Pathos Classic vs Music Hall Mambo vs Primare I21 [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Pathos Classic vs Music Hall Mambo vs Primare I21

02-22-2006, 07:59 PM
Ok so after lots of reading and research I decided I would purchase a Pathos Classic One Mk 2. This was a little more than I wanted to spend, but I said what the heck. Today I learn that starting next week, the MK 2 is being replaced with the MK 3 and this is certainly more than I want to spend. First question: Does anyone have any info about the improvements built into theMK3? I understand this will sell for about $2700.
So now I have to do some more research. Does anyone have any opinions or experience they wish to share with either the Music Hall Mambo or the Primare I21 Integrated amps? I don't know much about either, but at about $1300 each, these are more in my price range. If I go new, what else should I consider? Having a remote is preferred.


Mike Anderson
02-22-2006, 08:42 PM
Today I learn that starting next week, the MK 2 is being replaced with the MK 3 and this is certainly more than I want to spend

Interesting, where'd you hear that?

I just sold my Classic One Mk2, traded up to the Logos. Great amps, both of em.

02-23-2006, 03:13 AM
Interesting, where'd you hear that?

I just sold my Classic One Mk2, traded up to the Logos. Great amps, both of em.
Heard it from the USA distributer - Garth - of Musical Surroundings. Mike, I was that fellow from Illinois who called over the weekend and was interested in your Classic One.

Now I am not sure what do to
