Apple offers max volume setting for iPods [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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03-31-2006, 06:03 AM
SAN JOSE, Calif. - Apparently, Apple Computer Inc. is listening.

In a world where hearing problems are real, concerns are mounting and lawyers are looking to make gadget providers liable, the maker of the predominant iPod music player has created new volume controls

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04-12-2006, 11:19 AM
If they had included better earbuds, this might have been averted. But the problem is more difficult to solve. People turn up the volume to drown out outside noise, but the outside noise is specifically allowed in for safety reasons. If iPods came with completely isolated earbuds, then the volume would be set lower. Of course, then there would be a whole lot more accidents from people being run over, falling down, and getting caught unaware. It's a catch 22 for Apple and the other manufacturers.

04-12-2006, 05:49 PM
If they had included better earbuds, this might have been averted. But the problem is more difficult to solve. People turn up the volume to drown out outside noise, but the outside noise is specifically allowed in for safety reasons. If iPods came with completely isolated earbuds, then the volume would be set lower. Of course, then there would be a whole lot more accidents from people being run over, falling down, and getting caught unaware. It's a catch 22 for Apple and the other manufacturers.
That's why you have to be smart and realize that you shouldn't turn it up to drown out outside noises. If the headphones seal them out, that's one thing. Most people simply don't realize this though.