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09-06-2005, 06:50 PM
After reading a post about the chihuahuas.
Then I had seen someone at AA mention the CE safety requirements.
Which made me think of AR. How about each post only mention one name of a moniker from the past...from AudioReview general forum.
Anybody remember CE. LOL Wish he was still here>>>>
anybody remember anyone else? (remember...only one)
Take a look a the new format ;) LOL (
09-06-2005, 08:17 PM
I remember Tinhere me pardner from the person who started this thread (don't want to mention any other names) audio sharing club. That takes me back...oh yes...the good old days...:)
Jim Clark
09-06-2005, 08:21 PM
With a puny 274 posts I was ready to add Gonefishin' to the list.
Only one? What kind of chicken crud rule is that? I'll go with the second one in my list before I had to edit all the good stuff down to one: Norm Strong. I seldom found myself in agreement with him but he was a class act and I miss seeing his posts. Kenwood HT in a box anyone?
09-07-2005, 10:23 AM
Good guy that always seemed to walk the tightrope between engineering and musical enjoyment.
09-07-2005, 11:15 AM about Dennis and JoeB...not to mention ToneDeaf :D lol
oh...only one? heck wit it
Jim Clark
09-07-2005, 12:56 PM
stoopid database-I'm not going to type it all for a third time. Short version:
Along with Norm-all in my HOF.
Resident Loser
09-09-2005, 06:22 AM one that comes to mind...
jimHJJ(...maybe even JR...)
Resident Loser
09-09-2005, 06:58 AM
...did you find access to those relics...brings back some memories...geez, it was like a gazillion years ago...MikE and a whole flock of folks...
jimHJJ(...yet some of the content seems like only yesterday...)
09-09-2005, 09:56 AM
...teh greatest rproducts ever made... ...tehy even sound good with teh speakers in different rooms...
09-09-2005, 09:17 PM
...teh greatest rproducts ever made... ...tehy even sound good with teh speakers in different rooms...
Lay off the sauce, brother!
09-10-2005, 08:55 AM
...teh greatest rproducts ever made... ...tehy even sound good with teh speakers in different rooms...
Phillips to teh rescue!!! CE was a HOOT!!
ok since Vandy was alread stolen...and brudda Bone was as was Tia and JoeB...Bruddda Tin...hmmm...ok
thats my two...
Resident Loser
09-20-2005, 07:06 AM
...paradox of this post(yes, I am slow...)...
In the realm of the "I've Got Ties Older Than You" dep't, there aren't that many veteran regulars left to remember the names of veteran regulars who no longer post here..a true conundrum...or is it an enigma?
The "Look at the new format" archives tends to prove the well known fact that other than the ever-changing cast of characters traipsing through the place, things really never change...I actually found some earlier posts from 2000 under my original moniker re: cables...whatta' hoot.
jimHJJ(...not me, the exchanges...)
09-21-2005, 07:33 PM know...the...tone-deaf one, who never told us what his gear was...the one on the cable he still there or long know...I'm so bad with names...can't remember...
Pat D
09-22-2005, 04:53 AM know...the...tone-deaf one, who never told us what his gear was...the one on the cable he still there or long know...I'm so bad with names...can't remember...
Mtrycrafts is a regular contributor over at, where his knowedge is generally appreciated.
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-22-2005, 06:32 AM
Adam, Robert393, Quagmire, John from Canada, and sometimes here and sometimes there Richard Greene(Doc)
I really miss all of these guys alot.
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-22-2005, 06:41 AM
Mtrycrafts is a regular contributor over at, where his knowedge is generally appreciated.
Doesn't take much for them does it.
Resident Loser
09-22-2005, 07:10 AM
Doesn't take much for them does it.
...about those "niagra" recorders...and pleeease don't give me that Nagra cr@p again...
While I may not always agree with his style, Mtrycrafts has a great deal of REAL information to share...but as does skeptic, he simply doesn't suffer fools(or foolish info) easily.
jimHJJ(..."...those oldies, but goodies, remind me of you..."...)
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-22-2005, 07:45 AM
...about those "niagra" recorders...and pleeease don't give me that Nagra cr@p again...
While I may not always agree with his style, Mtrycrafts has a great deal of REAL information to share...but as does skeptic, he simply doesn't suffer fools(or foolish info) easily.
jimHJJ(..."...those oldies, but goodies, remind me of you..."...)
Isn't there a hole you can crawl in or sumpthin? Its Nagra, haven't you ever misspelled something in your life. Get new material, this stuff is about as old as you are.
Mtry doesn't know a dang thing about audio. He reminds me of you.
09-22-2005, 07:46 AM
Hi guys :) I was a bit busy there fer a while ;)
RL...fill in any new or old website address that you'd like into the wayback machine (
mtry was a good guy too. What about hifiTommy? Anyone remember
Resident Loser
09-22-2005, 08:34 AM
Isn't there a hole you can crawl in or sumpthin? Its Nagra, haven't you ever misspelled something in your life. Get new material, this stuff is about as old as you are.
Mtry doesn't know a dang thing about audio. He reminds me of you.
...or anyone else, clicked into the original link and related thread(that means link TWICE), you would surely see that in the context and timeframe you spoke of, Nagra didn't have a digital recorder...if you're gonna' spread the fertilizer you can at least try to have your bul...a, er..."facts" straight...of course, you could prove me wrong, couldn't you?...I mean, you've only had three opportunities...and I might even apologize...and I do view these forays into cyberspace as a learning experience.
jimHJJ(...with regard to the attempted slight, thanks for the compliment...)
