OZRIC TENTACLES - Where to begin? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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10-24-2005, 11:41 PM
I've been thinking, for some time now, about delving into these guys (more effectionately know as Ostrich Testacles).

I first heard these guys on some old Demetrio comps. I've read good things about them, and I noticed over at Amazon that there seem to be some new double-disc re-issues that are putting two albums together for one seemingly reasonable price of $15.98US. Anyone familiar with these dual-album re-issues? Are they remastered copies, or are they those cheesy, eastern Europe knock-offs that sound like they mastered from third or fourth generation tapes?

Other than that, are there any fans here?

10-25-2005, 03:58 AM
I have most of the double disc re-issues, and they are very nice. The packaging is top notch, as is with all stuff that comes from Snapper. The audio quality is very good too. In my opinion you cant go wrong with any of them. "Live at the Pongmasters Ball" may be a good p[lace to start since they will do material from different albums.

Good luck!

I've been thinking, for some time now, about delving into these guys (more effectionately know as Ostrich Testacles).

I first heard these guys on some old Demetrio comps. I've read good things about them, and I noticed over at Amazon that there seem to be some new double-disc re-issues that are putting two albums together for one seemingly reasonable price of $15.98US. Anyone familiar with these dual-album re-issues? Are they remastered copies, or are they those cheesy, eastern Europe knock-offs that sound like they mastered from third or fourth generation tapes?

Other than that, are there any fans here?

10-26-2005, 11:46 AM
Check out: Erpland/Jurassic Shift [Remaster]
it is $12.97 delivered from Deep Discount CD

these are not 2-fers but they are very very good:

Pungent Effulgent