View Full Version : Best TV, Money no object
09-12-2005, 11:04 AM
Whats the best TV you can think of? Is it CRT, DLP, Plasma, LCD, LCOS?
I know you can spend huge amounts on big plasma's, but does that
get you the best picture?
I would like to think in the 60" to 70" in range. Other things don't really matter.
Can be free standing, wall hanging, ect.
Just really want to know whats the best quality TV with the best picture
09-12-2005, 11:44 AM
Check out the Sony SXRD. It is essentially a beefed up LCD projection. It has very real colours and a 3-d type of effect. The price tag is a bit scary but if money is no object it is worth checking into.
09-12-2005, 12:05 PM
I think Todd's got a great point; Sony's SXRD is fantastic, in context. But it can't do everything that a high end CRT can do, or arguably even that a high end DLP can do. The safest answer might be the largest CRT RPTV that you can find that flips your skirt higher than any other comparable CRT. But my heart wouldn't really be into calling even this one the "best," because no one TV does everything perfectly. Compromises come from trying to reach a price point (even with the most expensive TVs), trying to maximize black level at the expense of sharpness and brightness, choice of video-processing circuitry, inherent chip shortcomings, etc. No two good TVs are likely to have the same anything. You can't completely eliminate the subjective element and personal preference when a range of contingencies and variables comes into play. It is absolutely conceivable to like them all, for different reasons, and end up like Balaam's ass--unable to move.
I was looking at a bunch of pretty good untweaked LCD flat panels the other day; no two of them had the same color red. Nor was it likely any of them ever would, no matter what was done to them. But unless you saw them side by side, you might not know the extent to which they differed. Even side by side, would any two people necessarily pick one of the reds over the other every time? I think that you eventually get the display that maximizes your priorities. Vive la difference.
The only display that I can justify describing with a superlative is Reference Imaging's CinePro 9x Elite CRT front CRT projector, which I've seen only once (long enough ago that its PQ has acquired mythological status). Ultimate A/V did a review of it some time ago, paired with the Teranex video processor. The total cost was in the vicinity of $100,000. But I don't suppose this one would count.
09-12-2005, 12:52 PM
I would have to say, a projector system is your best bet if your looking into the 60"+ size where money is no object. Then you can go as big as you want 100" if you have the room for it.
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