09-22-2005, 08:55 AM
Mtrycrafts has a great deal of REAL information to share...
I ended up spraying Diet Coke through my nose. :)
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-22-2005, 09:02 AM
...or anyone else, clicked into the original link and related thread(that means link TWICE), you would surely see that in the context and timeframe you spoke of, Nagra didn't have a digital recorder...if you're gonna' spread the fertilizer you can at least try to have your bul...a, er..."facts" straight...of course, you could prove me wrong, couldn't you?...I mean, you've only had three opportunities...and I might even apologize...and I do view these forays into cyberspace as a learning experience.
jimHJJ(...with regard to the attempted slight, thanks for the compliment...)
Get a life man, isn't Moses or somebody having birthday party or something you are supposed to be attending. Why do you insist on showing us all how bitter and old you are? 90 year old children are a boring. Please take you attitude down to the hot house.
Hold your breath waiting for proof PLEASE!
Resident Loser
09-22-2005, 11:11 AM
Hi guys :) I was a bit busy there fer a while ;)
RL...fill in any new or old website address that you'd like into the wayback machine (
...since I had nothin' better to do...well...other than help E-Stat clear out his sinuses, I investigated that site you mentioned...shame it only goes back to late Nov. 2000 and getting the text of post's is a spotty proposition at best. It was one of those transitional periods here @AR with Norb and all...found one of my earlier offerings in a thread where I answered JR, was pounced on by Adi and given some good advice by Markw...and Eyespy was there and mwalsdor and Mtry too!...ripping good time it was I'm sure...unfortunately no text...things were better then, folks were more creative, particularly with their could almost figure out the general flow of the thread by them alone...and then there were the multiple monikers, like the guy in Feb. 2001 who signed himself as "Terrence is not god" or the guy who did an (nt) entitled "Only those who don't know thinks Terrence knows everything. Poor fools!" and signed "not a gullible fool" and one of the really funny ones was in response to an answer given by Terrence, posted by Richard Greene. He intro'd it with "The right answer this time"...oh, the fun we all had!
To Mr.E: I guess it depends on ones definition of REAL information, eh? and that Diet Coke will really do a mischief on your mucous membranes...
To Mr.T: Gee, and here I thought you wooda' taken any opportunity to actually prove me wrong rather than continue in your policy of taking some cheap shots...what the hey, It's only age-discrimination right? PROOF!...I'll take a wild guess you got nothing...
jimHJJ( it wasn't obvious to begin with...)
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-22-2005, 12:31 PM
To Mr.T: Gee, and here I thought you wooda' taken any opportunity to actually prove me wrong rather than continue in your policy of taking some cheap shots...what the hey, It's only age-discrimination right? PROOF!...I'll take a wild guess you got nothing...
jimHJJ( it wasn't obvious to begin with...)
Still harping away on a dead subject, speaking of that,why haven't you turned to oil yet like other fossils? Guess as much as you like, and be as wild with it as well. Keep holding your breath PLEASE! You'll be in someone tank soon.
09-22-2005, 01:33 PM
To Mr.E: I guess it depends on ones definition of REAL information, eh?
While our self-proclaimed ditch digger was skilled at parroting information and extrapolating the results of studies to encompass everything not tested, such is not the same as knowledge. Here are a couple of my favorite mytryisms:
Lucky lad that I am, I learned today that I will be able to extend an upcoming bidness trip to Nueva Jork for a weekend in Seacliff. Maybe I'll take some zip cord and see if there's any difference between it and the Valhallas on HP's Nola system. ;)
... and that Diet Coke will really do a mischief on your mucous membranes...
No problemo. I was feeling no pain whilst rolling on the floor in laughter.
09-22-2005, 06:16 PM
Still harping away on a dead subject, speaking of that,why haven't you turned to oil yet like other fossils? Guess as much as you like, and be as wild with it as well. Keep holding your breath PLEASE! You'll be in someone tank soon.
And you're a moderator? -Bruce
09-22-2005, 06:22 PM
Isn't there a hole you can crawl in or sumpthin? Its Nagra, haven't you ever misspelled something in your life. Get new material, this stuff is about as old as you are.
Mtry doesn't know a dang thing about audio. He reminds me of you.
As I have said before, the attitude of the moderators has a lot to do with the people that are now missing.....
Sir, maybe you're the one that should go crawl in a hole.
09-22-2005, 06:30 PM
...about Mtrycrafts! E-Stat, don't you know diet soda will rot your brain??? Aspartame metabolizes to formaldehyde. My ex has made the subject her own little area of expertise, and she tells me all about it.
Before I gave up looking for that name [Mtry] in old threads, I found Kexodusc's name way back there. Did I spell that right? He may just have been here longer than anyone else.
Anybody remember Jameson Davenport Briggs??
09-22-2005, 06:50 PM
...about Mtrycrafts! E-Stat, don't you know diet soda will rot your brain??? Aspartame metabolizes to formaldehyde. My ex has made the subject her own little area of expertise, and she tells me all about it.
Before I gave up looking for that name [Mtry] in old threads, I found Kexodusc's name way back there. Did I spell that right? He may just have been here longer than anyone else.
Anybody remember Jameson Davenport Briggs??
