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12-13-2005, 06:34 AM
Wondering if anyone can help? I have a Sunfire True Subwoofer Jr. I've had it for years without any problems. The other day I unplugged it to put the ole tree up. After plugging it back in ....... ........ ........ nothing! The power light comes on and everything seems ok, but no sound at all.

I trouble shot cables, and everything else regarding other components. Then checked the A.C. line fuse (no problem). I opened up the sub and found 2 more 4 Amp fuses on the circuit board. I replaced both of those fuses and upon power up - they blew again. I'm running the sub behind a 15 Amp surge protector and now I don't know what to do. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

12-13-2005, 07:24 AM
Sorry to hear about your sub problems Steve. Maybe someone here can help you out. I have heard of others having troubles with their Sunfires. Not sure how they resolved them. Have you tried Sunfire's website or sent them an email?

Welcome to AR.

12-13-2005, 09:43 AM
Wow, I've had two plate amps die on me in exactly the same fashion. Unplugged, then when plugging back in, they didn't work.

The techs I spoked to could only guess that by unplugging it while it was possibly still in auto/on/off standby mode pooched something. First time it was a Paradigm subwoofer, second just a typical aftermarket plate amp.

Good news is plate amps aren't too expensive. Bad news is there's something rotten going on inside your sub's amp that's blowing fuses. Might be time to call Sunfire...

12-13-2005, 12:09 PM
Wow, I've had two plate amps die on me in exactly the same fashion. Unplugged, then when plugging back in, they didn't work.

The techs I spoked to could only guess that by unplugging it while it was possibly still in auto/on/off standby mode pooched something. First time it was a Paradigm subwoofer, second just a typical aftermarket plate amp.

Good news is plate amps aren't too expensive. Bad news is there's something rotten going on inside your sub's amp that's blowing fuses. Might be time to call Sunfire...

Call is in to sunfire tech support. I'll post the results of the convo when they call me back.