NAD 2100 & NAD 1600: Loud noises [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : NAD 2100 & NAD 1600: Loud noises

01-28-2006, 01:54 PM
I just got (for free) a NAD 2100 amp and 1600 tuner from my brother. There is an ocasional loud squelch when adjusting settings on either peice. He did warn me about this. I did not receive any documentation for either piece of equipment. I just spent 2 hours searching various forums for causes to no avail. I'm off to ebay from here to buy a set of manuals next. The setup was pretty straightforward, so I have no idea what the cause of this could be.

Any help would be apreciated.

01-30-2006, 03:14 PM
IIRC, to "squelch" somethingis to silence it.

01-30-2006, 08:21 PM
Ok you got me. It makes interference sounds. Like electronic metal grating.

01-31-2006, 06:14 AM
If so, it sounds like you need to clean the controls.

01-31-2006, 08:22 PM
Thanks. I wasn't sure anyone was going to try to answer this.
When you say clean the controls, I asume you mean to take off the knobs and swab alcohol. Just to be clear the noise is cominf from the speakers and sounds like maybe there could be a ground issue or something.

02-01-2006, 12:31 PM
Thanks. I wasn't sure anyone was going to try to answer this.
When you say clean the controls, I asume you mean to take off the knobs and swab alcohol. Just to be clear the noise is cominf from the speakers and sounds like maybe there could be a ground issue or something.Even though you seem to have a vague familarity with some quasi-technical terms, although I doubt you know their meanings, maybe cleaning the controls is a little beyond your technical abilties. Then again, if there's a ground issue like you say then it's more than a cleaning. You might be better off paying a local tech to look at them.

02-01-2006, 09:02 PM
I am sooo sorry Einstein.
I am just trying to get some help with something I know nothing about.
Would you care to tell me what you meant by clean the controls? I really have no idea what the issue is. I am attempting to get some answers from some guys who know this stuff.

02-02-2006, 05:19 AM
Well, maybe if you were less intent on showing off your expertise in techno-babble, thereby indicating some knowledge of the subject, I would have better judged your real abilities and dumbed it down to your level in the first place.

You have to partially disassemble both units to gain access to the back of the potentiometers, spray contact cleaner* into them, rotate them several times and wait for it to evaporate. ...with both of them unplugged from the wall, of course.

got it? Good!

And, that little 1600 is a great unit. I have one. If you're smart you'll make dang sure you don't kerfutz it up.

*available at radio shack and other places

02-02-2006, 08:58 AM
Thanks for the answer. I will check it out. I still don't see were I was spouting techno-babble. "Ground", "loud noises?" The miss use of the word squelch? I was trying to describe the problem. I'm just not sure why you seem intent on putting me down when I come here for help. I'm done now and do appreciate the answer.

02-05-2006, 05:30 PM
Hi Mike, you seem to have a bit of a cred problem going on. Not to fear.
Your Nad needs to have the pots and switches exposed, and a good shot of cleaner in there, followed by a full sweep of the pots and switches while damp.
Following that, after a 30 min drying time, allow one needle-tip drop of 3-in 1 oil to the outside of the pot shaft, enough to lubricate the felt seal which may, or may not still be covering the pot body on the inside.
Next, you should follow the tracks of the circuit until you come to the joints at the main cap union, about 10 unions into the unit.
Resolder all joints up to this point, using low tin, 80/20 solder, sucking up the old stuff first.
Take note of all the cap values printed on the caps themselves, and find replacements as you can, before replacing all of them at once.

Good listening!