Oh Yeah, the dude from Maine! He was always good for a laugh. -Bruce
Resident Loser
09-23-2005, 06:04 AM
Anybody remember Jameson Davenport Briggs??
...would have gotten along famously with Sir TtT...
jimHJJ(...yeah, right!...whoompa, whoompa, whoompa...)
Resident Loser
09-23-2005, 06:47 AM
...I have read your links, and as much as I'd like to pursue the issue, taking some posts out of context really doesn't give me much indication as to the overall tone or meaning of the thread...your claims of Mtry's lack of reading comprehension may or may not be accurate, but I don't see much correlation vis a' vis his ability to supply information.
My cursory take on the provided links: In the first, JBL drops in the appropriate "weasel words" like "may" and "some"...It's been said before on these pages, many speaker manufacturers simply jumped on the bandwagon. The "golden-eared" audiopiles have created an entire "cottage industry" based on???? In order to even be considered, I submit the PR folks have suggested to the R&D folks that they include the latest and greatest of the "tweaks"(or features) so they can include the appropriate buzzwords in their ad copy.
With regard to the second: Huh? Again, so far removed from the body of the post as to be thoroughly useless for nearly any demonstrative purpose...With re: to your comments of a diffuse, scatter-gun approach on the part of Mtry...I'd suggest you take a close look at nearly any heated thread(and I'll make an educated guess that's what it was) many responses become more of a "stream of conciousness" kinda' thing that touches on many related(but to some, seemingly unrelated) issues...
jimHJJ(...and I was so hoping they'd be at least amusing...)
09-23-2005, 07:35 AM
I miss alexthegoodone.Very funny guy.Easy to push his buttons.
Pat D
09-23-2005, 08:03 AM
Hi guys :) I was a bit busy there fer a while ;)
RL...fill in any new or old website address that you'd like into the wayback machine (
mtry was a good guy too. What about hifiTommy? Anyone remember
hifitommy still posts in Analog Room quite a bit and he also shows up at AA.
Resident Loser
09-23-2005, 08:05 AM
...decided to name Greenland Greenland and Iceland Iceland(my apologies to those who have seen this before)...Problem is, Iceland is green and lush(has a volcano or some other vulcan activity) and Greenland is much less welcoming...the purpose(or so I've read) was to influence potential immigrants to go to Greenland, while keeping the other place to themselves...sorta' like calling New Jersey the "Garden State"(sorry for the cheap shot markw)...
Sorta' like Terrence the terrible...more like Terrence the refutable...seems like no matter how much factual information one might supply, there's always some response attempting to refute it or otherwise make light of it's import e.g. certain aspects of the slavery issue contained in another thread or perhaps the ongoing remarks re: Dubya and FEMA...Fight tooth and nail he will. Well almost, anyway...
Now we see some more "weasel words" like "dead issue", "dead subject"...well pal(and I use that term in it's idiomatic sense)...couldn't be any more alive and well...Your history would seem to bear my assertions out. Anyone can toss out jargon and make claims in a cavalier only impresses the easily impressionable...Much like a certain someone from the long ago and far away, who would add to his own self-importance by referring folks to a bibliography of links of his own device or those who seem to think listing every component they ever owned somehow puts some meat on their bones, they are legends in their own mind.
Actually, since you really have nothing, resorting to name calling and attempts at insult indicates how much of a Mickey Mouse act you really fitting...and speaking of gas, I wouldn't stand too close to open flames if I were you.
jimHJJ(...aka Resident Loser...after all what's in a name?...)
Pat D
09-23-2005, 08:21 AM
Mtry doesn't know a dang thing about audio.
Those technical types over at Audioholics don't seem to agree with you about mtrycrafts. Gee, they even troubled to measure the performance of speaker cables over there . . .
And I notice that you don't bother to list your interconnects and speaker cables with your system, which implies you agree with mtry about something.
09-23-2005, 08:53 AM
...but I don't see much correlation vis a' vis his ability to supply information.
Indeed, he could provide lengthy bibligraphies - but would extrapolate the results in a decidedly non-scientific manner. Tests prove what they prove for that which is tested. I finally got him to admit that not a single one of his citations addressed the best equipment.
jimHJJ(...and I was so hoping they'd be at least amusing...)
Oh, I found most all of his posts amusing. Do you remember this Saturday Night Live skit with Martin Short ?
Mtry was like the Thurm character as he was always defensive.
Nathan Thurm: I'm not being defensive! You're the one who's being defensive! Why is always the other person who's being defensive? Have you ever asked yourself that? Why don't you ask yourself that?
That's what happens when you really have no direct experience to back your assertions. He would frequently close a post (like the one at the top) with some dismissive like You just don't understand. His JVC boombox did not illuminate his listening skills greatly.
This is a place to share information and experience with those who share this hobby. Naturally, there is a diverse set of experience levels from differing standpoints. Most would consider that to be a good thing to combine that brain trust. Unlike any other hobby of mine, however, for some reason audio is the only one where there are those who feel threatened that there is exotic stuff out there for which they have zero experience - and to somehow protect others from ever finding out about it. Simply amazing.
09-23-2005, 09:07 AM
Indeed, he could provide lengthy bibligraphies - but would extrapolate the results in a decidedly non-scientific manner. Tests prove what they prove for that which is tested. I finally got him to admit that not a single one of his citations addressed the best equipment.
