View Full Version : Orpheus or Abbatoir?
12-23-2005, 09:43 AM
So which disc from that great Nick Cave 2-CD set is your favorite now that it has sunk in for a year. Listening to The Lyre of Orpheus this morning and have to say that it's probably my favorite now, but that's kind of a switch for me since I've generally gone with Abbattoir Blues when I pulled it out, until recently. But wow, aside from the crappy compressed sound, what a great album! I can't really think of anyone else working right now, with maybe the exception of someone like Tom Waits, that could pull off a sprawling opus like this. Often brilliant and poignant, it's almost crazy how much good music is on these discs. Love it. In retrospect, the best album of 2004 :)
Easy money
Rain it down on the wife and the kids
Rain it down on the house where we live
Rain it down until you got nothing left to give
And rain that ever-loving stuff down on me
Still your hands
And still your heart
For still your face comes shining through
And all the morning glows anew
Still your mind
Still your soul
For still, the fare of love is true
And I am breathless without you
EDIT: But then when I hear "There She Goes" and "Nature Boy" followed by "Abattoir Blues", ya know I'm sold all over again on the Abattoir Blues disc as my fave. When Nick pushes out "I got the abattoir blues, right down to my shoes," and the ladies come in behind, it's just so cool. And "Nature Boy" is one of my favorite songs from the last few years ... but there are couple songs on this disc that are a bit too heavy-handed for me some of the time, so maybe it's back to Orpheus agian ... but then again, it all sounds pretty nice right now ;)
12-23-2005, 11:40 AM
So which disc from that great Nick Cave 2-CD set is your favorite now that it has sunk in for a year. Listening to The Lyre of Orpheus this morning and have to say that it's probably my favorite now, but that's kind of a switch for me since I've generally gone with Abbattoir Blues when I pulled it out, until recently. But wow, aside from the crappy compressed sound, what a great album! I can't really think of anyone else working right now, with maybe the exception of someone like Tom Waits, that could pull off a sprawling opus like this. Often brilliant and poignant, it's almost crazy how much good music is on these discs. Love it. In retrospect, the best album of 2004 :)
Easy money
Rain it down on the wife and the kids
Rain it down on the house where we live
Rain it down until you got nothing left to give
And rain that ever-loving stuff down on me
Still your hands
And still your heart
For still your face comes shining through
And all the morning glows anew
Still your mind
Still your soul
For still, the fare of love is true
And I am breathless without you
For some reason I totally neglect Nick Cave. I loved No More Shall We Part but I probably haven't listened to it since the year it was released. Did you get the limited edition bonus disk when you got yours, Davey?
I picked up New Pornographers - Twin Cinema yesterday, so I'm looking forward to listening to that over the Christmas weekend. How are the sonics (is that the word?) on that one? My co-worker gave me a funny look when I told him I was picking up New Pornographers. Hehehehe... I forgot how that would sound to someone who had never heard of them. (He picked up Enya - Amarantine. For himself.)
I'm thinking about getting some good headphones, but the only ones readily available are Grados. What's that website you and Dusty visit that talks about headphones? I couldn't see a headphone forum here at AR.
Do you have the day off, Moneyboy? Does early imbibing have anything to do with your love for Abbattoir Blues? ;)
I'm at work until 2:00 today. I got my Christmas bonus!!! Wooo Hooo! Here it is:
12-23-2005, 11:44 AM
I agree completely with just about every word here. My feelings are strongly similar, if not identical.
12-23-2005, 11:56 AM
I'm thinking about getting some good headphones, but the only ones readily available are Grados. What's that website you and Dusty visit that talks about headphones? I couldn't see a headphone forum here at AR.
Do you have the day off, Moneyboy? Does early imbibing have anything to do with your love for Abbattoir Blues? ;)
I'm at work until 2:00 today. I got my Christmas bonus!!! Wooo Hooo! Here it is:
Yeah, day off here. No early imbibing ... yet, I was actually just waiting for the rain the clear up a little then go for a run. About ready now. Cute bonus. I'm sure you must be the envy of all your friends, family and coworkers!
