Audiophile book recommendations [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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01-09-2004, 04:59 AM
Hi folks,
I recently posted a thread about my consideration of jumping into the DIY speaker world and asked a few questions. I think it'd be a great hobby to start. One kind poster responded to my questions and suggested reading a particular book, "The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook" to help get me started.
I thought, what a great idea.
I've spent hours on the internet reading articles, asking questions, and believe whole heartedly that the internet is a useful tool.
But this was the first book recommendation I received.
So I ask everyone here, are there any other good books about any audio related subject anyone would recommend to the viewing public to pick up and read?

Jimmy C
01-09-2004, 05:13 AM
Robert Harley's "The Complete Guide to High-End Audio". An interesting book that touches on almost all aspects of audio at home.

There's even a somewhat "techie" section should you be so inclined...

01-09-2004, 08:30 AM
is the "Master Handbook of Acoustics." It covers much more than designing a room for enjoying music or HT, but much of it applies to our ability to hear the sound generated in our homes. The book does cover many of the technical aspects of acoustics, but does it in a way that someone who wants a thorough understadning of the subject without making a career of it can understand.

An excellent read I recommend to anyone who does more than open the boxes and place the speaks wherever they fit in the room.

01-09-2004, 05:56 PM
"The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook" is a great choice.

I just started DIYing may never turn back...and you may never want to either!


01-09-2004, 07:03 PM
Robert Harley's "The Complete Guide to High-End Audio". An interesting book that touches on almost all aspects of audio at home.

There's even a somewhat "techie" section should you be so inclined...

That is the LAST book anyone should purchase.

01-09-2004, 07:05 PM
So I ask everyone here, are there any other good books about any audio related subject anyone would recommend to the viewing public to pick up and read?

If you are serious about a book that will give you facts, not bs, voodoo or audio myths, stick with the acoustic books recommended and run as fast as you can from Bob Harley book.

Jimmy C
01-10-2004, 04:32 AM
...there is even a section in the book discussing "snake oil" and "voodoo"... your favorite topics! But yes, since it's not the ONLY topic he knows, I can see how you two wouldn't be able to play nice :^)

01-11-2004, 10:02 PM
...there is even a section in the book discussing "snake oil" and "voodoo"... your favorite topics! But yes, since it's not the ONLY topic he knows, I can see how you two wouldn't be able to play nice :^)

You mean even for him there is some voodoo out there that he cannot swallow?

01-11-2004, 10:58 PM
Hi folks,
I recently posted a thread about my consideration of jumping into the DIY speaker world and asked a few questions. I think it'd be a great hobby to start. One kind poster responded to my questions and suggested reading a particular book, "The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook" to help get me started.
I thought, what a great idea.
I've spent hours on the internet reading articles, asking questions, and believe whole heartedly that the internet is a useful tool.
But this was the first book recommendation I received.
So I ask everyone here, are there any other good books about any audio related subject anyone would recommend to the viewing public to pick up and read?

AudioXPress is a good source for audio books for every level of interest. See

If you're going to get into DIY you might also find that Rod Elliott is a useful contact and source of information. See