Oh, I found most all of his posts amusing. Do you remember this Saturday Night Live skit with Martin Short ?
Unlike any other hobby of mine, however, for some reason audio is the only one where there are those who feel threatened that there is exotic stuff out there for which they have zero experience - and to somehow protect others from ever finding out about it. Simply amazing.
I never knew the guy but I miss him anyway! :)
Pat D
09-24-2005, 04:36 AM
Indeed, he could provide lengthy bibligraphies - but would extrapolate the results in a decidedly non-scientific manner. Tests prove what they prove for that which is tested. I finally got him to admit that not a single one of his citations addressed the best equipment.
No, that's not what mtry said, and you know it.
Mtry didn't answer your silly question, which was based on a misconception about the burden of proof. What he said was simply that those who claim to hear small differences have the burden of proof. In other words, he corrected your misconception.
When you come up with something to prove you or anyone else can hear the differences between various 3 foot interconnects and proper gauge 10 foot speaker wires, etc., come and tell us about it.
09-24-2005, 06:00 AM
No, that's not what mtry said, and you know it.
The complete lack of credible studies using the finest gear speaks for itself. You'd think if any such existed, he would have produced them long ago.
The burden of proof argument is required where one asserts that someone else's perception is wrong. Since he has never heard any of the systems on which I base my conclusions, I take no issue with his inability to hear any differences in his. :)
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-24-2005, 01:35 PM
And I notice that you don't bother to list your interconnects and speaker cables with your system, which implies you agree with mtry about something.
Pat, I don't argue about cables. In a sound system its the least of my worries. Did you notice I mention room acoustics? Far more important in my opinion. I think you are reading into something that is not there my friend. Room acoustics have a FAR more measureable and audible influence than wires. I don't major in minors.
I have debated many times with mtry on sound formats. This is an area where he lacks any education whatsoever. He may be able to talk about a less significant topic like wires, but he is not prepared to debate things like sound formats, acoustics, and recording. Perhaps those over at AA have not touch on those topics, or they'll see mtry like I see him. A blithering idiot.
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-24-2005, 01:49 PM
Sorta' like Terrence the terrible...more like Terrence the refutable...seems like no matter how much factual information one might supply, there's always some response attempting to refute it or otherwise make light of it's import e.g. certain aspects of the slavery issue contained in another thread or perhaps the ongoing remarks re: Dubya and FEMA...Fight tooth and nail he will. Well almost, anyway...
It may be factual to you, but it is just another perspective to me. There is a thousand ways to look at a single issue, you chose one, I chose another. If your assertions were so based on fact, then they are not easily refuteable. Yours are not, and therefore be challenged. Like it, or not.
Now we see some more "weasel words" like "dead issue", "dead subject"...well pal(and I use that term in it's idiomatic sense)...couldn't be any more alive and well...Your history would seem to bear my assertions out. Anyone can toss out jargon and make claims in a cavalier only impresses the easily impressionable...Much like a certain someone from the long ago and far away, who would add to his own self-importance by referring folks to a bibliography of links of his own device or those who seem to think listing every component they ever owned somehow puts some meat on their bones, they are legends in their own mind.
Look, your opinion is just another old mans opinion. It is no more valid than anyone else. The reason I despise you like I do is because you are uncaring, and dismissive about everyone elses plight except your own. You are just like many folks here in this country, you think you have ALL the answers, and everyone else is just plain wrong. You think you have all the facts, and you don't. What needs to happen to you is you need to live the rest of your bitter, miserable life as a minority so you can truely see how wrong you are about a great deal of things. Its insulting to listen to a person of one color describe the experience of a person of another color. That is when you see the true ignorance of that person, namely yourself.
The equipment I name, is the equipment I currently own. There isn't enough room to mention all of the equipment I have ever owned. Another ignorant assumption on your part. Sounds like equipment envy. No need for jealous rantings, take your pension and social security check and get good stuff for yourself.
Actually, since you really have nothing, resorting to name calling and attempts at insult indicates how much of a Mickey Mouse act you really fitting...and speaking of gas, I wouldn't stand too close to open flames if I were you.
jimHJJ(...aka Resident Loser...after all what's in a name?...)
More ramblings of an old phart. Well, old age makes them tire quickly. Or they just keep harping on old things because of the inability to move on. I guess all of the old dead or dying brain cells ought to be used up soon
Pat D
09-24-2005, 03:11 PM
The complete lack of credible studies using the finest gear speaks for itself. You'd think if any such existed, he would have produced them long ago.
The complete lack of studies showing that anyone can hear the differences between 3 foot interconnects and 10 foot speaker cable with any gear also speaks for itself. Your perceptions under sighted, uncontrolled conditions just aren't convincing scientifically though they may satisfy you.
How do you know what was used as gear in those studies? You might be surprised if you actually read them.
Of course, you would have to come up with some credible criteria as to what qualifies as "the finest gear." Are we supposed to rely on your perceptions again?
The burden of proof argument is required where one asserts that someone else's perception is wrong.
Sorry. That's not how it works. The burden of proof is on those who claim to detect small differences.
In the famous DBT that Stereophile reported in 1989 between a tube and a SS amp, those wonderfully trained listeners reported differences about 60% of the time when the two choices were the same. I thank Richard Greene for pointing this out, though I had to search for just where in the article this was reported--it's on Tables 2 and 3 on page 4:
So, even when there was no difference (A-A or B-B), those golden ear superaudiophiles perceived differences. No one could possibly complain these listeners were tricked--or could they? ;) I'm not mentioning any names . . .
