Speakers affecting TV picture [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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03-14-2006, 08:10 PM
I just picked up a pair of JBL L7's from craigslist for $100. They seem to be in great condition and sound good. My problem is that the way I have them positioned next to the television (because of the set up of the room), it affects the picture on my TV, any recommendations (other than the obvious "move the speakers"). Is there anything that can be placed between the speakers and the TV?

Any suggestion would help.


03-14-2006, 08:41 PM
I just picked up a pair of JBL L7's from craigslist for $100. They seem to be in great condition and sound good. My problem is that the way I have them positioned next to the television (because of the set up of the room), it affects the picture on my TV, any recommendations (other than the obvious "move the speakers"). Is there anything that can be placed between the speakers and the TV?

Any suggestion would help.

doitall76Usually a steel shielding cup is around the speakers.Maybe try some steel on side of box .To thin will decrease effectiveness.

03-15-2006, 09:12 AM
Ummm...move the speakers? :rolleyes:

Seriously, it appears your speakers aren't magnetically shielded so the magnets of the drivers are affecting your crt tv. Move them farther away instead of right next to it and that should do the trick.

Hope this helps.

03-23-2006, 08:49 AM
The magnet in speaker drivers create a magnetic field which will naturally interfere with the magnetic field created by CRT type displays.

Your only two options are moving the speakers or buying an LCD/Plasma display which is unaffected by magnetic fields.

You could try encapsulating your speakers with lead lining but a magnetic field is tricker to insulate than just simple piece of lead inbetween the two opposing appliances. The field will travel around the outer boundries of your shield. That means your barrier has to be larger than the magnetic waves which may/may not be practical. It depends on the strength of the magnetic field created by the drivers.

03-23-2006, 01:40 PM
Just move them away. Do this rather soon too, because the magnets can do permanent damage to the CRT.

03-24-2006, 11:59 AM
Just move them away. Do this rather soon too, because the magnets can do permanent damage to the CRT.

Very good point. If your CRT does not have a Degaussing feature, your speakers may be causing permanent relignment and damage to your CRT display.