Anyone here have the NDV solo album [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Anyone here have the NDV solo album

01-07-2006, 01:14 AM
They've played acouple of tunes off it over the past week or so and I must say I'm very impressed. Very diverse, from what I've heard so far. I might have to look for it.

01-09-2006, 12:39 PM
They've played acouple of tunes off it over the past week or so and I must say I'm very impressed. Very diverse, from what I've heard so far. I might have to look for it.

I have it and I haven't listened to it in ages. My memory of it is that there were a few good things on it, but it suffered primarily from weak vocal delivery on the part of NPV. The album is very diverse, and doesn't have a good flow to it. I'd have to listen to it again to verify the veracity of these claims.