Haven't heard the new New Pornographers, but do like the first one. Guess I didn't hear the second one either. Oh well, I'm not really Canadian so I'm not really obligated, ya know. But I do think I'll probably try to get the new one sometime. Wonder if Neko has something on the horizon. Edith Frost just released a new one and I'd kind of like to hear that. She's pretty sweet, and I'm pretty sweet for her. is the headphone geek place, just backtrack from the music board. Not a big headphoner myself, but if ya got a bunch of loonies to lose, you can find some really good deals on the SENNHEISER HD 600 which is probably my fave in reasonably* priced phones (< $300 new and < $200 reconditioned).
* a relative term, of course ;)
Ex Lion Tamer
12-23-2005, 12:35 PM
Edith Frost just released a new one and I'd kind of like to hear that. She's pretty sweet, and I'm pretty sweet for her.
I'm sweet on her too. She usually gives real good sonic, I think that's the correct word.
I'm sweet on those Sennheisers too. Best heaadphones that have yet to grace this oversized melon. As noted previously, size does indeed matter.
12-23-2005, 01:32 PM
I'm sweet on those Sennheisers too. Best heaadphones that have yet to grace this oversized melon. As noted previously, size does indeed matter.
Yeah Snowbunny, pay attention to the Lion Tamer guy. Headphones are really like an article of clothing and need to fit both your style of listening and your head. Kind of like a bra, not that I'm an expert or even wear them, but I do really like what comes out of them, just like with good headphones. And they do apparently have to be carefully selected to fit the lobes they cover, just like with phones. I've always liked the open air type like Sennheiser (come to think of it, I've always liked bras you could see through too, but maybe that's taking the analogy a little to far, eh?), ever since my first pair of 414's, but many prefer to be isolated. And I generally prefer loose fitting ones that don't have too much clamping force. But it's all subjective, just like the sound, which by the way is very dependent on the shape and size of your ear and the canal (and how much wax it is full of ;)). So for best results you really need to go some place where you can try some on, even though that can be a pita. Be careful though because when we are first getting into good sound we often have the tendency to go with the one that has the most pizazz, and speaking from my own years of expensive experience, the one with the most pizazz is usually the one you hate after about a week or a month, because it has too much pizazz. Think neutral and bland, and let the music supply the pizazz :)
And as always, seek more than one opinion and get what you like the most.
12-23-2005, 02:21 PM
I hate this fricking website! Three times now after previewing my post, it deleted them when I tried to submit.
Its just too annoying. And yes, I'm still at work....
I'd say come play at Obner, but then I'd have to tell you who I am!
12-23-2005, 02:32 PM
I hate this fricking website! Three times now after previewing my post, it deleted them when I tried to submit.
Its just too annoying. And yes, I'm still at work....
I'd say come play at Obner, but then I'd have to tell you who I am!
That's weird. I know you've been complaining a lot lately, but it seems to be the same as always here for me. Kinda slow, but not too bad. But then again, I have all the ads and extra stuff blocked so maybe that's it. Are others haveing probs too? Why don't I know who you are at obner? I don't go there all that much but can't recall seeing a post that reminded me of you? Clues? What do they say over ther, pixplskthx ;)
Ex Lion Tamer
12-23-2005, 02:49 PM
That's weird. I know you've been complaining a lot lately, but it seems to be the same as always here for me. Kinda slow, but not too bad. But then again, I have all the ads and extra stuff blocked so maybe that's it. Are others haveing probs too? Why don't I know who you are at obner? I don't go there all that much but can't recall seeing a post that reminded me of you? Clues? What do they say over ther, pixplskthx ;)
I haven't any of these issues either...and I gotta know who you are at Obner. I hope you're not that Dumbjack guy that I've been arguing with about The Tragically Hip.
I'm going to go take a look and post my guess here later today
12-23-2005, 02:51 PM
That's weird. I know you've been complaining a lot lately, but it seems to be the same as always here for me. Kinda slow, but not too bad. But then again, I have all the ads and extra stuff blocked so maybe that's it. Are others haveing probs too? Why don't I know who you are at obner? I don't go there all that much but can't recall seeing a post that reminded me of you? Clues? What do they say over ther, pixplskthx ;)
The page just doesn't want to load. It took over a minute this time from the time I clicked on this thread until the time that it actually opened.
It might be because this is the busiest shopping day of the year. We're on high-speed cable here but maybe the whole internet is slow because of the commerce.
