Decent pre-amp <USD$1200?? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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04-07-2006, 02:21 PM
I'm referring to the new MSRP price. Does this exist? Let me tell you the specs I require:

5 or more line level inputs - at least 4 RCA and preferably one XLR
External processor loop, or a tape loop that works that way
2 volume-controlled outputs - at least one RCA and preferably at least one XLR
Remote volume and selector control.
Good sound
Good constructionSpeaking of the dearth mid-level equipment, there doesn't seem to be too many that meet these criterion.

Mr Peabody
04-08-2006, 08:46 PM
The closest thing I know of so far is the Conrad-Johnson PV14L2. MSRP is more around $2,500.00 but I know where you can get a demo for $1,749.00 and if lucky possibly cheaper on Audiogon used. This unit has a processor and external loop, the sound quality is outstanding, far better than it's retailed at, a fully functional remote and plenty of inputs for a stereo preamp. The downside is no XLR, which at your price range you will NOT find a true balanced circuit anyway. There are very few true balanced circuit equipment available. Many offer XLR but it's just a gimmick without the actual balanced circuitry. The make believe XLR's are usually just taps off the RCA path. The C-J also would not have 2 outputs. Sorry if this was a waste but the PV14 meets most of your criteria.

04-09-2006, 04:28 AM
The closest thing I know of so far is the Conrad-Johnson PV14L2. MSRP is more around $2,500.00 .... Many offer XLR but it's just a gimmick without the actual balanced circuitry. ...

The CJ equipment has a good rep and would be worth considering. True balanced operation isn't essential for me; XLR is a matter of convenience for connecting of my Behringer EQ for example.

I'm not sure that I'm ready to go to the used market as I've had very little used equipment. In any case I live in Canada and, as you might have noticed, most Audiogon sellers can't be bothered to ship here. In general, the availability of used equipment here is much more limited than States-side.

Once you go over US$2000 MSRP the alternatives really start to appear. But under $1500 there is scant choice. I must say, I'm tempted by the Parasound Halo P3 for a mere $800, it's physically attractive and meets my critieria with the possible exception of sound quality! Bel Canto is introducing a new preamp to complement its S300 amp at about $1800; since I'm please with my Bel Canto integrated I would consider it except it lacks several features as well as being a bit over my limit.

Mr Peabody
04-09-2006, 01:11 PM
I've had good luck buying from and I'm sure they wouldn't mind shipping to Canada. Dealer demos and trades are sometimes more expensive than straight used market but there is a little more safety in buying from a place of business rather than an individual. Upscaleaudio usually has a big selection of specials as well. Some people like them but the couple times I've contacted them they didn't give me much confidence that they know what they are doing. and both offer 30 day return and both carry now a wide variety of equipment. I haven't checked features but you might take a look at a PS Audio or Arcam pre. They're probably priced more along the lines of the Bel Canto though. You also might take a look at Anthem who in my opinion offers a good bang for the buck product.

04-14-2006, 07:40 PM
I am going to echo the Spearitsound ad...simply because they are awesome when it comes to customer service...I'll give you a quick version of my story....I had my NAD amp from them a little over 30 days and it caught fire...YES FIRE! Anyway, I e-mailed them immediately and received a response in 30 minutes (mind you it was in the evening on a Friday) and they sent out a second unit, which arrived on Monday. I was shocked...then I had to put the damaged one into the return case. They picked up the cost of all shipping. Talk about great service!!!!!!

Mr Peabody
04-15-2006, 07:08 PM
Yeah, Spearit Sound is a class act. When I ordered my C-J gear from them, I also bought some Siltech RCA's. The cables ended up being too short because I had to place my power amp further away than anticipated. They sent me a longer pair with a return label for the shorter pair and I paid the difference. I am always on guard when dealing with retailers, it blew me away that they paid shipping not only to send me a different size but also for the return of the shorter ones. I also appreciate Jack being honest with me about the products I inquire about. He will tell me if something is a little weak or may not fit my set up.

N. Abstentia
04-19-2006, 09:32 AM
Have you looked at the Outlaw Audio 990? It's at the top of my list right now as it fits what I need perfectly and it's $1100.

Not sure it has all you need but it's worth a look.

04-21-2006, 04:10 PM
Another route is to purchase a good quality used unit and send it in to a tweak shop for "an upgrade." Not only will you have a better unit, but as part of the upgrade, you get a full checkup/cleanup.

My first thought when I read the post was also the Halo P3. I have not heard of any weaknesses in the unit, but it does have all the inputs-outputs you're looking for. With an "upgrade" it could be amazing.

Just out of curiosity, what about the P3 bothers you? I was interested in that unit myself because my current pre (Plinius) only has 3 inputs. I heard thr P3 at a friend's house and thought it sounded pretty good.

04-25-2006, 08:41 AM

What did you decide on?