Pat D
09-24-2005, 07:25 PM
Pat, I don't argue about cables. In a sound system its the least of my worries. Did you notice I mention room acoustics? Far more important in my opinion. I think you are reading into something that is not there my friend. Room acoustics have a FAR more measureable and audible influence than wires. I don't major in minors.
I have debated many times with mtry on sound formats. This is an area where he lacks any education whatsoever. He may be able to talk about a less significant topic like wires, but he is not prepared to debate things like sound formats, acoustics, and recording. Perhaps those over at AA have not touch on those topics, or they'll see mtry like I see him. A blithering idiot.
Mtrycrafts hasn't posted anything at AA for quite a while.
Well, mtry doesn't think cables are very important, either.
Room acoustics are very important--mtry often pointed that out to cable freaks. What would he debate about there? They actually do have a series of articles on room acoustics over at Audioholics, which is quite different from AA.
Sound formats and recording--well, mtry is in favor of multi-channel.
He's quite a nice fellow, very hospitable.
09-24-2005, 07:29 PM
LOL :p
Now this thread is even a little reminiscent of how AR used to be ;) Thanks guys :D
Resident Loser
09-26-2005, 07:14 AM
...I spent 17 years of my worklife involved in day-to-day collective barganining issues on a local level...a management ploy was the "smokescreen". An attempt to divert from the issue at hand to one that may give the impression of dealing with said issues while, in reality, being far from it...You must have management aspirations.
It may be factual to you, but it is just another perspective to me. There is a thousand ways to look at a single issue, you chose one, I chose another. If your assertions were so based on fact, then they are not easily refuteable. Yours are not, and therefore be challenged. Like it, or not.
Do you think I enter these threads deaf, dumb and blind? Until I dropped out of CUNY, I had intentions of being a history teacher and the subject is still of great interest to me. What I have posted is simply a distllation of many sources...let me clarify, objective and unemotional sources, which all fairly well agree and support the statements I've just because they aren't penned by folks who have an ax to grind ONE WAY OR THE OTHER doesn't mean they aren't the truth...Like Jack Nicholson's line, it's just that you can't handle the truth...Challenge away, be my guest...I rather enjoy it. As I've stated many times, my walks through cyberspace only add to my knowledge of many diverse subjects and, knock yerself out. Just do us all a big favor(and save whatever credibility you may have left)...stick with the issues.
Look, your opinion is just another old mans opinion... The reason I despise you like I do is because you are uncaring, and dismissive about everyone elses plight except your own.
OOOCHH! How clever...another age-ist remark..."Uncaring and "dismissive". Hardly. I am very concerned for those who have been maltreated, however I am equally concerned and angered by those who wallow in self-pity and resort to finger-pointing. I am even more enraged by so-called "leaders" who capitalize on the situation; much like the pharmaceutical companies who, in lieu af aiding in the search for actual "cures", simply profiteer on the misery of others by producing drugs that merely morph health problems into chronic conditions with the intent of filling their coffers, real or metaphoric.
Despise me, feel free...I'm only the messenger and you don't like the message...and BTW my "plight" was cancelled.
You are just like many folks here in this country, you think you have ALL the answers, and everyone else is just plain wrong. You think you have all the facts, and you don't.
I'm quite unlike anyone, for the most part...and I don't think I have "ALL the answers", in fact I don't think I have any answers, nor did I say I did. I just tend to ask too many and very non-standard questions...tends to put folks off-balance...ain't my problem that no one has the answers or simply don't like the questions.
What needs to happen to you is you need to live the rest of your bitter, miserable life as a minority so you can truely see how wrong you are about a great deal of things.
Bitter? Miserable? Why would I be? As stated earlier, 20, 25 yrs. I'll be pushin' up daisies and you and those of your ilk will have to deal with the world you will have created, we'll see who's wrong.
Its insulting to listen to a person of one color describe the experience of a person of another color. That is when you see the true ignorance of that person, namely yourself.
And I did this when? You see some of my remarks as "stereotypical". Given the fact that the area I live in, the public transit I use, the area in which I work and the specific building I work in has a diverse population in which the minorities are a majority, I merely cite empirical evidence, these are far from "stereo-"anything and simply quite typical behaviors that I witness on a daily basis...perhaps the City by the Bay isn't the only thing in a fog.
The equipment I name, is the equipment I currently own. There isn't enough room to mention all of the equipment I have ever owned. Another ignorant assumption on your part. Sounds like equipment envy.
Could you be any more full of yourself...I cited a "type" of poster that I have observed lo these many years...You have chosen to take it personally...can you say "ignorant assuption"...after all, it's only quite recently that you decided to dispose of your "stoogies" signature.
No need for jealous rantings, take your pension and social security check and get good stuff for yourself.
Only those who are pretentious and have low self-esteem feel the need to bloat their egos and wear their possessions on their sleeves. Sorry to disappoint, I still work full-time...I want for little, least of all an inflation of my self-worth via material things and artifice
More ramblings of an old phart. Well, old age makes them tire quickly. Or they just keep harping on old things because of the inability to move on. I guess all of the old dead or dying brain cells ought to be used up soon
You're may be right...unfortunately for you, I have probably forgotten more information, on a wider variety of subjects, than you will ever know...
And a mind is a "terrible" thing to waste...
jimHJJ(...we may make an exception in your case...)
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-26-2005, 09:46 AM
Do you think I enter these threads deaf, dumb and blind? Until I dropped out of CUNY, I had intentions of being a history teacher and the subject is still of great interest to me. What I have posted is simply a distllation of many sources...let me clarify, objective and unemotional sources, which all fairly well agree and support the statements I've just because they aren't penned by folks who have an ax to grind ONE WAY OR THE OTHER doesn't mean they aren't the truth...Like Jack Nicholson's line, it's just that you can't handle the truth...Challenge away, be my guest...I rather enjoy it. As I've stated many times, my walks through cyberspace only add to my knowledge of many diverse subjects and, knock yerself out. Just do us all a big favor(and save whatever credibility you may have left)...stick with the issues.
Just because YOU think the sources you have sited are objective and unemotional doesn't mean they are necessarily accurate. Lets face it, nobody was around during slavery who is living today. Its all second hand information. I have an aunt that has been studying slavery of all periods for over 35 years, I trust the things that come out of her mouth much more than yours. She even admits that much is not much written about slavery is accurate because record keeping was spotty and not consistant. Ship manifests have routinely been changed or swapped, census studies are incomplete(they don't even know how many black people that live in LA, Oakland, or San Francisco in 2000 with any acccuracy). Out of the six books I have read on slavery, there are only a few facts that each book agrees on. One is that the accuracy of information varies all over the place. So if you think your facts are straight, you are the only person that think so.
OOOCHH! How clever...another age-ist remark..."Uncaring and "dismissive". Hardly. I am very concerned for those who have been maltreated, however I am equally concerned and angered by those who wallow in self-pity and resort to finger-pointing. I am even more enraged by so-called "leaders" who capitalize on the situation; much like the pharmaceutical companies who, in lieu af aiding in the search for actual "cures", simply profiteer on the misery of others by producing drugs that merely morph health problems into chronic conditions with the intent of filling their coffers, real or metaphoric.
What I have seen is footage of folks looting, in situ, no question about it...the food and perishibles are long there are tapes showing folks rolling entire display racks of items not really required for survival, grinning and mugging for the camera...they just happen to be black...
These are your rather stupid comments. Did it ever occur to you that this is just what the press wanted you to see? All the human suffering going on, and this is the first statement you could add to the thread. Totally insensitive, totally inaccurate, and totally predictable coming from you. You admit that this was a small percentage of the population, yet this is the first to come from you. Then you go on with this;
Fires ARE being set in housing projects in predominantly black areas
Couldn't those fires have been set be gas line breaks? No, not to you it was done by black people in black areas. There isn't a shred of evidence that points to anyone lighting housing projects on fire, but you mention it. That was followed by this
[b]Thugs have taken over some minority areas and are raping and robbing at will...
This was just a rumor, and no evidence supported this. Thugs did commit crimes, but there is no evidence they took over whole neighborhoods, or were raping and robbing everyone. Isolated cases, yes, but certainly not in the inflammatory way you state.
The rest of your statements mirriors the bias of the press. You weren't there, and the only things that you state came directly off the news, news that had an obvious racial slant and you agreed with it. Their bias was your bias. All you did was reinforce my belief that you are just as racially biased as the news itself. Then you go on this stereotypical racial rant;
Wanna' start at ground zero...Do you really want to avoid the facts and face the real reasons?...Do you really want to bring up the hypertensive, overweight, diabetic grandma who has to raise the nine grandchildren because their parents are nowhere to be found...or is that merely an example of the non-traditional family you often speak of? And why is grammy so sick to begin with? Could it have something to do with the fact that under the best conditions she eats cr@p? And don't give me the healthcare rhetoric, we've been there AND done that!
So you have just describe every black grandma in the country with this crap. Right!!! Then more stereotypical bull completes the post. Man, you are the epitome of sensitivity and caring.(sarcasm off) When I read what you have written in that post, I characterize you as a ignorant bigot(and I am probably right) just towing the bigots line. Let's not even mention the fact that you charactize slavery as nothing more than "businsess" when millions and million of PEOPLE lives where ripped up, broken to pieces, and thrown away like trash. Those just so happen to be black lives. In almost every post you have painted blacks in the same fashion as the common ordinary southern redneck. You are bias, and racially insensitive, and that is demonstrated in your writings.
Despise me, feel free...I'm only the messenger and you don't like the message...and BTW my "plight" was cancelled.
You are a bigoted messenger and that is why I dispise you. Guess what, my respect for you is also cancelled.
I'm quite unlike anyone, for the most part...and I don't think I have "ALL the answers", in fact I don't think I have any answers, nor did I say I did. I just tend to ask too many and very non-standard questions...tends to put folks off-balance...ain't my problem that no one has the answers or simply don't like the questions.
Actually you are quite like many Jim crow types. You haven't really asked any questions, just made a bunch of stereotypical bigoted statements. All of the human suffering that went on in NO, and all you could do is rile against black folks down there. The human suffering far outnumbered the crime, yet you point to the crime, much of which we know no background. I found out that you and David Duke share alot of thoughts and opinions, that doesn't knock me off balance at all.
Bitter? Miserable? Why would I be? As stated earlier, 20, 25 yrs. I'll be pushin' up daisies and you and those of your ilk will have to deal with the world you will have created, we'll see who's wrong.
My ilk(of which you know nothing about) didn't create this world(America). It was your ilk. My ilk is not in charge now, nor has it ever been. Remember, whites came to this country, killed off the natives who were here first, built this country off the backs of slaves, segregated themselves, and then wonders why there are race relation problems. It was your ilk that created this mess, and they will have to die off before this mess even has a chance to be cleaned up.
And I did this when? You see some of my remarks as "stereotypical". Given the fact that the area I live in, the public transit I use, the area in which I work and the specific building I work in has a diverse population in which the minorities are a majority, I merely cite empirical evidence, these are far from "stereo-"anything and simply quite typical behaviors that I witness on a daily basis...perhaps the City by the Bay isn't the only thing in a fog. ;
What empirical evidence did you supply. The only thing I have seen so far is your bigoted opinion. The area where you work respesent how much of America? The minorities you are around represent how much of the total minorty population in this country? Based this just how empirical is your evidence? Do you know the specifics of each minority life you see? Have you been to their house? Do you know them personally, or are you just making assumption about them through biased filters? I live in a diverse area, I work in a VERY diverse city, I ride the public transportation with minorities as well, and I would be hard pressed to come to the same conclusions that you have absent of alot more details. You should just change you moniker to resident bigot, and make it easier on us all.
Could you be any more full of yourself...I cited a "type" of poster that I have observed lo these many years...You have chosen to take it personally...can you say "ignorant assuption"...after all, it's only quite recently that you decided to dispose of your "stoogies" signature.
And it was my choice to change my signature, just like its your choice to be a card carrying bigot. I don't have a problem with you being a bigot, so don't hate because I changed my signature. I know who you were referring to, so don't be a coward along with being a bigot. It might be a burden to heavy for even you to bare.
Only those who are pretentious and have low self-esteem feel the need to bloat their egos and wear their possessions on their sleeves. Sorry to disappoint, I still work full-time...I want for little, least of all an inflation of my self-worth via material things and artifice
More dinosaur speak, sorry never took the class.
You're may be right...unfortunately for you, I have probably forgotten more information, on a wider variety of subjects, than you will ever know...
If you are referring to bigotry alone, that probably true. Otherwise your assumptions are nothing more than ignorant old mans blather. Since you have no idea what I know, and don't know. Talk about pretentious and bloated ego!
And a mind is a "terrible" thing to waste...
A bigot is a "terrible" thing to be.
jimHJJ(...we may make an exception in your case...)
You can only speak for you sorry butt.
This is my last response to you. I am finding that I am enjoying this site less and less as I interact with you. I am sure that others are tired of our exchanges, as it is apparent that we do not care for each other. It is obvious there is bad blood here, and it started when I became moderator, something you obviously didn't like, and its been on every since. I will never agree with your opinions, you don't agree with mine. I think your an ignorant bigot, you don't think you are. We are just not going to agree, so let's just end it right here.
09-26-2005, 11:33 AM
blast from the past...
Adam...really helped me out as a newbie
Grandpaw...actually kept everyone in the loop and supplied a pic of his final HT setup.
Smoke...may still be around
Resident Loser
09-28-2005, 09:48 AM
...not up to the task?
census studies are incomplete(they don't even know how many black people that live in LA, Oakland, or San Francisco in 2000 with any acccuracy).
And just why is that? Is it the government's failure in seeking out those who may not wish to be sought out...much less found?
Out of the six books I have read on slavery, there are only a few facts that each book agrees on. One is that the accuracy of information varies all over the place.
But if you use flawed source material it's OK...seems a bit duplicitous to me, eh?
These are your rather stupid comments. Did it ever occur to you that this is just what the press wanted you to see?
Given the fact that it's probaly the same two photos you linked that all the other folks have taken issue with, did it ever occur to you that it is just what the "press" wanted you to see? What goes around comes around...
Re: Looting...does the videotape lie? Does "appropriating" a rack full of inedibles qualify as subsistance or looting?
..."Fires ARE being set in housing projects in predominantly black areas"
Couldn't those fires have been set be gas line breaks? No, not to you it was done by black people in black areas. There isn't a shred of evidence that points to anyone lighting housing projects on fire, but you mention it.
Aren't the white folks cookin' with gas? Is vandalism a stranger to societal disarray?
That was followed by this
"...Thugs have taken over some minority areas and are raping and robbing at will..."
This was just a rumor, and no evidence supported this. Thugs did commit crimes, but there is no evidence they took over whole neighborhoods, or were raping and robbing everyone. Isolated cases, yes, but certainly not in the inflammatory way you state.
Not according to the unfortunate residents of the sports complex or convention center.
"...Wanna' start at ground zero...Do you really want to avoid the facts and face the real reasons?...Do you really want to bring up the hypertensive, overweight, diabetic grandma who has to raise the nine grandchildren because their parents are nowhere to be found...or is that merely an example of the non-traditional family you often speak of? And why is grammy so sick to begin with? Could it have something to do with the fact that under the best conditions she eats cr@p? And don't give me the healthcare rhetoric, we've been there AND done that!...]