I think its pstpixpls. And I never will. ;)
I could use a drink right now. I have some pinot grigio left over from Monday's book club party. Maybe it will actually be palatable by now. :rolleyes:
12-23-2005, 02:59 PM
I'm going to go take a look and post my guess here later today
I personally think she's too chicken to post over there and is just yanking our chains. I say it's time to put up or shut up! We're waiting for a link ;)
Hey Tamer, did you get a load of my latest Galaxie 500 avatar? Has anyone around here heard that recent Peel Sessions disc yet? Any good? Wonder if there's a G500 reunion in the works? Maybe ...
12-23-2005, 03:06 PM
I haven't any of these issues either...and I gotta know who you are at Obner. I hope you're not that Dumbjack guy that I've been arguing with about The Tragically Hip.
I'm going to go take a look and post my guess here later today
Heheheh... no not Dumpjack! He is the epitome of the average Canadian male!
Oh yeah, you're Canadian too, aren't ya? ;)
12-23-2005, 09:26 PM
Heheheh... no not Dumpjack! He is the epitome of the average Canadian male!
Oh yeah, you're Canadian too, aren't ya? ;)
Ouch, that hurt, and it wasn't even dumped on me! Better watch your back, because those easteners aren't as happy-go-lucky as you westerners, are they? I've heard they can get pretty mean. Something about the crappy weather and poor living conditions :confused:
Dusty Chalk
12-24-2005, 01:10 AM
Heh-heh, no, she's not DumpJack -- he smokes. L, I think he works for the tobacco industry, he gets so vehement about it. I think he just drinks too much cola -- you should see how vehement he got when he and I started arguing about smoking.
Snowb -- I recently picked up a pair of Etymotic ER-6i's (the i is for "easy to drive" or something like that) -- they sound great unamped (since I'm pretty sure that's how you're going to run them), if you don't mind sticking things in your ears. Although it's really good for blocking out external noises, and you can wave (or write) to people that you can't hear them and you don't want to take them out, because it's really a ***** to take them in and out.
And back to the original question -- I took off one track and burned myself a single disk version. Anyone wanna guess which track? I'll give you a clue -- it's not the shortest necessary to make an 80 minute disk (this was back when my burner was working). It's actually one of the better tracks, because then I was going to burn it onto my 2004 sampler.
12-24-2005, 04:48 AM
Whichever one is the softer one. I couldn't sit through the other one. Brought it to FL to pass it off to one of the kidz, who are much bigger fans than I am.
12-24-2005, 05:17 AM
Hey, Snowbunny.
I own Grado 80's and am absolutely pleased. If you have others around you, while playing music they may annoy them; but not you. The other cool pair that I like to wear when sound leakage is an issue is a closed-design: the Sony Studio-pro Monitor MDR - 7506 series of cans. Many of the recording studios and their sound engineers swear by the Sonys). Love them too!!
You can't go wrong with either. Btw., I had to order the Sonys from a US internet distributor, since they are not available here, in Canada.
Hope this helps.
12-24-2005, 05:18 AM
I'd say come play at Obner, but then I'd have to tell you who I am!
Ooo! Ooo! I know- Grinch Platte!
12-24-2005, 12:55 PM
Hey, Snowbunny.
I own Grado 80's and am absolutely pleased. If you have others around you, while playing music they may annoy them; but not you. The other cool pair that I like to wear when sound leakage is an issue is a closed-design: the Sony Studio-pro Monitor MDR - 7506 series of cans. Many of the recording studios and their sound engineers swear by the Sonys). Love them too!!
You can't go wrong with either. Btw., I had to order the Sonys from a US internet distributor, since they are not available here, in Canada.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the recommendation, Bill.
The only independent music store in our city sells Grados and I wasn't familiar with the name. He has a selection that goes from about $200 to $600 although the higher end one should probably have an amp which he can get me used for a couple of hundred.
But, as Dusty guessed above, I don't really want to go the amp route. I know that Sennheisers come highly recommended but I'd have to order them online or get them at Future Shop prepackaged. I absolutely have to try them out because I have small ears and some of the ear buds I've bought in the past won't even fit in my ears!
And now I get what it means to be "open" or "closed", I think. I'm guessing my choice would be closed.
I'd actually love to have wireless headphones but I hear they aren't great quality.
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