant surprize. And when I open the package I got another surprise, they aren't the UR6 versions but the new UR7's. I asked him to use the new RCA plugs he recommended but he said nothing about a new version coming out.

I live very close to work so I snuck out and hooked them up to my HT rig downstairs and put on "Avalon" by Roxy Music and set to repeat. Four hours later - still cookin' - I was posting on another internet forum with the music real low and heard something different than with the Silverline Audio [copper] cables. The Grover cables are primarally silver [for signal and copper for return I believe]. Anyway, I'm hearing a treble shimmer [at very low volumes] that wasn't there with the other cable. And the bass had more authority and the vocals less sylibance.

I'll probably let these sit all night in the HT rig and then compare / contrast in my SET system upstairs in a few days. I'm also using the Silverline Audio cables there and know them well as they've been constant for about three years. There has been no other changes in my system in the last 5 months so the new cables will be the 1st change in sometime. I must say they do make my strident HT system sound pretty damn seductive.

...that a change in volume levels can skew your aural perspective and it's probably more to do with your expectations than realities and how can you be sure if they haven't been subjected to the strictest of comparison protocols and...and...

Hey MikE, just wanted to make you feel at home...nyuk, nyuk...

Glad tidings! Nice to have the pleasant surprise now and again...hope your new ICs continue do it for you...

Good luck with the's things otherwise? Can't complain myself...I mean what good would it do?...nobody listens anyway...the minute you start it's "Oh! you think you've got problems..."

Nice to see you visit...don't be a stranger.

jimHJJ(...Oh! and BTW...wire is wire...;-p...)

04-13-2006, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the laugh [can always count on you]. Actually, the wire isn't impressing me very much... maybe it needs more "break in"!!! I'm about to sign off and head up stairs for a more critical listen.

I qualified for the '06 and '07 Boston marathon but the promise I made was to BQ for '07 when I turn 50 so that's what I'm going to do. I'll be at home watching the race this year but I'll be running next year. This year I'm training for the Cincinnati marathon May 7th instead.

Other than that things are wonderful. My 2nd oldest son just had his celebrated his 4th birthday and I'm pacing my oldest [8] in the Komen "Race for the Cure" 5k May 20th. Audio kinda hit the back burner these days...


04-16-2006, 01:43 AM
Do cables really need much break in time?

04-16-2006, 04:56 AM
I've written volumes on this subject on various forums. In the systems that I'm most familiar that A>. Cables, umbilicals or patchcords will affect the overall performance/sound to a varying degree. B>. Cables will perform at a higher level after a period of stabilization.

I have no "data" to prove these claims. I only have my years of experience with playback and a functioning auditory system and processor to interpret the clues. I unfortunately can't help anyone decifer that information. Besides that's half the fun.

06-11-2006, 08:00 AM
This follow up is based on my casual observations, not resulting from any critical listening [A/B/A]. In what seemed like a longer than usual time the cables eventually stabilized and the benefit to the overall system performance is appreciated, with three elements improved. Bass weight, treble extention and a reduction in sibilance. Again these are just informal interpretations that I have noted over the two month period. Though, I feel that even without comparing the two products it speaks well for the product if I'm able to enjoy my system even more with the new cable in place. Anymore I do not "make change for change sake" as I'm hapy with what my system achieves and accept it's limitations. I'm pretty "fussy" and as long as I'm able to focus on the music that is a good indication of the product's merit. If someone is interested in the product I may talked into conducting a direct comparison but feel no great desire to validate my observations at this point. I agree that would be beneficial but at this point of my life I'm moving away from the more analytical elements of audio.


06-12-2006, 08:11 AM
Do cables really need much break in time?

Only one day longer than the warranty period.

Resident Loser
06-13-2006, 07:01 AM
I may talked into conducting a direct comparison but feel no great desire to validate my observations at this point. MikE

...wire hangers...the cost won't take the shirt off your fact your shirt will come from the dry-cleaners on one...Talk about a win/win situation!

What's up?

jimHJJ(...nice to hear your new ICs are providing floatage for your boatage...)

06-14-2006, 05:49 PM
Hey Jim, not much doing here except yard work and planting miniture rose trees[wanna help?!]. Began my Fall marathon schedule yesterday. Ran 8 miles while my eight year old rode his bike beside me. He crashed once so I had to go solo today while he's on the mend [scrapped knee]. On the audio front I've been listening to more music but less to my stereo [if you know what I mean]. Been on a big ECM jazz kick. That was my introduction to jazz back in the early 70's, and it still sounds good to me today - Burton, Towner, Garbarek, Metheny, Abercrombie. Tomarrow me and the boy are doing some fishing, hunting jumbo 'gills on the fly rod.


p.s. "wire hangers?" Isn't that those Omega Mikro's? No, they use the spidery thin 56 gauge wire.

06-15-2006, 08:11 PM
Did your 8 year old help you with the spelling and grammar mistakes in your post?

06-16-2006, 03:28 AM
My son's reply, "Looks like someone never learned to play nice with others". :lol: