So what did you think of Bush's S.O.T.U. address?? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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01-21-2004, 08:11 AM
Nothing he said makes me like him any more, in fact, my dislike for him has grown. I just hope this is the last year that I have to deal with him!

piece-it pete
01-21-2004, 01:29 PM
it wasn't THAT bad lol!

He's not going to win any awards for speaking prowess, that's for sure. I liked his fathers' style much better, and of course Reagan was great!

But he was quite low-key, compared to the rebuttals. He said a few things I liked, like the "Internationalizing Iraq" - apparently France, Germany, China & Russia have veto powers over our actions. Italy? Dog chow! Ditto Spain, the Ukraine, and the other 25+ with us.

I'm surprised he didn't mention Mars. He did mention the convicts, though.

All in all a fairly typical speech, nothing unusual.

What did he say that you didn't like?


01-21-2004, 02:58 PM
Nothing he said makes me like him any more, in fact, my dislike for him has grown. I just hope this is the last year that I have to deal with him!
Fat chance - he'll more than likely be around for another 4 years. I don't see any candidates having a real chance at beating him in the polls...

01-21-2004, 07:12 PM
'Fat chance - he'll more than likely be around for another 4 years. I don't see any candidates having a real chance at beating him in the polls...' -Chris

AAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Now I won't be able to sleep tonight!!! What a freaking nightmare! I purposely didn't watch it because the the sight of that stupid SOB makes me physically ill. I turned the tv off and the stereo on. Slept like a baby last night, I guess I'll need it. I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that you're right though Chris, that retard will be re-elected. Maybe even without Jeb's help this time. It's a sad time for America. :(

01-21-2004, 07:44 PM
I knew it had to be you Pete!

I found it rather interesting that he is no longer using the term "Weapons of Mass Destruction"; instead he is using "Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs". I see the difference, don't you? This changes everything, we should have gone to war with Iraq! NOT!!! I feel safer, don't you?

Also, I found it interesting that he mentioned a $500 million job/education proposal in his State of the Union address. What he did not mention is that he proposed to cut almost $700 million out of the same job training program!

As part of his new proposal, he said he wanted to increasing his support for American's fine community colleges, which I am presently attending. Last year, however, the he sought to cut $230 million out of vocational/community college education, alnog with eliminating funding of technical education!

The other ket piece of Bush's proposal had to do with college funding. He said something along the lines that, he would propose larger Pell grants for students. What he did not mention was his recent decision to cut the Pell grant program by $270 million. A move his own Education Department admits will cut off 84,00 students, and reduce grants for an additional one million students.

Now Pete, I know this is just two topics, but I think there big ones. Also, don't get me started on the gay marriage issue. Lastly, what the hell do steriods, and their use in professional sports, have to do with the State of the Union?

I could go on, but I think you get the point.

01-21-2004, 07:49 PM
I think Kerry has a chance, well, at least a better one than Dean did! Also, if Iowa did prove anything is that the youth seem to be getting more invovled. I believe there was a record turn out, or at least close to one, of those under @25. This should mean trouble for Bush, if the trend holds true across the rest of the country. One can only hope!

01-22-2004, 10:00 AM
Also, I found it interesting that he mentioned a $500 million job/education proposal in his State of the Union address. What he did not mention is that he proposed to cut almost $700 million out of the same job training program!

As part of his new proposal, he said he wanted to increasing his support for American's fine community colleges, which I am presently attending. Last year, however, the he sought to cut $230 million out of vocational/community college education, alnog with eliminating funding of technical education!

You see, this is the type of smoke and mirrors that gets so frustrating about politics. It seems like he's trying to get people on his side who were probably upset with his past proposals. It's just a way to get everyone back on board - it's probably not just a trick of his though. I'm sure most politicians do this.

01-22-2004, 08:22 PM
I'm sure most politicians do do it, but it still doesn't make it right. Hopefully people will see and understand this and make a change.

01-23-2004, 09:24 AM
Slept my butt right through it!

Been battling the FLU this week. I have not seen it but I did notice that the media has not really been tearing the speech up all that much. I also think Dean's concession speech kept the media busy. From what I have read, it sounds like it was a "safe" speech that did not light any fires that may hurt the Presidents ratings.


07-07-2022, 12:56 AM
I thought Bush's S.O.T.U address was very moving and heartfelt! He spoke about the importance of service – both in our military and in everyday lives – and shared some great advice on how to achieve success. I think it is important for all of us to get rush essay ( help online to solve our academic queries easily and must remember that life is a journey, not a destination and that we should always be striving to do something better than we did the last time around. Thank you President Bush for sharing your powerful message with us today!