So you have just describe every black grandma in the country with this crap. Right!!! Then more stereotypical bull completes the post. Man, you are the epitome of sensitivity and caring.(sarcasm off) When I read what you have written in that post, I characterize you as a ignorant bigot(and I am probably right) just towing the bigots line. Let's not even mention the fact that you charactize slavery as nothing more than "businsess" when millions and million of PEOPLE lives where ripped up, broken to pieces, and thrown away like trash. Those just so happen to be black lives. In almost every post you have painted blacks in the same fashion as the common ordinary southern redneck. You are bias, and racially insensitive, and that is demonstrated in your writings.
Every black grandma? Your words not you actually mean to deny a fact of life? How many grandmas or aunts are saddled with the progeny of their own erstwhile children or other relatives? I'm certain scrutiny of public records could bear this out, but as we all know census info and the like are "incomplete".
If you really wanted answers re: health issues such as diabetes, I'd suggest visiting the ADA site for factual info re: diet, etc.
Guess what, my respect for you is also cancelled.
Why does that not surprise me?
Actually you are quite like many Jim crow types.
Quite impossible as I am not black, nor do I wear black-face, nor am I appearing in a minstrel show...please try to get you "act" together before using words or phrases to which you haven't a clue.
As time permits I may continue, but for now...gotta' go...
jimHJJ( things to plan...)
Sir Terrence the Terrible
09-28-2005, 04:33 PM
...not up to the task?
[quote]And just why is that? Is it the government's failure in seeking out those who may not wish to be sought out...much less found?
Not the point I was making at all. Oh well....
But if you use flawed source material it's OK...seems a bit duplicitous to me, eh?
Well, so did you. It appears we are even.
Given the fact that it's probaly the same two photos you linked that all the other folks have taken issue with, did it ever occur to you that it is just what the "press" wanted you to see? What goes around comes around...
The two photo were not taken from the same news agency your brightness. Both news agencies would have to be working in tandem in order for it to be what we wanted to see. You still continue to miss the point.
Re: Looting...does the videotape lie? Does "appropriating" a rack full of inedibles qualify as subsistance or looting?
How do you know that white people weren't doing the same thing? Couldn't the news agencies bias make them show only blacks doing it? I know for a fact that they did it in the los angeles riots, I was there.
Aren't the white folks cookin' with gas? Is vandalism a stranger to societal disarray?
There were gas explosions all over the city, not just in black areas. The picture you tried to paint was that fires where only in black areas, and black folks were doing it. News reports do not bare this out. Your words were inflammatory, and meant as a bias slant against blacks. Gas lines are not only used for cooking.
Not according to the unfortunate residents of the sports complex or convention center.
Unfortunately none of the events you mentioned in your original post can be confirmed as truths. Investigations have proven that one person was shot in the superdome, there were no roving gangs of thugs, nobody shot at any helicopter, and they were not raping teenage girls or babies. Everything you mentioned in your first post has been proven a lie. That is according to New Oleans only newspaper. So much for your smear campaign on blacks in NO
Every black grandma? Your words not you actually mean to deny a fact of life? How many grandmas or aunts are saddled with the progeny of their own erstwhile children or other relatives? I'm certain scrutiny of public records could bear this out, but as we all know census info and the like are "incomplete".
Sorry but this phenom is not confined to the black race. Whites also have this problem because of cocaine and crystal meth. Your response was not specific to anyone, or anywhere, you framed it to describe the black race as a whole. If you back peddle to fast you may fall.
If you really wanted answers re: health issues such as diabetes, I'd suggest visiting the ADA site for factual info re: diet, etc.
Not a black problem, an american problem.
Why does that not surprise me?
Why are you asking me, ask yourself!
Quite impossible as I am not black, nor do I wear black-face, nor am I appearing in a minstrel show...please try to get you "act" together before using words or phrases to which you haven't a clue.
As time permits I may continue, but for now...gotta' go...
jimHJJ( things to plan...)
Don't need to do any of that to be a Jim Crow type. Just believe in the Jim Crow laws enacted from the 1880-1960 and you are a card carring member. You just happen to be big time.
So much for the clue comment. By the way, I have one I could sell ya.
09-28-2005, 08:13 PM
blast from the past...
Smoke...may still be around
If you're talking about Smokey you can find him at Favorite Films quite often.
I remember Bone and Vandy. Those guys helped me choose some speakers back in the days when you didn't have to register to post. I hadn't purchased any audio gear in over 10 yrs. I was so green that I assumed Vandy was a Vanderbilt University grad. I don't know that he wasn't, but now I think it's more likely that he was Vandersteen owner.
BTW, how did the RL/Sir TtT Battle of New Orleans wind up in this thread?
Resident Loser
09-29-2005, 08:50 AM the "steel cage" by person or persons unknown...
BTW, how did the RL/Sir TtT Battle of New Orleans wind up in this thread?
But if I were to hazard a guess...
I along with PatD made an attempt to show support for mtry and the members of AH...
Apparently some of us don't quite get the concept of a simple comparison regarding tenacity...How in one instance(a very gray area subject to many vagaries) we'll fight tooth and nail and in others(pretty much a black and white issue-no, no, no, you got it all bass-ackwards) it's simply ignored...It would seem that a certain lack of comprehension has opened the door to completely irrelevant discourse. This topic that has absolutely nothing to do with anything else other than "what ever happened to???"...
jimHJJ(...and I'M lookin' for an argument?...)
09-30-2005, 12:51 PM
I've seen a bit of the ole spirit back fer a second....ah...the blood and gore!!
lol Pogue
02-26-2009, 04:10 PM
lol :5:
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