View Full Version : Paradigm Studio 20 Original vs Version 3
02-02-2006, 09:20 AM
Hello, need an advise from Paradigm experts. I just bought a used pair of Paradigm Studio 20 Original version (circa 1996). It's on it's way to be shipped right now and I was just wondering what, if any, is any difference between the original and the Version 3. I've never heard the originals but I did hear Version 3s in local dealer and I loved them. While I'm sure the originals will be pleasing to my ears as well but I was just curious if anyone knows any differences - pros and cons.. etc? Thank you.
02-02-2006, 09:49 AM
The V3's are more precise, particularly in the bass region, and they are more rhythmic/faster. Their entire character is more refined. The treble isn't as aggressive and sibilant, yet remains very detailed. S20's are good speakers, V3's are just more so.
Enjoy your new toys.
02-02-2006, 08:49 PM
Well said there topspeed and I totally agree with your assesment of the 20's v.3.
02-05-2006, 09:31 PM
Here's the progression of changes that occurred with the Studio 20
v.1: had a revision to the tweeter done due to problems with the aluminum dome coming loose
v.2: major change to the cabinet bracing, minor revisions to the drivers and crossovers
v.3: major change to the drivers, different crossover point and slope, major changes to the cabinets (less bracing used) and mounting design
In terms of the performance difference, the Studio 20 v.3 has slightly mellower highs, much improved imaging and soundstage, better linearity in the bass (albeit with less extension and punchiness), and better transparency in the midrange. The one issue to watch out for with the Studio 20 v.1 is that the first production units had a design problem with the tweeter domes detaching. Most of the problem tweeters should have been replaced under warranty.
02-06-2006, 08:35 AM
Yup, I noticed a small, but pleasing difference between my v.2 and the v.3's in terms of tonality, but soundstaging and imaging seem to be improved. They've just progressed into a better speaker.
Nothing wrong with the originals though, and I suspect you saved a pretty penny buyin used, too...congrats on your new speakers.
02-06-2006, 07:04 PM
yeah I saved some money (I think) by purchasing a gently used original studio 20s for $375, including nice looking stands and shipping charges. But now with everyone praising about version 3..I'm wondering if I missed out on a great deal just offered to me by a local dealer - he offered to sell brand new V.3s for only $575.... : (
02-07-2006, 04:59 AM
Well, you can always find a better deal...You got stands included which are probaby anywhere from $70 - $120 (more if their the stands Paradigm recommends for the Studios). I think you're probably still a bit ahead. You could probably ebay the Studio's and stands for good money though if you want to switch.
N. Abstentia
02-07-2006, 09:04 AM
Yeah even the V1's should fetch around $500 on Ebay if they are in good shape.
02-07-2006, 01:27 PM
You guys are right.. I can't be too greedy when I already have a pretty good deal in front of me. I have another question and I guess I'll find out when the speakers arrive but since I can't question is - my living room is 23x12 and opens to dinning room of about 10x10. Are the S20's usually loud enough to fill my room? It says it can go up to 100 watts and since my receiver can do only 75 watts per channel so at least it can drive to the maximum allowed by my receiver, right?
PS - I do have a sub so the bass is covered.
02-08-2006, 06:22 PM
You guys are right.. I can't be too greedy when I already have a pretty good deal in front of me. I have another question and I guess I'll find out when the speakers arrive but since I can't question is - my living room is 23x12 and opens to dinning room of about 10x10. Are the S20's usually loud enough to fill my room? It says it can go up to 100 watts and since my receiver can do only 75 watts per channel so at least it can drive to the maximum allowed by my receiver, right?
PS - I do have a sub so the bass is covered.
A lot of whether the Studio 20s sound loud enough would depend on the positioning and how reflective all the surfaces in your room are. If you have a lot of open space with tall ceilings with a lot of sound absorption down low, and you're sitting a long distance away from the speakers, then you will likely need to push the speakers more. I would not pay much attention to the wattage output. The Studio 20s have a sensitivity of 88 db, which means that the sound output with ONE watt of power feeding the speakers will be at 88 db from 1 meter away. 88 db is already above normal listening range and will sound plenty loud even from 10 feet away. 10 watts would be all that's needed to get the level up to 98 db, which is approaching concert level.
Just because the speaker can handle 100 watts does not mean that you should crank the receiver all the way up. For one thing, the volume position is not a true indicator of the actual wattage output, which depends more on the level of the source than what the volume indicator tells you. For example, a CD with a lot of quiet passages will not create a high wattage output, even if the volume is turned all the way up. Conversely, a CD transferred at high levels with a lot of peaks could max out the receiver even with the volume turned part of the way up.
Also, if the receiver starts distorting and clipping before it reaches its maximum wattage output, that type of signal can still do significant damage to a driver because it creates large peaks in different parts of the frequency spectrum. Those maximum wattage ratings are done using a test signal that does not have the kinds of dynamic shifts and peaks that you get with actual music, and especially with distorted signals.
02-10-2006, 09:58 AM
Thanks guys for all your tips. I finally have my Paradigm studio 20s. My initial impression (at least according to my untrained, unsophisticated ears) is that they sound neutral and laid back compared to my old Bose 701 towers (i know, i know) that I'm replacing. So that's a good news and somewhat of a bad news is that it's not as loud to fill my room. Of course, I kinda anticipated that since I'm comparing bookshelves to towers but the power gap was bigger than I thought. Anyway, I decided for a big upgrade and went out and bought CC 370 center channel & Titans for rears as well. So the first time, I have timbre matching system!!
N. Abstentia
02-10-2006, 11:24 AM
Actually....the CC370 does not timbre match at all. You need the Studio CC to timbre match. Or actually one of these would timbre match 100% since these are V1's also: meZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
The CC370 timbre matches with the Monitor line, and not at all with either the Titans or the Studios. The CC370 is totally different. You actually couldn't be farther from a timbre match, you have one set of speakers each from 3 totally different series! I know you hate me for telling you that, but I'm just being honest.
Also...even though you'll hate me even more when I say this.....the Atom is a much better sounding speaker than the Titan. I would have gotten the Atoms. Actually the above mentioned speakers would be your best bet for rear surrounds (trust me, I still use LCR 450's) but of course they are more money. For the money the Atoms are nice, but keep those LCR450's in mind for a future upgrade. They are of course no longer made, but like above they do show up from time to time.
02-10-2006, 01:29 PM
But...but... Paradigm website told me all of their center channels are timbre matched with other speakers....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!
Oh well, CC370 will replace Infinity Alpha Center so at least it will match brand..if not sound. At least I got a good deal out of my speakers.
N. Abstentia
02-10-2006, 03:28 PM
They are definitley not timbre matched, but it's not a huge deal. Just if you ever get a chance, get a Studio CC or the LCR450. You can look at the drivers in the cabinets and see they can't be matched...they are totally different but they will sound just fine. I did notice quite a difference back when I upgraded my CC170 and Atoms to the Studio Center and rears to match the Studio 40's I already had though...everything just went seemless.
02-17-2006, 07:27 AM
Well, I sent a quick email to Paradigm Tech support about timbre matching as well as question on when the Studio V.4 will be released. Here's Gary's answer.
The CC-370 v.4 is timbre-matched with the different versions of the Studio
Please keep in mind that even the current Studio center speakers are clearer
and more detailed than the first version CC-450.
At this time, there is no information available about when a new version of
the Studio Series will be introduced.
Thanks for choosing Paradigm speakers.
Gary Takeda
Paradigm Technical Support
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